
Breaking: Corbyn confirms he will stand in GE

As an independent after Starmer’s anti-democratic stitch-up

Jeremy Corbyn and the public (image: Skwawkbox)

Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has confirmed this morning that he will stand as an independent in Islington North.

The news will trigger hundreds to flock to the constituency to campaign for him in the general election – and will be used as an excuse by Starmer to expel him from the party for standing against Labour.

However, the cowardly Starmer has repeatedly broken party rules to keep him off the Labour benches and was never going to re-admit him, so it is no loss. Labour has shortlisted two prospective candidates to stand against him – a private health boss and a local woman who partied with a right-wing councillor after he was arrested for possession of the gravest category of child rape images.

Corbyn is expected to win and will have supporters lined up to help campaign against whichever of two shortlisted Labour drones stands against him, but even after decades as the constituency’s MP, nothing can be taken for granted.

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      1. Like there was EVER a risk. He tried that on with me once. He couldn’t tell me what the risk might be though, the fool. He’s strangely absent today. Funny, that.

      2. why, oh Why, oh WHY
        does Sir Keith Starmer bang on and on and on: “my father was a tool maker 🔁 my father was a tool maker 🔁 my father was a tool maker … 🔁 ❔❔❔

        EVERYONE can SEE that Keith🔩🔩🔩

        You are a dull tool, a tiresome tool, a duplicitous tool, an establishment tool, but a dirty twisted tool all the same

      3. “He’s strangely absent today.”

        Likely at a briefing being issued with a new script for the next few weeks. There’s an election on after all.

      4. Does nobody check on his output/results?

        When it comes to this site** it appears to be money for old rope***.

        Where do I sign up? I wouldn’t even need change me demeanour and still get weighed in for it.

        I detest the gobshite, but there’s NO way he’s getting paid for the shite he spouts, surely?

        I’m more inclined to think that he’s just a WUM. (wind up merchant)

        That said, WUM or not, he’s not getting a word in unfettered.

        ** Results (here) speak for themselves

        *** I’ve only ever seen him on one other site (was it vox political or zelo street?) and it was the same there.

    1. I hope Jeremy not only wins big, but Sir Keith’s stooge loses their deposit too

      1. Jeremy WILL not only win big, but Sir Keith’s stooge will lose so decisively, Keith’s deposit will be shot out and lost

      2. “and then what”

        The Country will further disintegrate as the unworkable and failing paradigm that this pantomime of a baton handover is designed to ensure continues – because Richi doesn’t want to be a wartime PM and wants out – accelerates.

      3. “and then what”

        then, THEN shall the obvious SHINE forth as the SUN in EVERY constituency infested by stooges of Mandelson’s Iraq invading Blair creature’s tool Sir Keith Starmer.

        The OBVIOUS: 1️⃣- Sir Keith Max Headroom, Over gelled Obstructive Bollard, is a disgraceful untrustworthy Jimmy Saville enabler!
        2️⃣ – That despite trying to smear Jeremy, the constituency which has known him for decades and reelected over and over with thumping majorities, KNOW the truth!!!
        3️⃣ – Conversely, the LIES of the likes of Liarna Barger, Cucka Ummana etc loved by Sir Bollard head, were NOT believed by the electorate. They ALL LOST the seats they hoped to parasitise!
        Liarna even lost to a Blue Brexit supporting Tory. The good people of a constituency with many Jewish people of faith and none, rejected the lies.

        They demonstrated that they were NOT in the least bit afraid as liars tried to claim with determined campaigns, day after day, hour after hour, … often double hour slots on compliant media programs with shameless presenters aiding them.

        They LOST! They were rejected!! WHERE oh where is Cukka now? Where is Liarna now?

        Therefore, after Jeremy crushes Sir Keith’s stooges, I HOPE he will at last do what MUST be done: i.e. drive home the facts in a sustained way, that if Jeremy is what the most disgraceful gang claims, then for over FOURTY years, the most decent people in a true Labour Party, were happy to have him in it. The likes of Tony Benn and John Smith recognised Jeremy and Dianne Abbott and all those abused by Sir Keith Starmer, as a GENUINE Labour MPs, councillors and members.

        When Keith slanders Jeremy, he slanders them. He even manages achieve the impossible, i.e. slander the most repellant creature that is the Iraq Invader Blair.

        These facts need to be said plainly and repeatedly. The failure so to to do is the enduring and most tragic failure of Jeremy, his close circle and wider Socialist movement, not just here but internationally.

        APPLIED EFFECTIVE politics has never been, is not, and will NEVER be cosy academic sixth form tutorials, bloviating over words and meanings, who wrote this and who said that,… and most pathetic and sterile, amongst those with whom one already agrees.

        I believe Socialists to be effective, must, MUST get out of our our silos, and in a sustained DYNAMIC way, relentlessly and CLEARLY demolish myths and lies of status quo enabling tools like Sir Keith.

        And, ALL of us MUST disabuse ourselves of the tragic mindset that we can get blood from stones or anything decent out of for eg those who have demonstrated REPEATEDLY that they are so VILE as to welcome with open arms the WORST members of the Blue Tory party… even one who tried to pervert the course of justice and, insulted victims of a sex pest.

