Greens look to become largest party on Bristol council in today’s by-election

Disgust of current and former Labour members with conduct of Starmer’s party in south-west may bring karma as Labour struggles to get boots on streets and city prepares to scrap mayoral role

Green candidate Patrick McAllister and supporters

The Greens will become the largest party on Bristol City Council today if they manage to win the Hotwells and Harbourside by-election. The party is bidding to take the seat from the Lib Dems, Labour’s campaign is said to be a non-starter and local reports say turnout is low.

The Greens had already drawn level with Labour on the council, but Labour mayor Marvin Rees had refused to involve them in the running of the council. However, the city voted last year to scrap the mayoral role.

Bristol’s Labour MPs seem as bad as their boss

Labour’s name in the south-west is mud among many current and former activists, after a series of rigged selections and cash grabs, intensifying the party’s widespread problems persuading anyone but councillors to go out and campaign, with members reluctant to be seen backing Keir Starmer’s corporatism, his pandering to racism and his lack of vision and principle.

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