
Graham shredded after flip-flopping on Starmer’s Labour in just 3 days

On Wednesday, Labour was the change the country needed, now she’s attacking holes in workers’ ‘new deal’ she said was good only last week – cosying with Starmer exposed again

Sharon Graham has been derided on social media after a feeble flip-flop on Keir Starmer’s red-Tory politics – which she put out a video praising only last week and followed up by claiming Labour could be the ‘real change’ the UK needs.

Last week, Graham told LBC that she was ‘really really pleased’ with Starmer’s plan for working people – despite widespread reporting of his intention to water down the ‘new deal’ to please businesses and billionaires.

On Wednesday, when Tory PM Rishi Sunak called a general election, Graham tweeted – and was correctly lambasted for in hundreds of responses criticising her for spouting support for a party led by Keir Starmer, who has broken every campaign promise he made to get into the leadership and is indistinguishable from the blue version of the Tories apart from his rosette:

But this morning, perhaps attempting to regain some self-destroyed credibility, she claimed to have suddenly realised that the plan she had just been ‘really really pleased’ with had ‘more holes in it than Swiss cheese’ – yet still acted as if Starmer might somehow stop licking the backside of elites and fight for ordinary people:

The response was, predictably, almost uniformly blisteringly negative. A selection is shown below:

Graham has long been criticised for her cosiness with Keir Starmer, her willingness to accommodate his wishes despite his broken promises and his betrayal of workers – and the war she has waged, seemingly on his behalf, on those showing solidarity with those murdered, maimed or smeared by Israel.

Graham and her team have been accused of banning films combating racism and revealing the sabotage of the party and its members by Keir Starmer from the union’s buildings, along with a book exposing the Labour right’s collusion with the Israel lobby against supporters of Palestinian human rights.

One of her team allegedly threatened a soon-to-retire regional official with the loss of his pension bonus if he did not cool his support for the people of Palestine against Israel’s genocide, while Graham herself has been alleged by Unite insiders to have:

Her tenure as Unite boss has also been marked by a string of other allegations – which neither she nor the union has denied – including destruction of evidence against her husband in threat, misogyny and bullying complaints brought by union employees. She is also embroiled in both an employment tribunal for discrimination and a defamation lawsuit brought by Irish union legend Brendan Ogle for the union’s treatment of him and comments made about him by Graham and her close ally Tony Woodhouse.

She has also been accused by Unite’s national officers’ group of showing contempt for the union staff’s collective agreements, taking an anti-trade union stance and attempting to use legal action to intimidate staff with grievances. Graham has suffered an unopposed vote of no confidence by at least one significant union branch over her conduct – and is spending a huge amount of members’ money on expensive lawyers to try to defeat Brendan Ogle’s legal actions against her and her allies.

And Unite’s key ‘Finance and General Purpose Committee’ of elected executive representatives walked out en masse last week in disgust at Graham’s behaviour toward union democracy and staff, saying they will initiate legal action through a complaint to the union Certification Officer.

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      1. You’ve been repeatedly told it will be nothing like what it was when first drafted.

        And already it isn’t.
        100 days implementation ❌

        Outright ban on ZHCs ❌

        The right to “switch off”

        (Not exhaustive)

        And, gobshite, the whole premise of the article is that even the smarmerite rimmer-in-chief (in direct competition with yourself), the total wet flannel that is sharon graham…

        DOESN’T LIKE IT.

        Got that, gobshite? Has it registered yet?

      2. SH it’s in your briefs:
        why, Why, WHY does your Sir Keith keep banging on ad infinitum

        “father was a tool maker .
        father was a tool maker ..
        father was a tool maker … ”

        SH it’s obvious to everyone. EVERYONE sees Sir Tool🔩🪛🔧
📝📣🆘 📝📣🆘 📝📣🆘

      3. “For once I agree with you, what’s not to like.”

        Depends whether you are part of the 99.9% or the 0.1%.

        Sucking up to the 0.1% like a good little poodle ain’t going to get any brownie points with these incompetent psychopaths never mind a seat on any imaginary lifeboat.

      4. Not reading that shite.

        As said, the lickspittle-in-chief has decided that it ain’t no good.

        And the-lickspittle–in-chief carries a fair bit of clout more than I do…Even if its own members hate it.

