Webbe’s supporters release updated ‘dossier of hate’ suffered by black woman MP

MP expelled by Labour despite appeal hearing next week – and zero support for black woman MP from party against vile tirade

Black MP Claudia Webbe has been subjected to an avalanche of foul and often racist abuse since she was convicted by a magistrate’s court on a single count of harassment – a conviction she has appealed.

Despite the appeal, Labour has already expelled her from the party, even as Labour’s leadership failed to properly oppose Boris Johnson’s ploy to prevent Tory MP Owen Paterson facing censure after Parliament’s Standards Committee found he had taken hundreds of thousands of pounds to promote two companies.

And the media’s misrepresentation of the case was laid bare today when Webbe received only a ten-week sentence suspended for two years. Despite the lightness of the sentence undermining the more serious allegations made against her in the press, the so-called ‘MSM’ have continued to claim she was found guilty of threatening an ‘acid attack’.

The media-political collusion to take down a left-wing MP have no doubt contributed to the flood of vileness directed at a black woman MP:

Ms Webbe’s appeal will be heard next week. Despite the rapid arrangement of the hearing – which may be an indication of the appeals court assessment of the strength of her case – Labour has not bothered to wait less than a week before expelling her from the party.

Another woman MP of colour, Apsana Begum, faced similar eagerness from the party to see her convicted and removed – an eagerness that was dashed when, to the evident disappointment of Labour staff, Ms Begum was found not guilty of the concocted charges against her.

Such political cynicism by the Labour right and their media allies is undoubtedly emboldening racists and abusers to emerge from cover.

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