‘Centrists’ break irony and hypocrisy meters by accusing those standing up for integrity in politics of helping the Tories

How short the memories of the treacherous Labour right

The weekend has seen the ugly spectacle of Keir Starmer’s supporters – and an apparent army of bots – being deployed to ‘pile on’ to Labour left-wingers who dare to stand up for the idea of integrity in politics by expecting Keir Starmer to take his own medicine and resign for his breach of lockdown laws last year in Durham.

Respected left figures like Alex Nunns are being told en masse that saying Starmer should be accountable for his actions, particularly if he is fined for breaking the law but even for being investigated as that was the standard he set for the Tories, is to:

Of course, such an attack means indulging in wilful amnesia about the fact that:

It would be entirely justified to suggest that if they can’t take their own medicine the spineless right shouldn’t have been first to dish it out and now pretend it never happened. But in the end, demanding integrity and accountability from a treacherous political leader is the right thing to do and the fact it might expediently suit the vile rags that blight our society doe not change what is right – nor turn facts into unfacts.

Nor does the fact that the right has so rigged Labour that Starmer would be replaced with another drone no less treacherous or toxic. Starmer’s excuses do not stand up, he and his minions have already changed their stories and Labour is already on record lying about the ‘beergate’ event, which they would not have felt they needed to do if there had been no breach.

He should go.

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