      5. Toffee – “Not reading that shite.”
        Yet another of your typical refrains.🙄

        Given that you have yet again proudly declared that you don’t know and don’t want to know what you are talking about, what credence (if any) should we give your nonsense?🤔

      6. Toffee – Will you read this instead – or are you going to resolutely insist on remaining blissfully ignorent
        Matt Wrack, Fire Brigades Union general secretary, said:
        “Fourteen years of Tory rule have left working people poor, angry and desperate for change. We have suffered the worst drop in wages in 200 years. Public services, including the fire service, are in crisis.
        “It’s time to end the Thatcherite experiment that wrecked Britain. Decades of deregulation, privatisation and attacks on workers have delivered nothing but misery for communities up and down the country.
        “We need strong trade unions to turn things around. The next government under Keir Starmer must scrap the anti-union laws that stop workers standing up for themselves.
        “The Minimum Service Levels Act bans many public sector workers from striking even when they have voted democratically to do so.
        “Labour’s New Deal for Working People sets out a plan to scrap this authoritarian law, along with the 2016 Trade Union Act, as well as delivering a package of reforms to boost workers’ rights.
        “The FBU will fight to get rid of the Tories and to see this package delivered within 100 days of a Labour government.”

      7. Toffee – The same Matt Wrack who appears from his statement above to believe that the agreed policies that make up ‘Labour’s New Deal for Working People’ will be implemented.

        Your current stance is plainly ridiculous. Now that you’ve taken this first small step perhaps now is the time that you should relent and actually read Labours policy document on ‘Labour’s New Deal for Working People’ and inform yourself..

        You can easily find the links that I gave you earlier here:

      8. The same matt wrack that told smarmer that strikes will continue if he watered down those pledges.

        Credence? From YOU? L.O. Fucking L.

        Now shut up. Noncecase.

      9. Toffee – Ooops, please see my response immediately above at 7:04pm

      10. What’s the entire premise of this thread, wee gobshite?

        That’s correct. Graham has decided that keef’s green paper isnt worth a balloon.

        But of course, being the colossal gobshite that only you can be, it’s STILL …what’s not to like?

        You complete and total moron. Please expire right the fuck this instant and give the rest of us something to cheer.

      11. Toffee – I am a little surprised that you are giving Sheila Graham more credence than Matt Wrack who as well as being the GenSec of the FBU is also the President of the TUC.

      12. Toffee – “Corbyn – the bane of your existence – is denying keef a seat.”

        Not at all, I am just pointing out that whether Corbyn wins his seat or not is irrelevant and that even is he does win his seat then Corbyn will remain irrelevant.

      13. Ok, helmet *sighs*

        Tell me WHERE I’ve given sheila graham more credence than matt wrack?

        I haven’t. So you can’t.

        Graham doesn’t like keef’s shite today, Wrack has warned of strikes if the proposals are watered down – which they obviously have been.

        Now tell me just HOW the effing eff is that giving more credence to graham, than wrack

        It just doesn’t, knobhead. You’re talking out of keef’s arse, nevermind your own, cretin.

        Oh, and I’ve at least done the odious witch the courtesy of getting her name right, something you’re obviously incapable of.

        Just fuck off and die, will ya?

      GREAT ENOUGH for THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS, even throughout the Blair creature’s infestation,
      But obviously incompatible with the SIR KEITH STARMER who REPEATS that he LED the DPP when JIMMY SAVILLE was allowed to ROAM free to MOLEST the most VULNERABLE CHILDREN and even DEAD BODIES.

      ELPHICK is much more SIR KEITH’s type

  1. Today’s news

    Forced conscription and a fluff piece on how keef is ruthless

  2. Oh, but it’s all too obvious, bellend.

    Corbyn – the bane of your existence – is denying keef a seat.

    Those poor, poor goats. 😕

    1. “Corbyn – the bane of your existence – is denying keef a seat.”

      Not at all, I am just pointing out that whether Corbyn wins his seat or not is irrelevant and that even is he does win his seat then Corbyn will remain irrelevant.

      1. And that, in a nutshell, encapsulates the kind of what passes for thinking which is driving the collective West off a cliff.

        Because it’s not about the individual, it never was. Its about what is represented. The wider values which go beyond the mere individual level.

        As the US author David Brooks notes – writing in the New York times:

        “by putting so much emphasis on individual choice [and by definition the individual over the collective], pure liberalism attenuates social bonds: In a purely liberal ethos, an invisible question lurks behind every relationship: Is this person good for me? Every social connection becomes temporary and contingent.”

        This obsessive fixation on the individual as the only permitted legitimate level of analysis is not just echoing Thatcher’s flawed ‘no such thing as society only the individual and the family’ approach but is fully in line with the pathological ravings of Ayan Rand.

