‘Very little evidence’ for using masks in schools, says Tory govt – ignoring major studies by leading virologists showing kids carry and transmit C19 as easily as adults

Scottish government says masks must be worn in schools in communal areas, but English government says no and claims there is no evidence to suggest they should be – ignoring major international scientific studies

Despite the decision of the Scottish government to mandate the wearing of masks in communal areas of schools, the Tory government has not followed suit, even though the incidence of the coronavirus is much higher in England.

The UK government claims that there is no evidence to support the use of masks and one of its ‘SAGE’ advisers told BBC viewers the same this morning:

But the idea that there’s no evidence for masks in schools is nonsense. Apart from the fact that Scotland and a string of other countries either require or recommend their use, ‘the science’, as the Tories are so fond of calling it, is clear.

Internationally-renowned virologist Christian Drosten’s school studies have made clear that the virus is spread to and by children just as easily in adults, while epidemiologist Dr Zoë Hyde’s studies have revealed that huge numbers of infections in children have been missed.

Even the US CDC recommends the use of masks in schools – yet the Tories, backed by Establishment Labour – are pushing children and staff back into school without even that basic protection.

And the Tories can’t and don’t even deny that their plan will drive infection rates – with the ‘R’ rate already over 1 – higher still, fuelling the second wave and inevitably costing lives, of older people but also of children.

Johnson and co are still pursuing their ‘herd immunity’ plan, even though they know it has and will continue to cost thousands of needless deaths.

And he’s not even sorry.

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