Six Tory MPs want to defect to Labour. The fact they’d be welcomed is the heart of the problem

Interchangeable empty suits: Keir Starmer’s Labour and the Tories

According to the Sunday Times this morning, at least half a dozen Tory MPs are looking to defect from the Conservatives to Labour, as Boris Johnson’s tenure implodes still further after the Tories were shredded by the LibDems in Devon and collapsed enough to let Labour limp across the line in Wakefield in last week’s by-elections.

And – as has already been demonstrated by Keir Starmer not just accepting Tory defector Christian Wakeford but giving him a seat on the front bench – if they do jump ship they will be welcomed with open arms by the Labour regime, despite the horror of many Labour members.

Like Wakeford, these are MPs who will have gleefully voted, since they entered the Commons as Conservative MPs, for every Tory measure that has blighted the lives of millions and will have ended the lives of hundreds of thousands of people who desperately need a real Labour government – one that despises the conscious cruelty and heartlessness of the Tories and their willingness to enrich billionaires while impoverishing millions of us, including more than four million children suffering poverty that will scar them forever. And those MPs, like their colleagues, will have scoffed and jeered at anyone who tried to object on behalf of their victims.

If they do try to ‘cross the floor’, a real Labour party would drive them away with sticks, not welcome them with open arms. To embrace them is a blatant insult to the millions who have suffered and the huge numbers who have died needlessly because of intentional Tory actions and at best gross negligence, not to mention the victims of the Tories’ state-level and personal racism and bigotry.

That those MPs will be embraced shows how disgracefully far Starmer and his faction are from the lives, needs, hopes and concerns of the millions they were elected to represent – and how desperately, tragically unrepresented we, the many, are on the parliamentary benches, where only a handful of MPs remember who put them there and why.

In Starmer’s diseased universe, they really are ‘all the same’. If they weren’t, no Tory MP would ever be allowed to swap rosettes and tie colours, at least to red.

And the people, so sick of groaning under Tory oppression and cruelty as the large and growing support for strikes shows, would have someone to fight for them in Parliament instead of feeding from the same trough as the Tories but with a different-coloured spoon.

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