Forde Report that confirmed ‘Labour antisemitism’ scam has been deleted – find it here

Labour-commissioned report that confirmed weaponisation of antisemitism and gross racism and abuse by right-wing staff still linked from Labour website but is now a dead link

The Forde Report, which was commissioned reluctantly by Keir Starmer after a leaked Labour report exposed racism, abuse and false accusations of antisemitism by the party right – and ignored by Labour and their media allies ever since – has been removed and the page that hosted it taken offline.

The party’s web page mentioning the report still exists, and the link to which it directs visitors to download the actual report is still shown:

But attempting to follow the link – which the page still acknowledges was published in full on the orders of the party’s executive – leads to a dead page:

The Forde Report took two years longer to deliver than was promised when it was commissioned, with repeated delays leading many on the left to conclude that the party was putting on the brakes to protect the guilty and their faction. When it was eventually published, it was clear that despite attempts to ‘both-sides’ the language of the report, it was extremely damning and confirmed the ‘weaponisation’ of antisemitism as a factional weapon to attack the left and Jeremy Corbyn, the racism of staff and their diversion of election funds.

This probably explains why Labour MPs and the so-called liberal media have steadfastly ignored it almost entirely – as they did with the even more damning ‘Labour Files’ documentary series by Al Jazeera.

But the evidence is clear – and those who want to see it can find it below:

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