        All your comments and analysis is, like that of the Starmer project, fundamentally flawed, Billy, because it cannot see beyond the limiting lens of the individual level.

        As a result, you will always be objectively wrong by definition.

    2. Toffee – Here’s some good news for you.
      You can look forward to having plenty of opportunities to have many more little rants because I am going to continue pointing out that he is now yesterdays man to those who are still deluding themselves about him. 😉

      1. And you can have zero complaints when you are yet again owned to the high heavens whenever you do so.

        yesterday’s man indeed.

        Except the messianic keef won’t be ridding you of him. It’s painfully obvious that that fact rankles with you. It eats away at your composure. All those dismissals of Corbyn, all your hopes of him buggering off onto the sunset just haven’t happened as so dearly wished for.

        And for that, someone or something will have to pay. Namely, those goats of yours.

        You very sick individual.


    So, Corbyn’s a mere irrelevance now. From the gobshite who lords it over others because you voted FOR him TWICE.

    And now he’s ‘an irrelevance’. Spoken like a jilted schoolgirl.

    Okely diddly. You won’t ever need mention him again, will ya? You won’t need to post on any future articles about him, or refer to him in any way, shape, nor form.

    Thank feck for that. Now you can be laughed at and derided solely for your unhealthy smarmer infatuation.

    And you ONLY voted for keef because ‘he was best of a bad bunch’

    What a colossal gawp.

  4. If you expect nothing you can never be disappointed, Stammer won’t disappoint me.

    1. Herr Starmer may yet surprise in this regard.

      I’d wager I’m not alone in anticipating the political equivalent of less than nothing – i.e galloping full tilt into negative numbers territory.

      1. Dave – If only you had something tangible to offer the electorate beyond your love for the corrupt fascist Putin

      2. Billy, if only you had some tangible evidence to offer for your repeated lies and misrepresentations that the evidence based points made by myself and everyone else represents “support” for any single entity.

        But you keep flunking it because, like all reductionist’s, you cannot see the world beyond that of the level of the individual. Everything has to be zero-sum; us and them; my side good, everyone else bad.

        As for alternatives these have been presented time and again. However, as you are incapable of learning – because in your self-referencing view you don’t need to learn as you think you know everything – you reject anything which does not suit your pathetic little narrative and think everyone else thinks and should think the same.

        Your so called “credible” TINA is shredded apart in this hour long interview – which has the same relevance to the UK and the rest of the Collective West as it does to the example of the US which is used.

        When the mannequin Herr Starmer or one of his clones finally takes us over the cliff on behalf of his corporate globalist controllers the example already formed in the emerging multipolar alternative will be adopted in the West as is being adopted in the majority of the planet beyond the backwater that your “credible” TINA has taken us.

        And what is really funny is that there is sod all pathetic little wannabe trolls and cheerleaders for a failed paradigm like yourself can do to stop it.

        You keep screeching into the ether, Billy, with your malice in blunderland narrative, because that’s all you’ve got. You are not here to convince anyone else. You are only here to convince yourself of an already dead offer.

    1. Toffee – I have neither the time nor the inclination at the moment to search out the relevant NPF document which is over 80 pages long only for you to tell me (and I quote) “Not reading that shite”. I’ve got more important things to do for the next few days.
      You know how to use Google so either use it or wait until I send you the link to Labour’s manifesto when it is published in a few days time. The choice is yours. 😘

      1. Send what you like.

        I don’t get so easily taken in by utter shite, unlike you.

        Relevant NPF document. Will that be the NPF that union(s) waltzed out of, citing they weren’t given any input whatsoever?

        Or is it the document graham liked last week but doesn’t this?

        Is it the basis for your miraculous green paper, the one that doesn’t and won’t look a bit like it did when first drafted, because keef can’t be remotely trusted stick to his decree, which holds as much value as the bastard hole of a polo mint?

        And you call everyone else gullible, what a gobshite.

        But then again, you’ve a propensity to attempt to put up a case for nonce protectors, and child-harming policies.

        You know, and we know, what you are.

    1. Toffee – Perhaps you should do a little research before you comment further on Ms Cohen. As can be seen below from the actual verdict of the Employment Tribunal the finding of Unfair Dismissal was on very limited grounds, most of the many claims made were dismissed.

