Long-Bailey speaks out on schools catastrophe – and her clarity underlines again why ‘secret letter to Johnson’ Starmer really sacked her

Long-Bailey shows how opposition is done as she points out Tory guilt, arrogance and wilful refusal to listen

Former Shadow Education Secretary Rebecca Long-Bailey has spoken out publicly today about the Tories’ arrogant refusal to listen even to calls for a ‘plan B’ for the government’s haste to send children and teachers back into school.

The comments, in a social media thread, come as the UK is seeing a skyrocketing number of schools closed again – less than a week after English schools re-opened – because of coronavirus outbreaks.

And she did not hold back:

Long-Bailey showed what opposition looks like – in stark contrast to Starmer’s eager and now clearly foolish agreement with Boris Johnson last week that ‘schools are safe’.

But Starmer also gave away that he had secretly written to Johnson in May promising his support in getting kids back to school – a support that Starmer has provided again and again, even telling Johnson that schools must reopen this month, ‘no ifs no buts’, no matter what else was going on in the country.

Starmer sacked Long-Bailey on the pretext of her sharing an article by actress Maxine Peake – but the SKWAWKBOX exclusively revealed that the real reason for the sacking was Long-Bailey’s refusal to toe Starmer’s back-to-school line and her insistence on backing unions who were pointing out the gaping holes in the Tories’ so-called ‘plan’, when Starmer was planning to ignore all warnings in his zeal to send our kids back into virus hotspots.

The sacking came five weeks after Starmer’s secret promise to the worst Tory PM in history.

It’s not hard to see why Starmer wanted to get rid of Long-Bailey. She was right and he was wrong – and her clarity today has made him look appalling, weak and foolish.

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