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Evans to tour Wirral doorsteps as Labour targets Jewish councillor yet again

Imagine the joy as householders answer door to that

Keir Starmer’s sidekick, dreary general secretary David Evans, is going to Wirral later today to canvass for Labour votes, according to a note sent by the party pleading with what’s left of the Labour membership to come out and join him on the doorstep:

Imagine the reaction of Wirral householders on opening their front doors to find that David Evans is the best the party has to offer them. By choosing Bromborough the party is yet again targeting Jo Bird, the popular Jewish Bromborough councillor that Starmer, Evans and supporters repeatedly smeared and then hounded out of the Labour party – along with other left-wing Jews in the party – after repeated suspensions, including to sideline her when she won election to the party’s national executive. Bird now sits on Wirral council as a member of the Greens.

Jo Bird and David Evans

But of course, Evans’ appearance on Bromborough doorsteps is more likely to enhance Bird’s chances than to harm them. If you live in Wirral and see Evans out and about with a handful of Labour councillors and staff ordered to accompany him, send pictures to

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