Breaking: proof govt has told track and trace agents NOT to trace contacts of school staff or pupils or pass details to local health teams

A leaked document sent by NHS staff ‘bank’ NHS Professionals to contact tracers has exposed the Department of Health and Social Care’s (DHSC) instructions not to trace contacts of people who catch the coronavirus if they work in or attend any education setting.

Clinical Case Workers (contact tracers) are also being told not to pass information to Tier 1 (local) HPTs – health protection teams:

The Tories have already been exposed ‘cooking the books‘ to avoid locking down Tory-supporting area and changing reports to hide the extent of the rampant spread of the virus.

Now they are also telling contact tracers they must not carry out track and trace procedures for infections affecting education staff, pupils and students, no doubt to obscure the exponential spread of the virus in schools and universities and the extent to which the Tories’ determination to keep them open ‘no ifs no buts‘ is driving the massive and accelerating increase in the number of people contracting the virus each day in the COVID ‘second wave’.

Johnson has repeatedly refused to even express regret for the tens of thousands of needless deaths his delays caused in the first wave. It seems he and his cronies are determined to match or exceed that toll now – and to do everything they can to hide their guilt. Herd immunity is alive and well.

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