Labour MP Eagle deletes tweet calling Starmer a ‘dud’

Labour MP Angela Eagle is regarded by many as on the right of the party – she initially launched a challenge to Jeremy Corbyn as part of the infamous ‘chicken coup’, before Owen Smith barged to the front of that queue, and was one of numerous MPs who took part in the coordinated resignations from the Labour front bench to try to force Corbyn out, as well as being at the centre of the discredited ‘Brickgate’ stitch-up.

So for her to share a tweet by former Boris Johnson handler Dominic Cummings calling Starmer a ‘dud’ is quite an eye opener. But she, or at least her Twitter account, did just that – and then deleted it twenty seconds later. Fortunately, the Politwoops site monitors tweets deleted by MPs and other political figures and captured it for posterity:

Perhaps at first glance she thought it said ‘dude’. Either way, for once she was in tune with the rest of the population – many of whom do consider Starmer a dud even worse than the murderous Boris Johnson.

Ms Eagle’s offices were not picking up calls when Skwawkbox tried to reach her for comment.

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