Video: NY governor and US media tell you what UK media continue to downplay. Sending kids to school before this threat is understood is insanity

Coronavirus complications in children first discovered in England are spreading fast across US – but UK media continue to talk down risk and refuse to draw obvious conclusion about government’s back-to-school plan

A life-threatening syndrome in children that appears to be linked to coronavirus infection – first discovered in the UK and the subject of an urgent NHS alert to emergency medical personnel – has spread across the US from its initial appearance in New York.

In the UK, 100 children have been admitted for these symptoms, but while the BBC did mention the ‘Kawasaki syndrome’-like ‘toxic shock’ illness this morning, which causes inflammation of blood vessels and the heart, this morning – but continued to downplay the threat – and steadfastly avoided linking the danger to the government’s reckless push to send children back to school from 1 June.

But the US media have given far more frank coverage to the threat – and New York governor Andrew Cuomo, whose plain speaking has put the UK government to shame, gave a detailed and deeply worrying update to his voters.

Cuomo explained that:

Watch to the end of the video for details of symptoms to look out for in your child:

In total, around 320 children in 7 countries have been affected.

Boris Johnson continues to waffle and prevaricate, while pushing our children and our working people into greater danger, playing recklessly with their lives and health. His herd immunity plan continues – and it embraces the deaths of hundreds of thousands of our people.

Sending children back to school while this is emerging is insanity. The Tories must row back on their plan – but they won’t even acknowledge the danger.

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