
Video: Yes, he really said that – after weeks of ‘no ifs no buts’, Starmer tries to claim he was all caution on school return as infection rates rocket

Starmer’s BBC interview enters WTAF territory

Keir Starmer has spent weeks ‘fully supporting’ whatever the Tories want to do in their mishandling of the pandemic – which has meant rushing children back to school even though the pool of coronavirus infection in the community was far higher than experts said was safe.

Even though those experts warned publicly months ago that sending kids to school would push up the crucial ‘R rate’ of transmission. Even though it meant ignoring and fighting unions trying to protect their members and the children they teach.

In fact, Starmer did much more than just ‘support’. He even issued a demand to Boris Johnson, just in case Johnson had second thoughts or decided to delay the return until the situation and the UK’s ability to test, track and trace wasn’t good enough (to put it mildly) to stay on schedule.

Starmer warned Johnson, in an article for a right-wing rag, that he wanted all children back in school in September,

No ifs, no buts, no equivocation.

But with chickens coming home to roost in the form of rocketing rates of infection, hospital admissions and deaths – and massive school outbreaks – it seems Keir Starmer now wants to rewrite history. And today he went through the looking glass into a land in which he had been all caution, telling Boris Johnson he could only proceed if everything was just right:

Keir Starmer is right that the situation is not the fault of the people living in the areas now hit by increased restrictions because of school-driven, soaring levels of transmission.

But he’s wrong that it’s Boris Johnson’s responsibility. It’s Johnson’s and Starmer’s. The guilt for surging infections and avoidable deaths is shared – and no amount of rewriting can erase it.

No ifs. No buts. No equivocation.

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  1. Starmer has more faces than a town clock. The clampit must think people are to stupid to remember.

    1. “The Johnson government has declared its intention to break international law in pursuit of its Brexit bill and is pushing through measures empowering intelligence and military actors to kidnap, torture, and murder with impunity. It routinely deploys racist—specifically anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim—language in support of its right-wing agenda. It is one of the few countries in the world to have suspended elections under the pretext of the COVID-19 pandemic.” (Julie Hyland, WSWS)

      And Sir Keir Rodney Starmer whipped his PLP to NOT oppose any of it.

      That clock face is mighty dangerous

  2. Next, woodentop, ‘TenPledges’ Starmer will claim that he warned Jeremy constantly that supporting the convoluted Second Referendum and Remain stance of Labour in the 2019 General Election was bound to lead to a wipeout in our old , Leave-supporting, heartlands – and always wanted to ‘get Brexit Done ! It could well happen , and the likes of the Starmer infatuated Guardian and New Stateman wouldn’t say a word !

  3. The National Union of Students and the University and College Union have today (Thu 01/10) made six demands

    “Urgently coordinate a national test and trace system for universities on campus;

    “Enable a safe way for students to leave campus if they need or want to;

    “Ensure no financial detriment to any student giving up accommodation places or choosing to defer or leave university;

    “Move to online learning wherever possible;

    “Guarantee for universities to help them deal with any shortfall or additional expenses due to Covid;

    “Ensure students are not subject to more severe restrictions than the rest of the population.”

    1. More Forensic stuff from Starmer.

      www channel4 com news/factcheck/factcheck-is-starmer-right-that-the-government-hasnt-investigated-black-maternity-deaths

  4. If the Labour Party fails to rid itself of ‘No Policies’ Starmer by the time of the next General Election, the man will be eviscerated by the Tories – he’s a walking open goal, and a lying one at that, despite all the spin.

    As it stands, PM Johnson is very much associated with Brexit, and the disaster his final Brexit agreement will be, together with the ‘clusterfuck’ response to the Covid-19 pandemic, which is once more is filling our hospitals with its victims.

    Like it or not, the Tories and the 1922 Committee are not stupid and will dump Johnson as they dumped Thatcher – she owned the Poll Tax remember.

    Of course, Johnson remains safe for another two years at least as he takes the heat for the Brexit mess he’s created, but will be replaced by a ‘safe pair of hands’ 18 months to two years prior to the next GE, giving the new PM time to bed in, get a ‘new leader’ Poll bounce and deliver a ‘give away Budget’ to entice voters, which the subsequent GE will be fought over.

    In the meantime, Starmer will continue his tack to the Right, offer more neoliberal economic prescriptions and basically try and out Tory the Tories as he attempts to get the mythical ‘new working class’ to vote for him, all the while losing genuine leftwing votes and liberals appalled by his rightwing rhetoric.

    So, unless the Blairites launch a Palace Coup against Starmer, or he does a John Smith, looks like we are stuck with the Tories, which is a most unpleasant thought.

    1. Christopher – Although I accept you probably didn’t intend to offend your last paragraph was certainly not the most tasteful thing you’ve ever written.

      1. Although I accept you probably didn’t intend to offend your last paragraph was certainly not the most tasteful thing you’ve ever written.

        Ah, the unpalatable truth finally beginning to leave a bitterly unpleasant aftertaste, eh, little steven?

        A shovelful of stammer not helping your bullshit go down anymore?

      2. Always playing dumb… I mean, WHAT is the point of it?

        Everyone on this site knows what you are and exactly what you’re not, so your pretence of blissful ignorance makes you look even more of plum – every bit as stammer’s patent and inherent hypocrisy becomes more evident with each passing sentence.

        Neither of you are fooling anyone on here.

        So, how about we get to hear your latest risible defence of the hypocritical cuboid-head?

