‘He must make a public statement’ – Starmer’s watery response to revelation Johnson wanted ‘bodies piled high’ rather than lock down again

Where the hell is the opposition?

Revelations that Boris Johnson said he would rather see ‘bodies piled high’ of coronavirus victims than impose another lockdown should provoke absolute outrage at the ‘social murder’ of vulnerable people for the sake of business bank accounts – especially when ample evidence of such conversations apparently exists and former Downing Street adviser Dominic Cummings is in a mood to spill.

They should.

Keir Starmer’s ‘opposition’ to Johnson’s murderous heartlessness? An opposition spokesperson said that Boris Johnson:

must make a public statement as soon as possible.

At the same time that Johnson was making these comments, the Tories were preparing mass temporary mortuaries to accommodate the ‘piled high’ bodies of COVID victims they knew their policies were going to kill.

The spokesperson admitted that Johnson’s comments were ‘shocking and sickening’ and an affront to bereaved families – but ‘make a public statement’ was as far as Labour’s current regime is prepared to go in representing those families appalled by the callousness and sociopathy of the Tory PM whose mismanagement of the pandemic crisis has seen the UK suffer at least 150,000 needless deaths – compared to, for example, just twenty-six deaths in fellow island nation New Zealand at the time of writing.

Not ‘Johnson must resign and stand trial’. Not even ‘Johnson must resign’. Just ‘he must make a public statement’.

Starmer’s feebleness has allowed Johnson to extend the Tories’ lead over Labour during a period of absolute carnage and corruption. Worse, he is daily betraying those who were murdered by Tory policies and those grieving their deaths.

Starmer must go.

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