BBC puts out fake news to cover Tory tax cuts for richest – gets taken apart in six tweets

Once again Establishment media resort to propaganda for Tories

One of many points in Jeremy Corbyn’s outstanding campaign-launch speech yesterday was Corbyn’s criticism of the Tories for cutting taxes for the richest. Appallingly unsurprisingly, the BBC immediately rode to Boris Johnson’s rescue with a claim that the Tories haven’t really cut taxes for the richest – not all that much, honest guv.

But the excellent Steve Howell looked at the BBC’s weak and misleading argument – and dismantled it this morning in just six succinct tweets, including handy charts to prove his points:

In short, not only was Corbyn entirely correct the Tories have massively slashed taxes, but those cuts have driven an obscene increase in the wealth of the very richest during a decade in which enormous misery and poverty have been consciously inflicted on millions and our public services have been starved of cash.

It is as unsurprising as it is appalling that the BBC – which hid Boris Johnson’s humiliation yesterday after he was booed out of an NHS hospital by angry staff and patients – has yet again helped the Tories justify their actions and to cover their tracks when they are exposed.

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