  1. What’s the betting he’ll – still – find time to do a spot of campaigning for others.

    He’ll turn seventy-five on Sunday. The guy’s a political force of nature. I wish I had his energy and Zen.

    n.b. A word of caution on flooding, Islington North with Canvassers for Corbyn. Take into account local sensibilities.

    How would the locals feel about a sudden influx of strangers arriving to tell them how to vote?

    Just a thought.

    1. Sir Keith the Cheat Starmer unsurprisingly, shows he’s a LIAR never to be trusted ‼️ The lying Sir said he “WON’T abolish tuition fees” He slashes and BURNS “green pledges”‼️‼️ He starves “child poverty promises”, and true to his devoted service to the establishment, Sir Keith the scrap has SCRAPPED scrapping Lords‼️‼️‼️

      What more will it take for some to judge Sir Starmer by his CLEAR REPEATED actions of LIES and DECEIT,⁉️⁉️⁉️

      When people SHOW you who they are, BELIEVE them. Sir Keith is a self-serving status-quo preserving tool.

      He always was, always is and will ALWAYS be bad, Bad, BAD news

      1. I believe that Starver wants the Lords to stay but new entrants will have to have dropped to certain depths to qualify. Personal, political, criminal it doesn’t matter its the untrusrwrthiness that counts!

      2. still, Still, STILL, sadly some r yet 2 grasp reality.
        Sir Keith’s priority was ALWAYS – insult, slander, abuse and PURGE any decent Socialist from what WAS the Labour Party.
        Thus seizing OUR brand + other assets incl data + data infrastructure, to increase the wealth of the wealthiest 0.331 %.
        The most privileged, the greediest globalist, the most entitled, not just in the UK but worldwide.

        Their Blue team is worn out, so they infiltrate the Labour Party grab red rosettes, THEN, like cuckoos, have our party and ALL its value handed to them on silver platters, while our “leaders” begged to be part of a “broad church”. “Did EVERYTHING they asked”. Even prepared to have the parasites “write a letter with anything, ANYTHING they want and I will take it to him and he will SIGN it”.

        Him being Jeremy.

        The potential letter bearer said the above with such confidence, even I was taken aback.

        Even Cambridge educated Dianne let futile hope blind her to her obvious fate. Even the EIGHT month delay since the NEC decision, and FOUR after completing Keith & Co.’s REEDUCATION CAMP, still, … STILL no hint taken. NO FIGHT BACK. Only futile home that what is obviously bad, Bad, BAD news … is not as disgustingly worker despising as Sir Keith & Co.

        After all he did sneer at the Pub Landlord Humphris: I DON’T HAVE TO ANSWER TO THE LIKES OF YOU!!!

      3. Alex – Jeremy made some interesting nominations for the House of Lords.

    2. I agree George, in this case less could be more. A well organise campaign with fewer but, experienced canvassers distributed strategically to cover all the wards could be by far more effective.
      I believe the constituency has eight wards. Hence, five experienced canvassers in each should do it. Then people can help in the office to prepare and organise deliveries, to process data and posts in social media.
      The mass canvassing will work better next door on Starmer´s seat. Let the locals know how many strangers don´t like their MP because of what he has been doing since been elected leader of the Labour Party.

  2. This is such an obvious decision for Corbyn, so why leave official confirmation until now, meaning he has kept millions of people dangling, until the last minute. I think Corbyn operates and functions better as an independent, in this situation, and I am delighted he has finally confirmed his decision and made it official. The madman, aka Paul.Maßn will come close to receiving zero votes.

    1. Talking of the madman Paul Mason, I wonder if he managed to find time to attend the very recent event featured in this article:

      Where Boris Johnson is pictured with three neo-nazi members of the Azov Battalion holding up a flag of the Azov’s emblem which is a re-imagined “wolf’s hook” of SS Division Das Reich.

      Yes. Parliament invited three nazis to Westminster. How insulting to all those British and Commonwealth soldiers, sailors and airmen who sacrificed their lives fighting against these knuckle dragging scum.

      ” Members of Azov were greeted as heroes in London

      British lawmakers cheered a delegation of the notorious Azov Ukrainian military unit at a roundtable in Parliament on Wednesday, while former Prime Minister Boris Johnson called them “heroes.”

      The neo-Nazi militia was founded in 2014 by white supremacist Andrey Biletsky, who designed its logo with symbols once used by the SS. It was eventually integrated into the Ukrainian armed forces, while retaining its Third Reich iconography.

      The battalion has been accused by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the UN of multiple human rights abuses, including rape and torture of civilians.

      Three members of Azov visited London and spoke before a group of parliamentarians. Lieutenant Arseniy Fedosiuk and Ruslan Serbov had been captured in Mariupol in 2022, while the third, Sergeant Vladimir Vernygora, joined the unit in 2023.”

      One wonders how apologists for the illegal nazi and authoritarian fascist Ukrainian Regime like Billy no mates would justify this?

      1. What is also interesting is that a search engine search produces no (as in zero, zilch, nada) results of this event reported in any Western media.

