Bootle members unanimously demand Starmer’s resignation over S*n column

Motion condemns Starmer’s betrayal of Merseysiders, victims, survivors and families, despite party machine’s attempts to prevent it

Labour party members in Bootle last night unanimously demanded Keir Starmer’s resignation over his appalling decision to court Rupert Murdoch and write in the despised right-wing S*n – despite various attempts by the party’s right-wing machine to prevent it.

The motion, which unlike some of the city’s Labour officials condemns Starmer’s ‘betrayal’ of victims and survivors of the Hillsborough disaster and of all the people of Merseyside, reads:

Bootle CLP strongly condemns the party leader Sir Keir Starmer for his decision to renege on his promise to the people of Merseyside made during his leadership election campaign, to not speak to the S*n newspaper, and that as a result we call for him to resign the leadership of the Labour Party.

The decision to write in the S*n, is a betrayal of the people of Merseyside, and the 97 Hillsborough families, whose children, spouses, brothers and sisters lost their lives unlawfully on the 15th of April 1989.

It isn’t right that a leader of the Labour Party should ignore the Merseyside people’s feelings on this huge issue for Merseyside, the Labour Party’s biggest supporter, and it is not acceptable, which can only be rectified with his resignation.

Therefore Bootle CLP calls for the resignation of the Leader of the Labour Party Sir Keir Starmer, on the grounds we no longer have any confidence in his leadership, as he says one thing, and then does the other.

The motion properly expresses the outrage in Liverpool and surrounding areas. Any Labour representative who welcomes Starmer to Merseyside is putting their career and party before the people they were elected to serve.

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