
Starmer touted Grant programme for Black candidates – but regime blocked 2019 class from standing

Starmer slammed yesterday for airbrushing first Black woman MP Diane Abbott out of party history as he promoted programme for Black candidates – but member of previous cohort points out hollowness of Labour right’s noise

Keir Starmer and his regime were slammed yesterday for their arrogance in touting the Bernie Grant programme for Black candidates – while excising the first Black woman MP, Diane Abbott, from the party’s history – and angry respondents pointed out that Grant, the first Black MP, a proud socialist and supporter of Palestinian rights, would have despised Starmer and would never have made it through Labour’s now-rigged selection processes.

And the proof of that pudding was borne out the same evening – when one of the programme’s inaugural class in 2019 pointed out that not a single member of that first class, recruited under Jeremy Corbyn when Labour had real policies and vision, has been selected as a candidate.

Not only that, but the party has actively blocked at least some from standing – just as has been done to left-wing candidates across the country by the Starmer regime, even (or especially) when that prospective candidate is the most popular and highly-regarded one:

Starmer’s party poses as promoting Black people – but is deeply racist against them, against Muslims and against Gypsy Roma Travellers.

Starmer himself poses as a defender of vulnerable women – yet has covered up a whistleblower’s repeated warnings of ‘sadistic’ and ‘criminal’ abuse perpetrated against vulnerable domestic violence victims by the staffer and lover of a right-wing MP, as well as protecting alleged sex-harassers on his front bench, allowing other sex-pest MPs to remain in the party, welcoming back those few who were suspended after their racism and sexual harassment were exposed and allowing alleged sex abusers to become candidates.

He claims to have zero tolerance toward racism, yet has right-wing MPs who made antisemitic smears in his Shadow Cabinet and

And he claims he will promote local democracy while crushing it at every level.

The fundamental racism and contempt for democracy of the shell of the Labour party that remains under Keir Starmer is laid bare daily – and the arrogance of their attempt to exploit the programme named after a legendary Black socialist is a new level of disgrace.

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      SteveH: “Quelle surprise”

      Yes, Dirty is as Dirty does.

      Must say, it’s good that you’re removing that beam/plank from your own eye SteveH and beginnin to see Rodney for what he is…

      1. qwertboi – Yes the “quelle surprise” is mine but the rest of your gibberish is all your own creation and nothing whatsoever to do with me.

      2. If you’re saying the “quelle surprise” was sarcasm, then you’re foolishly admitting 1 or 2 things:
        i) that Starmer’s regime is obviously being fundamentally racist and/or anti-democratic (and it’s hardly worth noting); and/or,
        ii) that you expected SKB’s excellent owner to focus on this atrocious (yet somehow ‘predictable’) behaviour from the supposed-leader of Labour.

        Not nice.

        Is it ‘centrism’ per se that causes people who previously showed (even a little) emotional/political intelligence to become of low intelligence and a bit stupid, or just the hatred that they have to be filled by to hold such beliefs whilst thinking of themselves as ‘Labour’?

  1. Many years ago I was privileged to be a part of the MSF Race Equality Committee – of which Bernie Grant was an outstanding member.
    [MSF was one of the unions that later merged into Unite the Union]
    Grant was an uncompromising advocate for black people’s rights and for exposing the colonial nature of race inequality in the UK.
    A great socialist campaigner.
    As said – He would despise the quisling Starmer –
    …. as do I.

    1. How would David Lammy know – would he recognnise integrity if it jumped up and but him?

  2. The fundamental racism and contempt for democracy that the right-wing centrists impose on Labour is how these neoliberals denature and destroy Labour. It proves, to my mind, that these people are not democratic socialists at home in the Labour party, but, rather, pro-capitalist entryists in the party SOLELY to destroy its popular socialism and egalitarianism. If only 1 occasional-reader of Skwawkbox today sees this for the first time here today, then SKB should be thanked.

    The propagandist press can not compete.

      1. What are you laughing at?

        Keef dropped his kecks in front of ya or summit?

    1. There is no doubt about that. Starmer is there to destroy everything except the shell of Labour. He is a creature of imperialism.
      As to the issue here: this is another reminder of the fact, apparent for years, that Identity politics, including the creation of special offices for ‘minorities’ is a blind alley. At the end of which is the sort of party that Starmer and the ruling class wants. The sort of party that Lammy and anyone of the Blairite ‘feminists’ wants- a vehicle for individual promotion and careerism, while the masses just get poorer, further from power and doubly exploited.
      The working class has to tackle the questions of race and gender, itself. And, historically it has. All offices should be open to all members of the party. What is important is not socialism, which needs no assistance to survive, but democracy. It is democracy that Starmer and the full timers fear. And hate. They can pretend to be socialists but they cannot deny that they are uprooting every trace of democracy in the Labour movement.

  3. Out of interest, has lammy been made aware of this, skwawky?

    It is, after all, lammy’s predecessor’s legacy being trashed, here.

    1. There is a new report released by the RAND corporation, advocating neofeudalism. Claims Americas only chance is this path. They cannot compete industrially anymore.

      They are turning the guns inwards. And Britain is rammed with Atlanticists…

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