Exclusive: Welsh Labour branch becomes first to vote no confidence in Keir Starmer

Labour leader’s bad night continues

Keir Starmer’s self-inflicted abysmal week continued on Thursday evening with a successful vote of no confidence by Labour members in Aberconwy.

On the same day that NEC members ordered party general secretary David Evans to rebuke Starmer for his political interference, contrary to the EHRC recommendations Starmer has promised to implement, in Jeremy Corbyn’s disciplinary case and for undermining an NEC panel that was following independent legal advice when it lifted Corbyn’s suspension, Starmer’s office also received a letter from Jeremy Corbyn demanding copies of all communications relating to the former leader’s suspension, reinstatement and subsequent withdrawal of the whip.

At the same time, a string of local Labour groups passed motions calling for Corbyn’s immediate reinstatement.

And to cap a bad night, Valley Branch Dyffryn in Aberconwy passed what may well be the first of many motions of no confidence by local parties in Starmer and his leadership:

Motion of No Confidence in Keir Starmer.

This branch believes no one can argue with this quote from Red Labour:

“The right to debate, strike, speak out in support and to show solidarity to others goes to the very
soul of the Labour Party. Freedom of speech and democracy are precious but both are
increasingly at risk. We must not stand by in silence whilst these hard fought for fundamental
rights are ripped away.”

It is therefore with great regret that this branch finds it necessary to list the following actions
which are indicative of the Labour leadership’s descent into dictatorship. These actions are
designed to remove those members who are prepared to challenge the leadership when it puts
the interests of multinationals, economic growth and the so called “national interest” before
workers, Trades Unions, solidarity with the oppressed and disadvantaged and world peace:

1. Whipping the PLP to abstain on the “Licence to Kill Bill” and the “Spycops Bill”.
The Labour Party should be making it clear by their actions (not just their words) that they oppose
any illegal actions by British Armed Forces and likewise oppose the despicable actions of
undercover police officers in the UK.

2. Commenting on an ongoing disciplinary matter in order to gain political capital when the
General Secretary has expressly forbidden it. (Andrew Marr Show, Sunday 1 Nov, after the
suspension of Jeremy Corbyn).
This gave the impression that the Labour leader is allowed freedom of speech that members are

3. Disassociating himself and the party from the tradition of solidarity with the oppressed peoples
and nations of the world.
Labour and Starmer should have shown solidarity with Assange and the Black Lives Matter
movement. It is not acceptable that there was silence in response to events in Venezuela and

4. Bullying and authoritarianism (even more so than Tony Blair).
Starmer sold out Rebecca Long Bailey (a fervent advocate of the Green New Deal), the members
and the previous leader. His latest action, cynically removing the Labour Whip from Jeremy
Corbyn, is further evidence of his determination to rid the party of Socialists.

5. Tackling anti-Semitism and other forms of racism.
Starmer refused to support and stand up for Black MPs on the left. He has failed to recognise
Jewish diversity by ignoring Jewish Voice for Labour and other Jewish party members who
supported Jeremy Corbyn and the socialist policies he promoted. He has allowed himself to be
pressured by organisations such as the Jewish Labour Movement, the Board of Deputies and
Labour for Israel. He authorised out-of-court settlements, contrary to legal advice, leaving the
door open for unlimited claims against the Labour Party.

6. Complete disregard of Labour Party democracy.
The Green New Deal was ratified by the 2019 conference, published in the 2019 manifesto and is
supported by 70% of the membership. Replacing it with the “Green Recovery Plan” is a wishywashy,
half-hearted, sop to multinationals. The country and the world do not have time to take it

7. Starmer’s transition from apparent socialist in the mid 1980’s (pro-bono work with pickets,
denouncing the use of ‘paramilitary’ policing methods) to an establishment stooge when Director
of Public Prosecutions and as an MP.
Starmer failed to protect Julian Assange, increased fines and custodial sentences for benefit
cheats, increased powers of arrest for protesters and oversaw CPS involvement in police
undercover work in left wing groups. He also refused to indict either the policemen who killed
Jean Charles de Menendez or the policeman involved in death of Ian Tomlinson. As an MP he
abstained on the 2nd Reading of the 2015 Welfare Bill.

8. Complete u-turn on his pledge to unite the party and keep the party on the socialist path which
very nearly ensured a Labour Government in 2017.

His actions during his first 7 months have promoted factionalism never seen before in the party, in
complete contrast to the actions of Jeremy Corbyn when he took over the leadership.

This branch therefore moves that it has no confidence in Keir Starmer as Leader of the Labour

The branch also unanimously passed a motion demanding the immediate restoration of the whip to Jeremy Corbyn.

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