      [this extract is a direct quote]
      “(1) The claim of unfair dismissal pursuant to section 94 & 98 of the Employment
      Rights Act 1996 succeeds, any award to be subject to deductions for
      contribution to her dismissal and under “Polkey” to be determined.
      (2) The claim of detriment because of a protected disclosure pursuant to section
      47B of the Employment Rights Act 1996 succeeds in respect of the allegation
      that she was marginalised and isolated in the period January 2020 until her
      [All the following complaints were dismissed]
      (3) All remaining claims are not well founded and are dismissed:
      a. The claim of automatic unfair dismissal pursuant to section 103A of
      the Employment Rights Act 1996;
      Case Number: 2203775/2021
      – 2 –
      b. All other claims of detriment because of a protected disclosure
      pursuant to section 47B of the Employment Rights Act 1996;
      c. Claims of direct discrimination because of race and religion or belief
      brought under section 13 and section 39 of the Equality Act 2010;
      d. Claims of harassment because of race and religion or belief brought
      under section 26 and 40 of the Equality Act 2010.

      You should read the full document – the evidence about Ms Cohen’s various actions regarding the concluded police investigations and her general conduct make for an informative and interesting read

      As for your quip about Mike Hill, his victim was awarded damages of £434,000. Does anyone know how much compensation (if any) Ms. Cohen has been awarded?

      1. Toffee – There is an interesting profile of Elaina Cohen in the Jewish Telegraph.
        Pro-Israel Elaina has no problem meeting Taliban
        THE Birmingham prospective Labour council candidate who claims that she was discouraged from standing in a predominantly Muslim ward because she was white and Jewish could not have bent over more backwards to try to understand the Islamic community.
        “Living in Bowdon, the Conservative Party felt like her natural home. Working in PR for Nynex and Trafford Borough Council, Elaina had built on her connections who encouraged her to stand for the Conservatives.
        But when she lost the Rochdale council election for which she stood as a Tory candidate, Elaina decided to familiarise herself more thoroughly with Rochdale’s large Kashmiri population.
        She said: “I was never going to win Rochdale because there was no Tory base. But there was a huge Kashmiri population – one of the largest in Britain.
        “They had a significant impact on the vote.


      2. How much compo they got isn’t important, but if you wanna go down that particular route, how much have the victims of smarmerite labour’s sex offenders, racists and those smeared as antisemite, had?

        How much has the membership data breach cost them? How much has smarmerite labour spunked on legal fees fighting spurious cases that the *legal genius* has had NO chance of winning? Hmmm?

        You mention ONE case that you think you can call Corbyn on.

        Barely a month goes by that skwawkbox doesn’t bring yet another case to our attention from smarmer’s labour.

        And we all know that the filthy pederast degenerate dewey would’ve been dismissed and disowned by the party under Corbyn, instead of being allowed to resign under the nonce protector smarmer.

        That’s what smarmerism’s about. Power at ALL costs, even if it means harbouring nonces, racists and other assorted scum of the earth.

        Small wonder you’re fully paid up.

      3. Billy – And precisely in what way does all this negate the witness testimony of, for example, ‘Victim A’ of sadism, fraud, blackmail and theft which was accepted as objective fact by Mahmood’s legal team at the Tribunal?

        It has no relevance whatsoever to the issue.

        What you are reduced to, Billy, is desperately trawling the internet to find anything to throw mud as a means of diverting attention away from the salient issue. Even using sources, like the Jewish Chronicle which, given the number of libel cases it has had to fight, can hardly be cited as a reliable or credible source.

        That you would do so in the case of rape and abuse against women to try and score cheap political points is, of course, hardly surprising given your history and record of excusing war crimes, war criminals, genocide, neo-nazis, racism, illegal regime change, the flouting of international law, and the dismantling of due process standards and principles etc. etc. in a similar way.

        Which tells everyone everything they need to know about what passes for your character Billy.

      4. Awww but Dave, he’s merely drawing our attention to the type of politically promiscuous person that Elaina Cohen is.

        I mean, it’s not as if keef has welcomed THREE toerag MPs into his party. Not as if at least one of them (a swivel-eyed far-right loon) will be kept on as an advisor, while another has already been selected (without the involvement of the CLP as far as I’m aware) to run for their seat as a smarmerite, this time. I don’t suppose the other one will be altogether detached from smarmerist labour after the next election, neither; maybe weasely screeching might be able to *accommodate* that one in some capacity.

      5. Toffee – Oh dear, if in doubt have another mindless rant.

        How much compo they got isn’t important, but if you wanna go down that particular route, how much have the victims of smarmerite labour’s sex offenders, racists and those smeared as antisemite, had?
        I’m guessing there is a reason why you haven’t done the research so that you can do more than fling around wild accusations?

