Labour share collapses in Liverpool by-election as left independents hoover up votes

Party clings on in Fazakerley but suffers massive fall

Labour saw yet another vote collapse as it managed to hold on last night in the Fazakerley by-election, falling 26 points compared to the party’s performance in the last election in the ward – votes that were hoovered up by the left-wing ‘Liverpool Community Independents’ candidate.

The party’s fall came despite ‘desperate’ measures involving shipping in canvassers from as far away as Blackpool and whipping Labour councillors to go door to door after local members showed little interest in coming out to campaign. The final results were:

Labour 58% (-26)
LCI 27% (+27)
LibDems 12% (+8)
Greens 3% (-1)

The party had already seen big falls in the city’s mayoral election and in by-elections since, as the city’s residents turn their back on Labour over Keir Starmer’s decision to write for the hated S*n, the party’s war on Liverpool democracy and the protracted arms-fair betrayal. Next May’s ‘all-out’ elections covering the whole of the city promise to be a ‘different ball-game’, as Labour will not be able to pour all its resources into every ward in the same way it did in Fazakerley.

And while Labour can lose 26 points in parts of Liverpool and still cling on, the results bode ill for Starmer’s brand of right-wing dronery and Stalinism in the rest of the country and make a mockery of his rather desperate attempts to spin last week’s poor Wakefield result as a sign of some kind of revival.

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