        As a result it is reasonable to conclude that even this was a step to far for the fifth columnist Western MSM to frighten the natives with.

        The only outlets the search engine threw up which covered this event were The Philippine Times and a media site in Azerbaijan.

        Given current geo-political events related to this insult by Parliament to all those who gave their lives to defeat the fascist and nazi threat in WW2 The question posed here….

        …..”“And if you are one of those, their name Legion, who vowed to back plucky Ukraine in the face of an “unprovoked Russian aggression” you knew to be true – all the papers said so – did it ever occur to you, in your heroic insistence that “bullies must be faced down”, that you were opting for the very real risk of thermonuclear Armageddon?”

        To which could be added the question “Thermonuclear Armageddon in the name of what exactly?

        Which Parliament and the entire political and media class in the UK and across the Collective West have answered:

        ‘In the name of fascism’.

      2. Addendum: One does not have to be a fan of the World Socialist Web site – below – and its sponsors to appreciate the realities covered in the context the article below details:

        “Sunak’s decision and the speed and secrecy of its implementation are bound up with calculations of the British ruling class and its imperialist allies in the US that snap elections are needed to preempt growing opposition to war and create a political framework for a massive escalation of the conflict with Russia……

        ” … neither Washington nor the British ruling class can tolerate a government unable to rule effectively and bereft of all legitimacy to stay in office a moment longer. Sunak was therefore forced to go to the country, even if this meant almost certain defeat for his government.

        Media commentary makes clear that Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour Party is now seen as a reliable and more effective instrument for waging war overseas, imposing the austerity measures to pay for war and repressing the opposition in the working class this will provoke. His government will not bring a change in Tory policy but its continuation, while leveraging the services of the trade union apparatus.”

    2. Nicola, Paul Mason hasn´t even been shortlisted. It appears that despite his U turn to enthusiastically support Starmer, Paul Mason isn´t trusted: once a traitor always a traitor.
      Hence not surprised he hasn´t been offered a seat to stand by Starmer. It takes one to know one.

      1. Possibly.
        But it is far too early to celebrate yet.
        My suspicion is that he will be parachuted in elsewhere at the last minute.

    3. Nicola: “This is such an obvious decision for Corbyn, so why leave official confirmation until now, meaning he has kept millions of people dangling, until the last minute.”

      That’s worth repeating.

      Many assumed the “OBVIOUS decision” would be taken. They expected it was forthcoming from those with CONSIDERABLE experience and appeal greater than the rest of us combined.

      LOGICALLY many waited, and waited… and waited.
      Many left in SILENT and INVISIBLE upset at Jeremy’s suspension, Whip withdrawal and general gross disrespect towards him who had been in the Labour Party LONG b4 those handed control of the party were even tools.

      Throughout the gross disrespect, there was to date ZERO fightback.

      Z E R O

      When Jeremy’s “freind” John McDonald was asked what was being done to restore the Whip to Jeremy, McDonald REPEATED in public: “I BELIEVE IN CONVERTING PEOPLE”.
      He also used those asinine words a few months earlier, again in public.

      That response struck me, because McD gave that EXACT response when someone in my CLP asked for advice re: our most abominable MP… whom by contrast had the Whip restored ages ago, after suspension re widely reported abusive racist behaviour.

      NB: McDonald is yet to reveal HOW he “converts” and HOW MANY successes achieved.

      Did he try converting the Blair creature? or Mandelson ?? or Straw ??? How did that go ???

      I nominated RLB and voted for her re NEC and for dep leadership. Because the Whip was not restored to Jeremy after the NEC meeting, she RESIGNED and worse yet, with ZERO necessary publicity. It is as if she and others expect Keith & Co will sit and weep.

      Throughout FOUR years of devotees throwing themselves on sacrificial pyres SILENTLY and OUT OF SIGHT of the general public, they were blind to the obvious, i.e. Jeremy was aching… longing … DESPERATE to be embraced by those who kicked him and Dianne and others point blank in the teeth, over and over then spat on them.

      That’s why Nicola, what you correctly describe as “THE OBVIOUS DECISION” was not made till the most recent kick in the teeth… just before the OBVIOUS INEVITABLE expulsion.

      If only the obvious REPEATEDLY evidenced FACTS that Sir Keith always was, is, and always will be bad, Bad, BAD news, was grasped since 2016, then it is unlikely Sir Tool and his gang would have become entrenched as they are, gorging on the blood and entrails of a party founded to serve “The Many”.

  3. “The news will trigger hundreds to flock to the constituency to campaign for him in the general election – and will be used as an excuse by Starmer to expel him from the party for standing against Labour.”

    The days of the “left” in the Labour Party operating as though they were suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and busting their bollocks for talent-less incompetent right wing/extreme centerist numpties who are parachuted in to areas and who deliberately throw elections are clearly over.

    The present managerialist hierarchy and bureaucracy seem to be operating under the illusion they are in Schrodinger’s Labour Party. One in which they suffer the delusion that its possible to abuse volunteer members via expulsions, witch hunts, vilification, false accusations etc etc and still expect them to carry out ALL the donkey work.