        How much has the membership data breach cost them? How much has smarmerite labour spunked on legal fees fighting spurious cases that the *legal genius* has had NO chance of winning? Hmmm?
        Hmmm? Have you conveniently forgotten whose gross incompetence created the liability in the first place?

        You mention ONE case that you think you can call Corbyn on.
        A particularly egregious and very obvious one. Hartlepool’s electorate clearly indicated how pissed off they were that Labour had knowingly given them a sex-pest for a candidate.

        Barely a month goes by that skwawkbox doesn’t bring yet another case to our attention from smarmer’s labour.
        Has he really?

        And we all know that the filthy pederast degenerate dewey would’ve been dismissed and disowned by the party under Corbyn, instead of being allowed to resign under the nonce protector smarmer.
        …..and the evidence that supports your assertion that Corbyn would have reacted differently is? Taking into account the actual time-line of who knew what and when I’ve yet to hear from you what lawful actions you would have taken, when and on what grounds.

        That’s what smarmerism’s about. Power at ALL costs, even if it means harbouring nonces, racists and other assorted scum of the earth.
        …….what credible EVIDENCE do you have to back up your wild assertions?

        Small wonder you’re fully paid up.
        I’m guessing there is a reason why you have been politically homeless for the last 25 years. Why do the pretend lefties like yourself cling on so desperately to their comfort blanket of perpetual opposition?

  5. Meanwhile, as the case highlighted here…..

    …..demonstrates, it won’t just be workers who are shafted by a cabal of fifth columnist WEF/Davos Globalists who have no time for due process standards and principles which go back to Magna Carta. It will be the whole Country.

    They have already effectively declared they are above International Law – which is being jettisoned in favour of a convenient ;Rules Based Order” in which these elitists make the rules up to suit themselves and everyone else has to obey the orders.

    What chance do national/domestic laws have with these Mafia Dons running things?

    1. @Dave H

      If you haven’t seen it already, look into labours 100 day security review

  6. CH4 news saying Diane Abbott won’t be allowed to stand as a smarmerite candidate….

    ‘Well that’s me shocked’.

    Said nobody, ever.

  7. And as for the state of that jewish telegraph hatchet job ‘article’ on Cohen, with it’s: ‘Np problem meeting taliban’ shit-stirring bollocks, I wonder what they’ll make of rayner’s falling over herself to ingratiate herself to those ‘awful mooslems’

    I’ve heard far less being labelled “An existential threat to Israel”. ffs

    But there she is….appeasing those fanatics and fundamentalists

      1. Billy,, do you have any evidence that this article has any relevance whatsoever to the facts accepted by Mahmood’s legal team at the Tribunal of sadism, fraud, blackmail and theft?

        Why do you focus on this rather than the real issue if for no other reason than to seek to excuse those crimes because they are politically embarrassing for the criminals you are supporting.

      2. Dave – Do you have any that it doesn’t

        Don’t be silly, have you actually read the judgement of her employment tribunal?

        “(1) The claim of unfair dismissal pursuant to section 94 & 98 of the Employment
        Rights Act 1996 succeeds, any award to be subject to deductions for
        contribution to her dismissal and under “Polkey” to be determined.
        (2) The claim of detriment because of a protected disclosure pursuant to section
        47B of the Employment Rights Act 1996 succeeds in respect of the allegation
        that she was marginalised and isolated in the period January 2020 until her
        [All the following complaints were dismissed]
        (3) All remaining claims are not well founded and are dismissed:

        a. The claim of automatic unfair dismissal pursuant to section 103A of
        the Employment Rights Act 1996;
        Case Number: 2203775/2021
        – 2 –
        b. All other claims of detriment because of a protected disclosure
        pursuant to section 47B of the Employment Rights Act 1996;
        c. Claims of direct discrimination because of race and religion or belief
        brought under section 13 and section 39 of the Equality Act 2010;
        d. Claims of harassment because of race and religion or belief brought
        under section 26 and 40 of the Equality Act 2010.

        Which bit of the above did you have difficulty understanding?

        You should read the full document – the evidence about Ms Cohen’s various actions regarding the concluded police investigations and her general conduct make for an informative and interesting read

      3. You have NOTHING against toerag MPs joining your ersatz-toerag cabal.

        But a white Jewish woman, who once ran as a toerag council candidate you think is worthy of the hatred she supposedly deserves because she blew the whistle on a smarmerist labour MP and it’s blind eye to the outright abuse of others, exacerbated and magnified that animosity simply because she “courted the muslim population”…

        Racist. Misogynist. Nonce. Vermin.

