C19 hospital admissions in exponential growth, doubling in a week

The growth in hospital admissions for COVID-19 complications is following the exponential curve in the number of new infections, very nearly doubling in the space of a week from 100 on 8 September to 194 on the 15th:

The number of new confirmed cases continues to rise, today reaching 4,300. This growth of almost 1,000 in just 24hours has come in spite of the complete collapse and widespread withholding of testing – and in reality is probably many times higher. School outbreaks continue to proliferate at frightening speed, with hundreds of schools told to stay open in spite of infection.

The consequences of Boris Johnson’s haste to push children back to school and adults back into workplaces and hospitality venues are coming home to roost.

The deaths that the Tories know will follow the same, lagged trajectory will be on the head of Johnson, Hancock and every Establishment politician who has facilitated this, instead of actively opposing and pointing out the alternative measures and preparations, in education and elsewhere, that could have prevented it.

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