MSM’s relative silence over #TorySexPests – imagine if it was Labour

The Establishment media has been covering the ‘dossier’ provided to Theresa May detailing thirty-six alleged Tory ‘sex pests’ – sleazebags and offenders to most of us.

Sort of.

But could you imagine the kind of coverage and circus that would be going on right now if it was thirty-six – or even six – Labour MPs and front-benchers?

This tweet by the excellent ‘Rachael_Swindon‘ account sums it up perfectly:

If it wasn’t already – it was – the idea that the ‘MSM’ are not biased is dead in the water. Including the BBC. After all, we expect the billionaire-owned press to be biased, but the BBC claims impartiality with only the most desultory attempts to pretend it.

The BBC News channel ignored the Cameron/pig’s head scandal. It barely registered the Tory electoral expense scandal for months – or the Tory-Blue Telecoms illegal election canvassing scandal that followed it. Jared O’Mara and Clive Lewis featured prominently – but the tone and extent of coverage change markedly when it’s a Tory scandal.

It’s been clear to those paying any kind of objective attention for a long time, through the composition of Question Time audiences and panels; in the people BBC News uses for its review of newspaper headlines; in the skewed nonsense of Daily Politics and Newsnight; in the continued treatment of the Tory student-debt lie as fact; in the rabid coverage of Diane Abbot’s numbers slip and the non-reaction to outright idiocy and blunders by Liz Truss, Michael Fallon and Philip Hammond – and even Theresa May forgetting where she was; in the Tory-saturated management of news and politics programming and in the attacks by senior BBC figures and even its chair on the independent left media.

But this muted reaction to well over one tenth of Tory MPs, including three front-benchers, being named in a ‘sex-pest list’ is surely the final nail in the coffin of the myth that the BBC is in any way neutral.

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