      4. Toffee – But a white Jewish woman, [What has her race and creed got to do with her lack of credibility?] who once ran as a toerag council candidate you think is worthy of the hatred [who mentioned anything about hatred, not me. I just think that she lacks credibility] she supposedly deserves because she blew the whistle on a smarmerist labour MP [lots of accusations but very little in the way of proof, you obviously haven’t read the section of the tribunals judgement that deals with the police investigation yet?] and it’s blind eye to the outright abuse of others, exacerbated and magnified that animosity simply because she “courted the muslim population”… [why are you bringing race and creed into this again, Cohen tried that one at her tribunal and it was rejected by the judge]

        It is fairly obvious that you still haven’t read the full judgement of her employment tribunal. You should make the effort before embarrassing yourself further.

        Racist. Misogynist. Nonce. Vermin.

        FFS Grow up

      5. Can you not read Billy?

        What you have posted from the IT – of which I have attended many and even been part of some myself – demonstrates that the main case was won.

        The judgement you have posted clearly states that she succeed in the main claim of unfair dismissal AND detriment due to a protected disclosure with a judgement that also accepts she was marginalised.

        The failure to prove discrimination under race, religion or belief do not undermine the fact that she succeeded in the case of unfair dismissal.

        Your transparent attempt to turn white into black by redefining a win into a loss becuae some minor elements of the case were not successful. fools no one but yourself.

        Such a pathetic attempt at trying to sell an obvious lie is consistent with your approach to everything.

        But thanks for making the case for us by posting a judgement which demonstrates the success of the case and which clearly undermines your own argument.

        Another own goal, Billy.

      6. Dave – Or to quote the Judge

        “We find that the principal reason that the Claimant was dismissed was her
        conduct. In her evidence to the Tribunal the Claimant seemed to give little
        credence to the suggestion that her messages to the Respondent were
        inappropriate and offensive. Whether that was a lack of insight into her effect
        on others or reluctance to make a concession in the hearing is less clear.
        Nevertheless the Tribunal forms the view that the Claimant’s abusive style of
        communication and her propensity to involve senior people in her private
        conflict with the Respondent was the principal reason for her dismissal.”

      7. And yet, Billy, she was successful in winning the case at an Industrial Tribunal. Tribunals in which it has long been recognised are extremely difficult for plaintiffs to succeed in unfair dismissal cases brought before such Tribunals.

        The correspondence referred to and the description of it relates solely to the way in which the plaintiff acted in that specific regard. Consequently, it;

        1. Had no bearing on the decision of the Tribunal to decide that the overall claim brought for unfair dismissal was accepted, only for one specific reason within the overall claim;

        and, more importantly,

        2. Has no relevance to the facts contained in the correspondence referred to in your post (above), nor on the facts of sadism, theft etc which were presented as evidence and accepted by the Tribunal.

        What you have presented is purely based on the legal procedures which must be adhered to by the tribunal decision makers.

        For example; I have witnessed cases in which Tribunal’s have severely criticised the way in which an Employer has manipulated its own internal discipline and grievance procedures to redefine the times when certain parts of the process occurred to claim that the time limit for submitting a claim to a Tribunal had been exceeded.

        The point being that plaintiffs must exhaust all the internal procedures available from the employer before submitting a claim to a Tribunal. However, they must do so within a set time period from the original dismissal.

        The Tribunal’s were well aware of what the employer was doing in terms of manipulating the system but had no choice but to take the employer’s side because their hands were tied by the legal procedural rules on time limits.

        And that is precisely the status of this aspect of the case you are referring to. A decision based on specific procedures which must be adhered to. A decision which did not affect or jeopardise the case brought by the plaintiff which was successful.

        Consequently, your latest pathetic attempt reinforces the point made that your actions and approach, Billy, is entirely devoted to desperately seeking to find anything to discredit a witness in order to dismiss facts which you do not want to accept.

        Facts which the Tribunal has already accepted to the extent that those facts were instrumental in the decision to find in favour of the plaintiff.

        Why do that if not to not only run away from the reality of those facts but to try to discredit those Tribunal accepted facts for your own political purposes in order to absolve the complicity of the Junta running the Labour Party?

        Rather than focus on the experience of the victims here you are seeking merely to excuse the perpetrators at every turn and you deserve to be called out on this despicable and misogynist behaviour on your part Billy.

        To be frank, this is not in your own best interests. In addition to openly declaring your racist support for fascists and neo-nazis and authoritarian globalists such as Herr Starmer, and your support for those who are complicit in enabling pedophilia, you are adding probably the worst form of misogyny – that of dismissing and excusing sexual assault to excuse those complicit in harbouring those who carry out such crimes.

