Video: now-Shadow AG Thornberry slams Starmer’s CPS in 2012 for refusing to prosecute Savile

Truth will out and sharp-eyed activist finds Question Time comments as Labour front-bencher derides CPS investigating its own scandal

Keir Starmer continues to try to trade off his time as Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) running the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to enhance his public image.

But his time there was disastrous and at odds with CPS values – according to those working under him – and as well as taking no action over the police murders of Jean-Charles de Menezes and Ian Tomlinson, Starmer’s organisation also notoriously failed to prosecute serial sex monster Jimmy Savile, despite abundant complaints and evidence.

Starmer himself has never directly denied that he made the decision not to prosecute Savile, preferring to allow others to protest his innocence – but the CPS coincidentally destroyed its records from the time, claiming this was standard practice.

But Labour MP Emily Thornberry, now Starmer’s Shadow Attorney General, was blunt during a 2012 Question Time appearance about what she thought about the CPS not prosecuting Savile – and derided the idea that the CPS was investigating itself over the decision to ignore the complaints and evidence:

The video was found by activist ‘jrc1921‘, who added more damning context:

As Labour leader, Starmer has covered up a whistleblower’s allegations of ‘sadistic’ and ‘criminal’ exploitation of vulnerable domestic violence victims by a Labour staffer who was the lover of the MP she was working for. That MP, Khalid Mahmood, did not dispute a victim’s sworn evidence in whistleblower Elaina Cohen’s successful tribunal for wrongful dismissal – and confirmed under oath that Starmer and Labour general secretary David Evans were fully and repeatedly aware of the allegations.

Starmer is also currently sheltering at least two alleged sex pests in his Shadow Cabinet and recently re-admitted racist and sex harasser MP Neil Coyle back into the parliamentary party, as well as Mike Gapes, the right-wing former MP who defended fellow right-winger Ian McKenzie after McKenzie tweeted about the rape and beheading of Thornberry herself, and former MPs who defended him.

One of McKenzie’s foul tweets about Emily Thornberry

Front-benchers may be covering for him now, but at least one has a record of pointing out his abundant failings.

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