When Corbyn was LOTO, this was just one of his and his team’s contributions delivered to food banks for Christmas

Liverpool Labour MP Ian Byrne has reminisced this evening about the contribution made to the ‘Fans Supporting Foodbanks’ charity – in northern city Liverpool – by Jeremy Corbyn and his team at Christmas when Corbyn was Labour leader.

Byrne was responding to a tweet by the @ToryFibs Twitter account and noted that a car boot packed with food was the donation delivered to Liverpool by the then-LOTO team:

But the food delivery to Liverpool was just one of several provided at the same time by Corbyn and his staff – donated, collected and delivered at their own time and expense. Others went to food banks around London.

But that wasn’t all. Not only Corbyn himself, but also members of his team, took time out of their Christmas to help at local shelters for the homeless.

Corbyn at a local homeless shelter on Christmas Eve 2018

So far in the run-up to this Christmas, the SKWAWKBOX is unaware of any indication that Corbyn’s and his team’s successors have done – or have plans to do – anything similar.

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