
120,000 deaths and condemned by UN, but crass DWP posts its ‘highlights’ of 2017

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As the SKWAWKBOX covered last month, Tory spending have been directly linked to over 120,000 ‘excess’ deaths – with a study showing five more people dying for each £10 cut in spending:

10 drop

The DWP’s Universal Credit (UC) system has caused misery for vast numbers of people, with delayed payments – and deliberate, in-built delays – leaving them penniless even at Christmas. Cuts to ‘motability’ have left many disabled people severely limited or even housebound.

The government was even condemned by the United Nations for its inhumane treatment of disabled people.

Yet at the weekend the DWP took the extraordinarily crass step of publishing a series of tweets patting itself on the back for its 2017 ‘highlights’:

dwp 17.png

The thread consisted of a handful of cherry-picked examples where someone who had succeeded had received the DWP’s risibly-small ‘New Enterprise Allowance’ or were otherwise ‘helped’.

In one of the ‘highlights’, the DWP even seems to try to take credit for someone bumping into someone at a Jobcentre and getting a business idea!

dwp bump.png

Such callous indifference and mind-boggling inappropriateness should be unbelievable – but is far from it.

The response from Twitter users was emphatic. The DWP’s initial tweet has, at the time of writing, a ‘ratio’ of comments to retweets of twenty to one – a high ratio is considered to denote a failed tweet.

Some of the most cuttingly effective responses – all with very healthy ratios showing they strike a chord far better than the DWP’s monstrosity:

dwp catasdwp discrimdwp gruekdwp walshdwp suicdwp law

The Tory government’s callousness, lack of sensitivity, compassion or self-awareness and its absolute commitment to misleading the public and hiding its crimes could not be more clearly demonstrated than in this crass and grossly-insulting self-congratulation.

The beginning of the thread is here – why not go and tell them what you think?

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  1. Time to revolt against these Toriy gits, including the Tory Lites in the PLP, who have no mandate to govern in the way that they see fit! Their governance is cruel and inhumane! Let’s get rid of them soonest!

  2. It’s very obvious that they are above the law; to do all these evil things
    and not be brought to book for their actions.

  3. “What is Toryism but organised spivvery? No amount of cajolery can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin.”

    Nye Bevan

    The Conservative Party is nothing less than a killing machine, mass murdering the public on an industrial scale with apparent impunity. It is the moral duty of us all to hold this murderous Tory government to account at the ballot box.

  4. A comprehensive and coordinated effort must be made to prosecute the DWP ministers; they are civilly and criminally liable for wrongful welfare deaths, in addition to being human rights violators, according to the UN.

  5. Aided & abetted by the apparent indifference & cowardice of Serwotka & his PCS union.

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