    However, looking at the overall national picture the penny has long dropped for a sufficiently sizable chunk of people, both active and former active LP members and voters across the divide.

    Faced with no positive choices Non of the Above will remain the largest voting block in British politics until an option outside of a rapidly narrowing Overton Window becomes available.

    Blair and his fellow criminal acolytes within the Party hierarchy and bureaucracy have made clear they do not want to win any power on what they consider are anything near “left” policies – which are defined as anything which is not rabidly pro-feudalist by the elites and their clueless sycophantic cheerleaders.

    1. They need the brownshirts for the dity work. But after the GE the naturist hideaways will be obliterated. The dirty work hasn’t begun. All the loyalists will cry out wondering what they have done to be expelled pleading for mercy. The new blue Labour Party will have a weekly spot the worker competition. Yup its going to be horrible.

  4. Sadly, Jeremy’s Peace and Justice Project is unlikely to stand other candidates anywhere else in the UK. The Powers-that-Be wouldn’t allow it. The Electoral Commission will inspect every self-identified ‘Independent’s election literature, the logos, the ideas, the colour-schemes and their ‘donors’ to make sure that they are not hidden, thinly camouflaged but organised political parties intent on the destruction of FPTP and the emergence of true-democracy.

    Jeremy know this. “But it’s not just Jeremy who is standing up against the political Establishment. . THE COLLECTIVE is a political grouping organising campaigns around P+JP’s FIVE DEMANDS.

    The Collective includes Andrew Feinstein in Holborn & St Pancras, Pamela Fitzpatrick in Harrow West and Leanne Mohamad in Ilford North.

    This might be the start of something, something big, something sustainable.

      1. qwertboi
        I would refuse to pay a penny for any of the Privatised Utilities, either wait for contracts to run out, for them to go bust or give regulators teeth and force them out of business

    1. Yes, and the Workers’ Party is also the start of something big, something sustainable. Plus it’s led by the greatest political orator since Tony Benn and is attempting to stand a candidate in EVERY constituency in the country at this election.

      I know where my Labour-vote-splitting vote’s going!

      1. Timfrom the Worker’s Party in its eagerness to file candidates in most constituencies have made several serious mistakes.
        Are you aware that they have a candidate standing against Ian Byrne?
        They are not filing a candidate against Feinstein but, they are filing candidates against Pamela Fiztpatrick and Leanne Mohamed.
        I can understand the Worker’s Party filing candidates against Paula Baker or even John McDonnell. Then is the abundance of men candidates, hardly any woman. Plus, a few of the names I recognised they are just over ambitious individuals jumping on the bang wagon.
        It appears that their main qualification is to be anti-Israel. But, been anti-Israel by itself doesn’t make you a socialist. I don’t believe the WP has done any attempt at proper due diligence.
        I hope George Gallaway keeps the seat and that Chris Williamson wins the seat the seat in Derby. I am afraid that the Worker’s Party isn’t going to be sustainable it is deja vu Respect.
        I believe Collective filling fewer but quality candidates looks be far a more serious proposition to build something sustainable.

      2. Absolute waste of time ,money and effort standing in seats that are clearly unwinnable for the the left. Grandiosity has a flip side.

    2. 650 Independents would banjax the fuckers
      How would Parliament work with no Parties
      We could in the short term hold the two Cheeks to ransom, for Pro Palestine, PR and an Anti corruption ticket

    3. qwertboi – “Sadly, Jeremy’s Peace and Justice Project is unlikely to stand other candidates anywhere else in the UK. The Powers-that-Be wouldn’t allow it.
      Jeez, how desperate are you. Is this rediculous and silly nonsense of an excuse really the best that you could manage?

      “The Collective Includes consists of Andrew Feinstein in Holborn & St Pancras, Pamela Fitzpatrick in Harrow West and Leanne Mohamad in Ilford North.”
      Is that it, just the 3 of them.😏

      1. Steveh “The Collective Includes consists of……” . So far!

  5. Jist watching the OCJ ruling on the rafah offensive… There’s gonna be some hissy fits from you-know-who.

    Will they abide? Will they shite. Rodents.

    1. The crazy’s will do what the EU have just tried with the Georgian Prime Minister Kobakhidzr…….

      ……make him an offer he can’t refuse.

      The American’s are already preparing a sanctions package over the Georgian version of the US FARA law.

      Whilst the GW Bush and McCain Institutes are also weighing in on the issue.

      Wonder what Fredo Starmer’s stance will be? Probably facing both ways at the same time like the US.

      1. The NGOs have been working on Georgia almost as long as Ukraine, and now the war pigs look to be trying to gamble all our futures on a last ditch attempt to save Ukraine by “doing a Ukraine” in Georgia, hoping to “weaken Russia” by making it fight on two fronts. Gotta meet that War With Russia in 5 years deadline!