      3. Toffee – Well ‘thanks’ for yet another inane diatribe but I’m struggling to see its relevance. My comment above simply criticises the unfortunate tone of the last sentence of Christopher’s comment.

      4. No you’re not. You know full well it’s relevance.

        Your pro stammer bullshit convinces nobody, just like stammer fails to convince anybody….even with an indulgent press doing its best.

        Defend this latest one if you think you can.

        Show us all just how popular he’s becoming day after day despite this latest evidence he’s no better than a tory sack o’ shite?

        Tell us all why the duplicitous lying hypocrite is worthy of our potential subscription as well as our vote, despite being an abject lying bastard with a polygonally-shaped, heavily greased head, and a contempt for his own membership as well as the general public.

        Let’s hear it…

  5. He’s bad, NOT A leader to hold Labour together, build support or prepare for Government.

    He’s the opportunity cost of Labour. A nobody for nothing and never going to deliver.

    He disappoints, is destroying Labour and collapsing the membership.

    Bad, bad news. The trilateral billionaires must be delighted with him.

  6. Off topic, sorry.
    I’ve just read that New Zealand & Australia are currently – and stupidly imo, despite NZ’s good record on CV – denying foreign yachts the traditional annual safe refuge from the imminent South Pacific cyclone season – and for no good reason.
    Firstly small boats arriving in NZ would have taken weeks to cross from the islands and secondly boats are perfect for quarantine – boats fly Q flags at ports of entry and crew don’t go ashore until they’re granted pratique.
    In covid times the risk from a few hundred yachties must be a thousandth the risk from the constant flow of air transport & cargo ships.
    NZ’s director general for health has stated that “should a cyclone arise” he’ll consider individual exceptions on humanitarian grounds, but by then it’ll be far too late.
    Setting sail when a cyclone is aready predicted is suicide.
    The man must be even dumber than Johnson to put hundreds of boats and families at risk and make NZ infamous in the process.

  7. Starmer sacked Rebecca Long Bailey because she argued with him about sending the children back to school beforeit was safe. He was continually pushing Johnson to open up the schools and the economy. The last quote from him when he “expected the children back, no ifs no buts” was his firmest drive and his most foolish.

  8. Trump is a “lone wolf a greedy capitalist…but the knights backers are part of the insane economic neo liberal tripartite alliance and Bilderburg legacy.Biden Clinton’s,Bush Blair can also trace their power base to the establishment neo liberal alliance..The knight will be PM and the anointed leader will take power in the next general election by doing sweet FA and letting Johnson fall on the sword of his own making.Do the membership realise how their votes have unleashed on the British people a nightmare every bit as dangerous as the Conservative and unionist party.

  9. IN the final few days of the Assange debacle,I hope that Allan Howard’s good coverage of the establishment trial by meda will enlighten others that the death of British media as finally come about.This journalist Assange has suffered over many years and now the end game is upon us.I cannot apologise for going off message,but I feel that somewhere someway this travesty of justice must be held to account.Our very own knights treachery at the DPP have led to a horrible position of a journalist being extradited to the US to face a life sentence,or even the death penalty.Do you who voted for him realise what you’ve done.? and the shame you have brought upon the country.

    Donald Trump says he and wife Melania have tested positive for coronavirus and gone into quarantine.

    The US president, who is in a high risk category due to his age and because he is considered overweight, tweeted in the early hours of Friday: “Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19.

    “We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!”

  11. I’m sure we are all praying hard for the covid19-ridden Donald Trump and his Addams Family wife, Melanoma, –. As in , ‘PLEEEAAASE the God of Just Desserts, let the crazed Trump and Trumpette meet their appropriate end as a punishment for killing hundreds of thousands of American citizens , by his irresponsible laisse faire policies over covid19’. (and a host of other crimes too of course – not least legitimising the neo fascist militias like the so-called ‘Proud Boys’ , who now pollute US streets in full combat gear , in a re-enactment of the SA in Weimar Germany (though in pre Nazi Weimar Germany the various militias of Left and Right didn’t have the constitutional right to carry guns !) .

    1. Oh, come on… being the gold-digging iron curtain bride trophy wife of a fake businessman, fake president and aspiring Führer doesn’t deserve a death sentence.
      She’s probably even less guilty than Eva Braun.
      You wouldn’t shoot whatever prostitute he’s with if you assassinate him in his hotel room would you?
      It’s bad form to shoot working girls.

      1. Yeh, a perhaps fair debating point at least , David. But methinks a tad soft Liberal. Though perhaps a quick death from covid19 might even seem some sort of merciful early release compared to being married to the crazed , golden showers-loving narcissist fantasist, manchild, ‘The Donald’ .

        Though I’m not at all sure myself that the likes of Eva Braun, or Frau Himmler, or Frau Goering, Imelda Marcos, Mrs Saddam Hussein, or indeed any wife of a murderous tyrant or utter crook like The Donald, can be forgiven the actions of their husbands – because they are also direct lifestyle beneficiaries of the loot from that corruption, murderous actions, or general malfeasance. So, no, sorry, but I hope The Botoxed Melanoma buys it too – and their so-spooky wider Manson Family/ Adams Family re-enactment society clan . So by-the-hour prostitutes, no – but trophy wives, yes. Still. you feel free to forgive the girls if it makes you feel warm and cuddly, David. I’m for ‘The Wall’ for the lot of em, – after a short show trial by the formally constituted Revolutionary Workers Tribunal of course, to keep it legal. .

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