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Video: Reeves – ‘not convinced’ of case for tax on obscene bank profits

Shadow Chancellor refuses idea of ‘windfall tax’ on fat-cat bankers – just after being outed ‘wooing’ them

Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves – who said Labour was not the party for unemployed people – has now also made it clear it’s not the party for working people either.

In an interview, while more than four million children and nine million adults are in poverty, with many unable to afford even to ear, she said that she was ‘not convinced’ there’s any need or justification for taxing banks, who are reporting enormous – and hugely increased – profits:

Lloyds bank has just reported pre-tax profits for 2022 of £3.9 billion – almost double that of the energy companies she claims to be happy to tax and an increase of £900 million on the previous year.

Coincidentally, Reeves and Starmer have just been revealed to have embarked on a ‘charm offensive’ to ‘woo’ the city, buttering up the fat cats and reassuring them they don’t need to fear that a Labour government will be any threat to their interests for the sake of helping the starving millions.

The charmless Reeves, of course, is infamous for telling people facing unemployment that Labour is not the party for them, for cosying up to murderous former Tory Chancellor George Osborne and for wanting to deport more attempted refugees, faster. Starmer, meanwhile, has made clear that hungry children don’t trouble him enough to help them even though it would save the UK money.

Labour is managed by monsters and will be no less a continuation of Tory government than if the blue version wins.cha

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