America’s top infectious disease expert Fauci says deadly virus far more airborne than thought – yet Tories still ban masks in classrooms

America’s top immunologist and leading coronavirus task-force member now says particles and droplets can remain in the air much longer than originally believed – yet Johnson and co still ban masks in class

The United States’ leading infectious disease specialist, Dr Anthony Fauci – who has half a century on the National Institutes of Health and has chaired the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases for almost four decades, as well as playing a leading role on America’s coronavirus task-force – has issued a statement that scientists have drastically underestimated the role that airborne transmission has played in the spread of the virus.

Fauci said that there had been ‘real misunderstanding’ about the length of time that even larger aerosolised droplets and particles could remain in the air and able to infect:

Fauci made a point of the fact that sneezes and coughs are not the only significant source of airborne particles – just speaking and especially singing ‘spew out’ viable virus.

The Tory government, with the tragically unsurprising support of Labour’s centrist leadership, continues to ban the use of facemasks in classrooms, despite exponential growth in infections, hospitalisations and deaths, as well as the number of schools hit by outbreaks, the confirmation of serious illness and needless deaths resulting from them and the serious risk to children and young people.

Fauci also noted that the virus can be found in a variety of body fluids, including blood and semen, although its ability to infect via this route was unknown.

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