        Such Hubris might well, as in all its failed wars, meet its Nemesis. Most frightening of all, though, is the knowledge that our incoming Uniparty government is just as happy as the present one is to put us in the nuclear firing line with the constant war-drumming…

      2. It seems reasonable to point out that the five year deadline is likely to be a lot sooner, timfrom.

        Here’s a clip from a recent interview with ex-tory MP Andrew Bridgen which cuts through the bullshit that is this election:

        “Richi wants out…….Richi’s told the generals he doesn’t want to be a wartime Prime Minister…….we are actually at war with Russia now, they just haven’t told you…..this whole things a pantomime…..the next election….its not a race between the blue and red team to see who crosses the finishing line, this is a baton handover….”

        The ante just got ratcheted up with an attack using ATACMS missiles by Ukraine on a Russian ballistic missile early warning radar in Armavir, Russia. The destruction of this particular radar node has limited direct military utility for Ukraine, due to its coverage. Seems some one really wants to test stability.

        Here’s ex CIA analyst Larry Johnson’s take:

        “This ICBM warning radar is located in the Federal Republic of Voronezh, which is 150 miles (250 kilometers) east of Belgorod.

        The radar is damaged, but not destroyed. Nonetheless, this marks a direct attack on Russia’s early warning system to detect a nuclear attack. Ukraine and the West have crossed a definitive red line for Russia and there will be hell to pay for this. This attack does not harm Russia’s tactical position on the battlefield one iota. But it does represent a clear escalation by the West to target Russia’s nuclear deterrence capability. The rubicon is crossed and this war is going to enter a new level of peril, especially for Ukraine and the West.

        At a minimum, Russia is likely to intensify efforts to locate and destroy ATACM launchers and missile supplies. This means that more NATO troops will likely die in the coming weeks. Insanity rules in Washington, London, Paris, Berlin and Kiev. The nuclear genie may be out of the bottle and, if there is another attack of this nature, Russia may decide to use tactical nukes on Ukrainian bases… …this is a damn reckless move by the West.”


        The only way to stop this madness is to prevent the present Labour Party from having any power.

      3. Thanks for the link, Dave. My respect for Andrew Bridgen has increased again! He knows the score. He’s been consistently on the money the last few years.

        But that 5 year deadline, as you point out, seems possibly more like 5 months at the moment. (Gulp!)

        I hope everyone reading this watches that clip and realises just how important it is to prevent a Labour majority at this election.

      4. [Just switching on my pre-cognition – (thank you Mrs Cake)]


        That Andrew Bridgen:

        And opinions/opinion pieces from wherever they originate (which is what this Times article is), are not facts – which are what we are concerned with here in the real world.

        The only matter of note with what Bridgen is saying in this specific part of a longer interview clip is that he only only saying out loud what anyone with half a brain worked out a long time ago.

        [switches pre-cognition off]

  6. And ICJ just ordered Israel to stop bombing Rafah, to allow aid in from the Egypt border and it also says that any country arming Israel “Is complicit.”
    Hope Biden, European Leaders, Sunak & Starmer are starting to sweat.
    Ceasefire Now!

    1. The answer to that is illustrated in this piece in the guardian:

      “The US and the UK will reject the international court of justice order directing Israel to end its offensive on Rafah after slowly blurring their red lines that once stated that they could not support a military offensive in Rafah.”

      How long before sanctions are applied or some [cough] ‘lone gunman’ [cough] goes for one of the judges/officials?

  7. Watched (only because it relates to this particular seat) an interview with the greased one on CH4 news regarding Corbyn’s running.

    The answer: “He (Corbyn) will run as an independent, that’s his choice.”

    Except it isn’t, is it keef? But WGAF? You’re not retaining the seat. 😏

  8. Beware Praful Nargund Labour’s candidate in North Islington

    The guy standing as the Labour candidate against Jeremy Corbyn is a director of a venture capital investment company! His co-director (I suspect she is his mother) was the founder of a company (Create Fertility, now sold), which provides fertility services both privately and via NHS funding. She is listed on the company website as being their medical director. So there you have it: Labour’s candidate has links to a private health service provider. Do you really think he will protect the NHS from profiteering private health providers?

    Please share to make sure the good people of Islington North are aware.

  9. Meanwhile, members of the Georgian Dream Party and their families react to the news that US lawmakers plan to introduce a travel ban on them for the crime of trying to introduce a law based on the principles of the US Foreign Agents Registration Act [introduced in 1938]


    “It is unprecedented and at the same time comical to sanction a lawmaker elected by the people for adopting a law at their discretion…National independence is not sold for a visa.”

    – Elected Georgian Dream Party leader

    If anyone else acted in such a way to interfere in the affairs of other peoples certain individuals would be shouting the odds about authoritarianism and fascism.

  10. In more news the two of the three biggest rogue terrorists States on the planet announce further unstinting support for the genocide of the third of that triad against an Order from the International Court of Justice:

    “The US and the UK will reject the international court of justice order directing Israel to end its offensive on Rafah after slowly blurring their red lines that once stated that they could not support a military offensive in Rafah.”


    Wonder what the odds are on sanctions being applied against the ICJ, its officials and their families?

    If anyone else acted in such a way against International Law certain individuals would be shouting the odds about authoritarianism and fascism.

    1. Dave – “If anyone else acted in such a way against International Law certain individuals would be shouting the odds about authoritarianism and fascism.”

