
Luton South follows Shuker no-conf vote with swing left in exec election

Gavin Shuker

Last month, Luton South CLP (constituency Labour party) overwhelmingly voted to support a motion of no-confidence in the seat’s Labour MP, Gavin Shuker. Shuker tried to make light of the result, but Luton Momentum called for him to resign and trigger a by-election, while right-wingers were sufficiently rattled to try, ludicrously, to claim a joke toy and card referring to the ‘deselection express’ left outside his and fellow no-confidence sufferer Joan Ryan was a reference to death-camp trains.

Yesterday, the CLP followed up the no-confidence motion with a resounding victory for the left at its AGM (annual general meeting).

The positions of CLP Chair, Treasurer, Campaigns Coordinator, IT Officer went to Momentum candidates, with all other positions taken by supportive members. One of the new #exec’ is the member who moved the no-confidence motion last month.

It’s not known whether Gavin Shuker was present for the meeting.

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  1. great , so maybe the new officerscan try out the new re-selection process and try for the magic 30% trigger figure

    1. Classically the detestable Reg Prentice defected to the Tories after the media hounding the local party and called them all sorts of names to try and frighten them into holding on to him. So there’s nothing new as far as the media goes, they have always been the same.

      “Reg Prentice was the most senior Labour politician to defect to the Conservatives

      Labour Cabinet minister Reg Prentice’s defection to the Conservatives in 1977 was highly controversial at the time but now is largely seen as a footnote, albeit a most prescient one, in the story of Labour infighting of the period.”

  2. Hi — No, Shuker was not present at the AGM. In fact, he hasn’t been seen at a party meeting for some time.

    1. Then the whip should be withdrawn before he’s allowed to resign it, a-la frankenfield.

  3. Well done to all Luton South members, I’m sure its not been easy to get thiis far

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