‘I admire Jeremy Corbyn’ trends on Twitter after Establishment smear attempt

Another Establishment attempt to smear Labour’s former leader over Ukraine has backfired after the phrase ‘I admire Jeremy Corbyn’ trended on social media, as supporters and the right-minded took to Twitter to voice their admiration for the Islington North MP.

The Labour right, Tories and their tame media tried to tar Corbyn after an interview in which former BBC hack Jon Pienaar tried to manoeuvre Corbyn into saying he admired Ukraine’s nazi-friendly president Vladimir Zelenskiy. Corbyn would say only that he admired Zelenskiy’s oratory ability – and the media-political machine immediately swung into action to try to use it against him as the Establishment desperately tries to hide its own close ties to the Russian regime and the fact that Corbyn was one of the few UK politicians who had been warning against Russian president Vladimir Putin for years.

But enterprising people of good judgment took to Twitter to turn the situation around, expressing their own admiration for Corbyn, either with the simple phrase ‘I admire Jeremy Corbyn’, or often adding a short explanation of why. Here are just a few of thousands of examples:

The phrase trended at or near the top of Twitter’s most popular UK themes for much of yesterday and may well resurge again today. Search here for the latest tweets or to add your own.

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