Tory MP slags off Rashford for ‘playing politics’ instead of practising

‘Zero’ Elphicke – who became an MP because her husband went to prison for sexual assault – attacks hero player who stood up for millions of children impoverished by the Tories and who had the spine to take a penalty when he was needed

Hero – and zero

Tory MP Natalie Elphicke responded to England’s defeat in last night’s European football final – by attacking young footballer Marcus Rashford.

In a group chat, Elphicke is said to have written that Rashford ‘should have spent more time perfecting his game and less time playing politics’:

Elphicke – who only became an MP in the first place because her MP husband was imprisoned for sexual assault – displayed massive ignorance of the game, the pressure facing any player in that situation and the backbone it takes to step up when you know the personal and team cost if you miss.

Even worse, she displayed utter contempt for the millions of children suffering hunger and poverty – because of her blighted, toxic, lethal party – and considers a working-class young footballer stepping up to force the Tories to feed them, because the leader of the so-called ‘opposition’ wouldn’t, to be ‘playing politics’. And in that, he won – and the Tories lost and clearly hate him for it.

Tories and backbones are not well acquainted, of course – nor the idea of putting yourself on the line for others. But a prolonged period of silence from Ms Elphicke would be most appropriate – but only after a grovelling apology both to Rashford and to the millions of poor children for whom she showed such utter contempt and disregard.

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