      ICC concerned by Russia’s ‘threats’ over Putin warrant
      International court’s comments come after ex-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev threatened to hit the war crimes tribunal with hypersonic missiles.
      The International Criminal Court (ICC) has expressed concern over “threats” from Russia following its issuing of a war crimes arrest warrant for President Vladimir Putin.
      The ICC’s statement of concern on Wednesday came after former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev threatened to hit the war crimes court in The Hague with hypersonic missiles. It also followed Russia’s top investigative body opening a criminal case against ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan as well as the judges who issued the warrant for Putin…………..

      You were saying?

      1. Dear Oh Dear, Billy, that’s one helluva stretch trying to equate one of many such statements* from a blowhard like Mevedev – who even Wikipedia concedes….

        …..had been sacked as PM by the President back in early 2020…..

        “Putin who had sacked Medvedev and that the resignation was not voluntary but forced”

        as “a result of a rift in the domestic policies of the two.”

        …..and demoted to a Deputy Chair to be kept an eye on and under control –

        with the actual actions of the Russian State.

        * That wikipedia page has a whole list of similar such statements.

        Where is the actual evidence, Billy, that the Russian Federation and its Parliament, the Duma, has copied the US legislature in writing into its law sanctions and other measures against international bodies such as the ICC/ICJ and its officials and given themselves the right to act on those laws by force to extend their domestic legislation into the International level and at the same time interfere in the domestic policies of every country on the planet?

        The difference is that Medvedev’s blowhard equivalents in the US like Lindsey Graham, Victoria Nuland, Robert Kagen, Jake Sullivan, Hilary Clinton and the rest of the neo-caon crazy’s are the one’s in control and driving the actual policy agenda and policy actions.

        When those people make similar statements those statements become State policy.

        Biden is just a clueless mannequin rubber stamping the agenda of these psychos.

        Medvedev’s influence, and the influence of those like him, on russian State policy and actions is diddly squat in that regard.** That’s why he’s where is today and why he got sidelined in 2020.

        The two cannot realistically be compared.

        Getting your knickers’s in a twist over this is desperate even for you. However, it does serve to demonstrate a point I’ve previously made that you should be careful what you wish for.

        Because Putin (or “The Putin” for those who obsess over him like you do Billy) is the moderating force – the adult in the room here – holding, unlike the US and the rest of the collective West elites, the line against Russia’s own hardliners and blowhards.

        Get rid of Putin and you are likely to get people like Medvedev or worse in the driving seat. Then we all are in trouble.

        **Besides which he’s an bigger troll than even you could dream of being, Billy.

      2. Dave – Oh dear, if you are silly enough to believe that Mevedev’s outburst wasn’t approved by Putin then you are even more gullible than I thought. 🙄

      3. Don’t be gormless Billy.

        If Putin had to endorse everything that Mevedev puts out he wouldn’t have time to do anything else.

        You really are clueless about how system processes operate.

        Besides which, as usual, you fail miserably to deal with the main arguments.

      4. Dave – ps You’ and your little acolyte Toffee appear to the ones who habitually refer to the Russian leader as the “The Putin”. (I generally refer to him as the corrupt fascist Putin)

      5. Dave – “Besides which, as usual, you fail miserably to deal with the main arguments.”

        I wasn’t aware you had any.

      6. “I wasn’t aware you had any.”

        That talk, like that of blowhards like Mevedev, is cheap,Billy. Its action that counts.

        So I’ll point it out again seeing as you are having cognitive difficulties:

        “Where is the actual evidence, Billy, that the Russian Federation and its Parliament, the Duma, has copied the US legislature in writing into its law sanctions and other measures against international bodies such as the ICC/ICJ and its officials and given themselves the right to act on those laws by force to extend their domestic legislation into the International level and at the same time interfere in the domestic policies of every country on the planet?”

        Come back, Billy, when you can produce equivalent evidence from anywhere else on the planet, including the Russian Duma, to this from US Speaker Mike Johnson: which is backed up by actual action:


        “America should punish the ICC and put Kereem Khan back in his place and if the ICC is allowed to threaten Israel’s leaders we know that America will be will be next.

        There is a reason we’ve never endorsed the International Criminal Court because it is a direct affront to out own sovereignty. We don’t put any international body among or above American sovereignty and Israel doesn’t do that either.

        Congress is reviewing all our options right now. We have some very aggressive legislation that we;re going to push as quickly as possible. It will impose sanctions and if the ICC moves forward with its absurd warrant arrest or request this will, this is, going to be an even bigger international problem.”

        And you want top compare this with……

      7. ….with this [translation of Medevev’s whole Telegram Channel statement]……

        ……which highlights the problems inherent in the position outlined in Mike Johnson’s statement above in which International law is applied only one way and subverted by one group putting itself above the law and imposing its own will by force against everyone else as though no one else has the right to any sovereignty.

        A point made in a more succinct way by the head of the ICC Kereem Khan in his recent CNN interview which was posted on this site previously.