        And you are doing this in order to make cheap political points.

        Quite how you expect to convince anyone here of anything you say or write is testament to the unreality bubble you inhabit Billy. All you are doing is digging yourself further into a hole to which it is now impossible for you to extricate yourself.

        The ultimate example of the contract model in operation. No need for a hangman. You’ve hung yourself with the rope provided to you.

  8. mike hill – a particularly egregious case.

    dewey the child sex offender…Let me repeat that…THE CHILD SEX OFFENDERBut keef didn’t know..

    Not a single fucking peep about THAT filthy depraved animal’s case being particularly egregious. Oh, no siree.

    Never once have you condemned the animal or his degenerate offences. Or those who covered for him.


    You allied yourself with the PROVEN LIAR and it’s allegations against Claudia Webbe, calling the liar the victim.

    And that ignominious list is far from exhaustive. They are but just two examples.

    Sums you up to a tee. You are a racist nonce with a penchant for harming children.

    You have NO place in civilised society. You are a danger to society.

    You are scum. Die screaming.

    1. Toffee- NOT ONCE.
      You are wrong about that but one does occasionally wonder if you doth protest too much. 🤔

      My issue with Claudia Webb was how someone in her position was stupid enough to get herself into the situation that she did.

      Ranting is easy but I’ve yet to hear from you what lawful actions you would have taken against Dewey, when and on what grounds.

      1. The case that was brought againat Webbe (that she claimed to have made a threat about an acid attack) was found to be total bullshit, and people/broadcasters repeating the allegation have neen forced ro retract their continuation of it, you total prick.

        And NOT ONCE have you condemned dewey OR his disgusting offences. Instead we get the usual “but what would you have lawfully done?”

        Anyone can type “dewey” into the search box and read your worthless, nonce excusing comments in the ensuing threads for themselves to see the undeniable pattern.

        You excuse nonsenseism. You have paedophilic sympathies. You are a danger to children.

        Them’s the FACTS, nonce excusing racist.

      2. Toffee- NOT ONCE.
        You are wrong about that but one does occasionally wonder if you doth protest too much. 🤔

      3. Really?

        Ok. Show us all your outright condemnation of the animal dewey and his despicable crimes

        Show us your outright condemnation of those who covered for him. Including those who allowed his resignation rather than his dismissal.

        Because if you cant – and you can’t – then you have only proven beyond doubt that you excuse and mitigate for child sexual abuse.

        Which makes you every bit as guilty of the crime as the animals what commit it.

        So….let’s see these condemnations, then. 😙🎶

  9. Hmmm? Have you conveniently forgotten whose gross incompetence created the liability in the first place?

    Did Corbyn employ the Israeli zionist so-called whizz-kid to protect the data of party members?

    I don’t think he did, did he?

    1. Toffee – Like you I have no idea who contracted the third party who was hacked but I do know who cost the party £600,000 by issuing an official Labour Party statement without getting it cleared by the party’s lawyers first.

  10. I’m guessing there is a reason why you haven’t done the research so that you can do more than fling around wild accusations?

    That’s RIGHT. You’re GUESSING, you disgusting despicable creature.

    Tell me, are any of these accusations untrue?

    Has keef NOT harboured sex pests? NOT harboured racists? NOT lost people’s data? NOT accused and expelled (especially jewish) people on the grounds of supposedly being antisemitic?

    You can add the tag ‘IMBECILE’ to NONCE & RACIST.

    1. Toffee – Not guilty on all counts
      As far as I can see you have no evidence to support any of these accusations. Please feel free to try and prove me wrong.

  11. TWO shadow cabinet members are allegedly being sheltered from sexual allegations. One of those is most likely to be weasely screeching, who has been accused of sexual harassment when in the student’s union IIRC.

    Then there’s the overtly racist neil coyle, who also was under sex case allegations, and of course the animal that is dewey…Who pleaded guilty in a criminal investigation (and because it did so, the sentencing guidelines keef wrote saved the animal from a jail term)

    Far from an exhaustive list.

    You know full well who employed that israeli who lost the data and it WEREN’T Corbyn. That could be quite an expensive brief. Keef may well need to be bailed by his wealthy benefactors to get out of that one. Not that pursuing the likes of seimas milne for something keef has no evidence of, has already cost the party quite a packet already.

    And even though the ruling on Mike sivier vs labour case was that sivier could not prove EXACTLY which labour party member leaked his details, the legal genius has pursued a case against people with the exact same defence as the one that his party used in that particular case, such is the wisdom and legal expertise of the greasy slimeball.

    Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi. Jewish. Kicked out for antisemitism. Far from being the only Jewish member expunged under smarmerite labour. Tony Greenstein too, IIRC

    Therefore, guilty as charged. On ALL counts.


    1. But all that aside…This is what this country’s become

      Bussing out homeless people so hotels can put up tourists for some friggin pop bint.

      It’d never have happened under a Corbyn government. And these pricks think YOUR kids should go out and fight for THEM so THEIR litters can go and watch Taylor bastard swift?!

      Get to fuck, Britain. Seriously, just fuck RIGHT off.

      1. More information regarding the housing problems in Scotland can be found in this recent Wings article:

        “The homelessness system in Scotland has collapsed. Emergency accommodation is dangerous, sub-standard, and overcrowded. There has been an epidemic of deaths in hotels and B&Bs in recent years……

        ……Shockingly, 67 women in Scotland have died in homeless accommodation over the three-year period up to 2022, the most recent figures available, and the situation is steadily getting worse.

        In Glasgow alone, there are 242 women currently staying in hotels/B&Bs, as well as 70 families with children staying in such places.

        There is a clear lack of safeguarding in emergency temporary accommodation in general, but very little attention has been paid to the specific challenges faced by women who are stuck in the homeless system. Women are particularly at risk in mixed-sex emergency accommodation, and the hotels are notorious: multiple rapes and sexual assaults have been reported in recent months”

      2. On the matter of the Taylor Swift angle: This recent tweet highlighting a report from an Edinburgh media outlet has it that …..

        ……….a Council Officer and a representative of Police Scotland will be going on a ‘fact finding mission’ to Madrid to assess a Taylor Swift concert.

        Wonder what the Council tax payers of Edinburgh think about such a jolly?

      3. Oh well….maybe taytay (for complete and utter fs) can write a song about it.

        Never hear these twats what camp out in tents outside retailers for weeks on end, just to be the first to cop for the newest iphone, or them dullards who camp out on wimbledon common for just as long, so’s they can sit next to cliff feckin richard to watch some over hyped millionaires twot a little green ball over a net to each other – complain about the lack of accommodation.

        If these whoppers wanna go see some billionaire pop tart – especially if they’re travelling across the continent or further to get there -let them feckin well camp in the local park and leave the poor sods in their home towns; those with no roof of their own over their heads, a miniscule bit of dignity at the very least.

        I’m sick of this shit hole. Wholeheartedly sick of it.

  12. By blocking MP’s for factional reasons what has happened to the CLP members, has JC and others taken them with them, does anyone know
    In the next few days it looks like more MP’s will be prevented from standing
    To those affected let, use it to your advantage, to members, its time to vote with your feet

    1. I take it you are talking about examples such as this, Doug:

      Labour MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle has told local activists he has been suspended by the party. Lloyd Russell-Moyle is a member of the left-wing Socialist Campaign Group parliamentary caucus.

      An anonymous (to the MP) complaint has been made, apparently over a claim going back eight years.

      LP processes for assessing complaints take too long and, as a result, the LP has told the MP he is ineligible to stand in the election.

      Whilst the complaint should be subject to proper due process on the basis of innocent until proven guilty the question arises as to the timing of an alleged complaint from eight years ago at the early stages of an election campaign.

      Either the complaint will be upheld or it will not be upheld. In the event of the eventual process finding the complaint not upheld with the MP found not guilty the damage will already have been done. In such an outcome he will have been removed as an MP on the basis of a complaint found to be unfounded with no recourse to undo the damage done.

      There is something rotten in the State of Labour.

      And the point cannot be repeated often enough: If this is the way they operate against their MP’s the ordinary citizen has a great deal to fear from any administration fronted by Keir Starmer and the narrow cabal he has surrounded himself with.

      1. Dave

        Do you leave the party when the party leaves you, its not even that subtle, it’s the old ‘they have nowhere else to go ‘ strategy
        If you believe in democracy, if you believe your party is now being run by Fascists then you walk
        The Independents are the future until both Tory parties are destroyed

  13. Even the odious tory twunt pierce on GMB this morning, gets it right about smarmer.

    To paraphrase:

    “Trying to look tough, when in fact it’s megalomaniac bullying. Disgraceful”.

    And pierce is the type of toerag who keef’s trying to garner a vote from.

    And now the not-exclusively jewish jlm have stitched up faiza shaheen.

    They’d rather have ian dummkopf-schmitt reelected.

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