Al Jazeera ‘Labour Files’ documentary, ignored by Establishment, wins Gold at New York awards

Wilful blindness of UK politicians and media not mirrored internationally

Al Jazeera’s ‘Labour Files’ documentary reveals the racism, sabotage and rigging committed by the Labour right during the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn – and to complete the purge of the left after Keir Starmer conned party members into voting him in as leader.

The documentary has been stubbornly and almost entirely ignored by politicians of all parties and by the Establishment media – but the international community, which does not have the same interest in covering up what went on, is paying attention.

The documentary series’ third episode ‘The Hierarchy’ – about the ‘hierarchy of racism’ of the Labour right, perpetrating and ignoring outright racism against Black, Asian and other ethnic minority people while amplifying near non-existent antisemitism in the party – has won the Gold Award for documentaries at the New York Festivals Film and Television Awards:

The Al Jazeera series represents one of the very few examples of real ‘mainstream’ journalism on the inexcusable behaviour of the Labour right – and it took an overseas broadcaster to do it. Apart from Al Jazeera, only the left independent media – and a single Conservative journalist with moral principles, Peter Oborne – have exposed the truth of the matter.

Toral Dixit, producer and director of the award-winning episode, told Skwawkbox:

The Labour Files is an important series that shines a light into the nefarious workings inside the Labour Party, largely ignored by the mainstream media. This shows how complicit the UK media are in cementing their relationship with, as they see it, the next ruling party – post General Election. I am thrilled that the international media are not so blind.

The UK looks a very different country when not viewed through the prisms, filters and veils of silence imposed by the UK’s political-media Establishment.

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