        Medevev’s whole statement [translation]

        “The final collapse of the system of international law has occurred

        Admit it: it wasn’t particularly effective before. Especially its international institutions.The League of Nations collapsed, the USSR was considering withdrawing from the UN, conventions and other international acts are being adopted with difficulty today, there is complete bias and dictate of a group of Anglo-Saxon countries.

        But the main flaw of the system of public international law is its inefficiency. Countries do not want to comply with biased acts of the UN General Assembly, veto decisions of the UN Security Council, and leave various UN institutions. The reason is their injustice, which is based on the inadmissibility of coercion by a group of sovereign countries of the same sovereign states. FOR PAR IN PAREM NON HABET IMPERIUM. An equal has no power over an equal.

        Let’s take this shitty, useless ICC, created on the basis of the Rome Statute, which the largest states have not joined. Who did he hold accountable?

        Three dozen unknown faces. The President of Sudan spat on these accusations and, despite the military coup at home, is not available for “justice”. The rest are not worth mentioning at all. In other words, the effectiveness of their activities is zero. These are not the Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals created ad hoc. Or even the dubious tribunal for Yugoslavia. It is understandable.

        After all, it is possible to judge a country and its leaders in two cases:

        1) when the country itself wildly weakened, almost lost its sovereignty and decided to recognize the court over itself;

        2) when the country lost the war and capitulated. Otherwise, it is impossible. And everyone understands this. By the way, the most discrediting episode, which killed the already almost zero credibility of the court, is related to the crimes of the United States in Afghanistan and Iraq. The court fucked up completely and couldn’t do anything. Obviously, a powerful shout from the United States that we, they say, did not ratify the Rome Statute at all, fuck off pigmies, caused the judges to have an animal urge to fulfill natural needs unrelated to justice.

        And then they decided to try the president of another nuclear power that is not participating in the ICC on the same grounds as the United States and other countries. It is obvious that the most stringent introductory information was received from the same Pindustan. It is clear that there is no practical value, but thank you for remembering.

        But the consequences for international law will be monstrous. After all, this is the collapse of the foundations, principles of law. Including the postulates of the inevitability of responsibility. Now no one will go to any international bodies, everyone will negotiate with each other. All the stupid decisions of the UN and other structures will be bursting at the seams. The gloomy sunset of the entire system of international relations is coming. Trust is exhausted.

        And more. The ICC judges got excited in vain. Look, they say, we are brave, we did not shit ourselves to raise our hand against the largest nuclear power. Alas, gentlemen, everyone walks under God and rockets. It is quite possible to imagine the targeted use of a hypersonic carrier from the North Sea from a Russian ship at the Hague courthouse. It cannot be knocked down, alas. And the court is just a poor international organization, not the population of a NATO country. That’s why they won’t start a war. They’ll be afraid. And no one will regret it. So, citizens of the judge, look carefully at the sky…
        2.3M viewsedited
        Mar 20, 2023 at 05:01″

        The point being crudely made: that the the single sided application of International law – in which only [pace Khan’s CNN interview] “African leaders” and (designated official enemies) – ie “thugs like Putin” are subject to the law whereas those subverting International Law via their own “Rules Based International Order” by force place themselves above the law – has undermined the International order in favour of an imposed hegemony.

        Even you, Billy, have cast doubt on whether the warrants will be issued against Israel. Why might that be? Could it be the same reason the Khan and Medvedev have highlighted? That is detailed in Mike Johnson’s statement quoted above?

        So get on with it Billy. ….

        …..Produce for us evidence that anyone else on the planet, including the Russian Duma, has actually acted in the same way as the US and the Collective West in writing into its law sanctions and other measures against international bodies such as the ICC/ICJ and its officials and given themselves the right to act on those laws by force to extend their domestic legislation into the International level and at the same time interfere in the domestic policies of every country on the planet?”

        Talk is cheap its action’s that count. Can you process that simple concept Billy?

  11. An example, for the cognitively challenged, of the difference between talk and action:

    [N.B. Apparantly, posts containing a link to the website of Australian journalist Caitlin Johnson also now disappear into the ether on this site for some unknown bizarre reason known only to the administrators. Consequently, I’ll post this link which has a link to the Johnson article used for this example]

    Johnson’s article features the initial part of a recent article from The Atlantic which contains the following statement:

    “It is possible to kill children legally”

    Who gets to make such a designation? Who gets to make such a decision? On what grounds? What criteria is applied? Whose criteria is applied? What the hell is the difference between the mass murder and genocide of children and the ‘legal killing’ of them?

    The article quotes a report from ABC detailing Israeli airstrikes in Rafa in an area designated by Israel as a safe place for Palestinian refugees two days after the ICJ ordered Israel to stop its assault on Rafah….

    ..and notes that this is because the Israeli’s know the U.S. will support them no matter what they do, even committing genocide.

    A fact underlined by US Speaker Mike Johnson’s tirade that the US will physically act to ensure no one legally prevents a genocide it is actively supporting.

