Exclusive: GMB ‘close to withdrawing Labour funding’

Union insiders say block on donations imposed in London could soon go nationwide

The giant GMB union, one of the largest Labour affiliates, could be about to withdraw its funding of the Labour party entirely, according to union insiders.

The GMB has already withdrawn funding from London Labour in response to the party’s abuse of its members – and general secretary Gary Smith last year announced a full ‘review’ of financial support for a party he feels is not giving ‘value’ in the interests of GMB members. Smith was further incensed by Starmer’s eagerness to write for the widely-despised S*n.

And now Skwawkbox understands that the nuclear option – a complete, nationwide end to the union’s Labour donations – is on the table at the top of GMB’s structures and democracy.

A number of unions have already withdrawn or reduced funding. The Bakers’ union has disaffiliated entirely and rail union ASLEF is putting disaffiliation to a vote in May; fellow giant Unite has reduced funding on a number of occasions and is now conducting a full review of its donations and the CWU has already reduced its funding to the bare minimum needed to maintain affiliation.

GMB sources say that no decision has yet been reached, but the union has already shown a willingness to act and the mere possibility will strike dread into the heart of Labour’s leadership when the party is already on the verge of bankruptcy and the super-rich donors Keir Starmer has been chasing have failed to be enthused despite his pale mockery of leadership and his willingness to support the interests of the Establishment.

The GMB press office did not respond to a request for comment.

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