They sound like Trump: senior Survation pollster’s verdict on centrists’ denial and their referendum push that cost Labour the last general election

Continued attempts by Labour right to rewrite history puts them on a par with delusional US president

A senior Survation pollster has compared Keir Starmer’s allies and the rest of the Labour right to Donald Trump for their determination to deny that their push for a new Brexit referendum caused Labour’s general election defeat in 2019.

Carl Shoben, the strategic communications lead at the well-known polling company has tweeted his analysis of a new report by working-class Labour MPs on their ten-month tour of former Labour towns to speak to thousands of working-class voters – and of the attempts of the Labour right to rewrite history to blame Corbyn for the general election loss:

Shoben’ ‘Sound familiar?’ question about the right’s denialism and claims of ‘lies’, ‘manipulation’ and ‘fooling voters’ is a clear reference to the conduct of Donald Trump since his election loss to Joe Biden last week.

The Labour right’s claims that backing a new referendum was the path to a general election win were always nonsense and were always going to kill Labour’s electoral prospects – and the working-class left warned of the obvious consequences throughout. The attempts of the Labour right now to pretend it didn’t happen are no less delusional and dishonest.

The ‘No Holding Back’ report will be launched by Laura Smith, Jon Trickett and Ian Lavery tonight at 7.30pm with a Zoom rally broadcast on the group’s Facebook page and the SKWAWKBOX Facebook page.

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