    “The video footage coming out about this massacre is extremely graphic and will stay with you for the rest of your life if you choose to watch it. It shows charred and dismembered bodies, and small children whose heads are missing and partly missing. On social media I’ve seen numerous people observing that the lies about Hamas beheading babies on October 7 have been used by Israel to justify atrocities in which actual babies are really being beheaded…..the attack took place next to an UNRWA logistics base, which is about as clear an answer to the UN court’s order to cease its genocidal massacres in Rafah as you could possibly ask for.”


    Think about the kind of worldview which studiously and consistently ignores such actions and which instead focuses entirely on talk which generated no action whatsoever because for that world view it’s all about the zero-sum game of “which side” they are on compared to anyone else.

    A Psychopath ‘supporting’ fellow Psychopaths.

    1. Do you mean this Caitlin Johnstone?
      “This is fairly classic Caitlin Johnstone selection-biased “reporting”. How on earth can she call herself a journalist with a straight face? She’s a pundit and what’s more dangerous is that so many people will read her stuff and believe it represents fact.
      I have been an attorney and constitutional scholar for over 25 years and, believe me, “Russiagate”, or whatever other bullshit title you care to use, is a constitutional crisis of historic proportion. Johnston, once again (see: 911 deniers), cherry-picks the facts she likes and disregards the rest. “

      The similarity between your respective methodologies is uncanny, is she your mentor?

      1. Opinions are like arseholes, everyone’s got one.

        You are seriously hanging your hat on nothing more than an opinion Billy?


        And not just any opinion.

        An opinion from 2017 from someone whose credibility is totally shot because they are pushing a conspiracy theory – ‘Russiagate’ – which was obviously a crock of shit at the time and which has since been proven to be a nothingburger with zero credible evidence.

        An opinion from a nobody with a grand total of nine followers.*

        It really is impossible to be more gullible than you have demonstrated here Billy.

        I bet you still think Hunter Biden is innocent based on the testimony of those 51 former intelligence officials who signed a letter prior to the 2020 election declaring that the [Hunter Biden] laptop, “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,”.

        Spoiler: That crock of shit, like the one you’ve just hung your hat on, is also a dud

        Because, just like the Russiagate conspiricy theory which this joker is pushing, that line has now also been exposed as a lie by Joe Biden’s own Department of Justice because the Federal Prosecutors in the case have argued, without caveat, that the laptop is genuine and contains “significant evidence” proving Hunter’s guilt.

        Come back when you’ve got something credible Billy.

        *To be fair, its nine more than you have Billy.

    1. qwertboi – …….and there was I thinking that Jeremy had built his career on a platform of defying the Labour Whip.

      1. Billy, and there we all were thinking that what matters is consistency in the maintenance of professed values rather than abandoning them and adopting the opposite values by welcoming those who despise and undermine those professed values.

        When all the time the only thing that really matters, at least to yourself, is petty point scoring in a zero sum game.

        Some people just never grow up.

      2. “and how has that work[ed] out for Corbyn?”

        And the relevance of this line of what passes for analysis is what exactly, Billy?

        Focusing everything at the level of the atomised individual by sticking your fingers in your ears, closing your eyes and repeating the same failed mantra to keep the much wider real world at bay is simply public self-masturbation on your part Billy.

        There’s no need to keep doing that Billy. Everyone here already knows you’re a wanker.

      3. DIANNE ABBOTT will NOT be allowed to stand as a Labour Label Candidate.

        still, some will NEVER accept than any gang committing the RUTHLESS deceits and ABUSES can NEVER be better than the Blue Tories!!!

        Keith’s gang is deadly worse!!!

        He ALWAYS was, is and will ALWAYS be bad, Bad, 🅱️🅰️D news

      4. Apparently the Patron Saint of half-wits has actually attempted to desperately trawl the internet to find something to smear Elaina Cohen by implying that she has no credibility.

        In this case:

        1. a quote from a source – the Jewish Chronicle – whose history of having to defend libel cases against the obvious hit pieces it prints on anyone it doesn’t like rules it out as any kind of credible source;


        2. the judgement from Elaina Cohen’s Industrial Tribunal which rules that she was unfairly dismissed but which according to the logic of the cognitively challenged Billy no Mates apparently does not count because some of the discrimination grounds claimed by the plaintiff were not successful.

        This is some quite desperate and pathetic cope taking place.

        Our cat could do better than this crock of shite you are trying to sell in order to desperately divert attention from the main issue Billy.

        No wonder you are getting rightly pilloried for your constant attempts to defent the indefensible by going after the victims and trying to smear anyone presenting evidence which does no suit you.

        What a sad pathetic little nonce excuser you are.

  12. Sir KEITH Rodney STARMER Establishment tool, is a rancid racist, and dim liar.

    During these last five weeks, Sir Keith has LIED repeatedly.

    Keith has lied MANY times more than even Johnson, Fishy Rishi and Iraq war criminal creature Blair COMBINED, during any five week period.

    Sir Keith has contradicted himself MULTIPLE times re Dianne Abbott, with repellant shamelessness.

    He OBVIOUSLY BELIEVES as he said to Rob Humphris:

    ” I don’t have to answer to the LIKES of YOU ” … “YOU” being Socialist and anyone… ANYONE outside the wealthiest 0.331 % world wide.


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