Exclusive: S*n columnist Starmer making ‘secret’ visit to Liverpool on Monday morning

Visit cloaked in secrecy after ‘Labour’ leader wrote for hated Murdoch rag and said he’d do it again

Keir Starmer’s team has circulated a note to staff and journalists to notify them that he will be appearing in Liverpool next Monday to make a speech – but the note warns them not to tip off anyone that he will be there.

Starmer is deeply unpopular in England’s politically-reddest city after writing, as broken exclusively by Skwawkbox at the time, for the hated Murdoch S*n – the rag that spent decades lying about the people of Liverpool and Hillsborough victims, survivors and their families. The paper, often known to locals as the Scum, is boycotted by the city and Liverpool Football Club recently rejected the opportunity to host an international match after the Football Association made allowing the rag’s hacks to attend.

Enraging the people of Merseyside still further, Starmer then showed his contempt for them by reacting to their justified outrage by saying that he would do it again – and for bad measure the party has declared war on the democracy, human rights and freedom of speech of the party’s dwindling number of members in the city – and the betrayal has seen sharp falls in the Labour vote in elections all over the city, with Starmer shredded for even mentioning the city and even Starmer banned from pubs.

In other words, it’s a safe bet that the majority of people in the region would consider Starmer about as welcome as a bad smell.

So rather than face his many detractors, Starmer appears to want to keep his visit secret, with the ‘operational note’ headlined that it is not to be circulated – and refuses to mention the location of the speech to anyone it hasn’t vetted:


On Monday Keir Starmer MP, Leader of the Labour Party, will deliver a speech in Liverpool at the start of a two-day visit to the city.

Joined by Rachel Reeves MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, Starmer will set out Labour’s plans for growing the UK economy.

When: Monday, 25 July – 10:00 for a 10:30 start

Where: TBC on accreditation

Format: Speech followed by a media Q&A

For accreditation and more information please email [redacted] by 17:00 on Sunday, 24 July.

As Skwawkbox is emphatically not on Starmer’s media circulation list, this site is free to ignore the attempt to ban mentioning it

Not only that, but only the media will be allowed to ask questions so that local people – assuming any but cronies and hangers-on manage to get in – don’t get a chance to say what they think of him or to ask him why he’s determined to crawl up the hind parts of Rupert Murdoch – and no doubt the rest of his ‘two-day visit to the city’ will be equally hush-hush and populated by staffers and sycophants bussed in for the purpose, alongside a handful of MPs and council figures who have been cooperating with him.

Of course, Liverpool people being very resourceful, it’s entirely possible that Mr Starmer will still find a more representative ‘welcoming’ committee ready to tell him exactly what they think anyway wherever he shows his face – assuming he goes ahead now that the cat is out of the bag. If not, those waiting for their chance to give him a few home truths will have to wait until the party’s conference in the city in September.

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