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Skwawkbox’s top 12 exclusives of 2022

Here’s just some of what Skwawkbox revealed that would otherwise have remained hidden. If you’d like to help the site keep doing what it does, see how at the end

2022 has been a bleak year for anyone who wants to see genuine change for the better in the UK, with a succession of utterly corrupt Tory governments only mirrored in the anti-democratic, ‘more of the same’, racist and abusive disgrace of the so-called ‘opposition’ front bench.

There have been signs of hope, particularly in the rise of working people standing up for their rights and the example set by some union leaders in what opposition looks like.

Through all this, Skwawkbox has continued to expose wrongdoing and hold perpetrators to account, covering stories that the ‘mainstream’ media and their political fellow-travellers have ignored – sometimes forcing the media to actually cover them, though almost never with due credit, of course.

Below is a top twelve of Skwawkbox exclusives in 2022, selected by the site’s editor – would you choose differently?

1. Labour leader Keir Starmer covered up allegations of ‘sadistic’ abuse and criminal exploitation of vulnerable domestic violence victims, despite being warned on multiple occasions by a parliamentary staff whistleblower:

2. When the appeal court heard that the Met had withheld evidence that aided the defence of left MP Claudia Webbe, the ‘mainstream’ press ignored the revelation, but Skwawkbox was at the trial to bring you the news:

2. Unite general secretary Sharon Graham allegedly tried to have evidence in bullying complaints against her husband destroyed – and promoted him despite them – and the union did not deny it:

3. GMB union head Gary Smith wrote to the Tolpuddle Festival demanding the no-platforming of rapper and pro-Palestinian activist Lowkey. Skwawkbox revealed the full, damning letter:

4. When striking workers at the Merseyside Jacobs factory were struck by cars driven through the picket line, Skwawkbox revealed that they were driven by ‘senior management’ – an allegation that the company did not deny. GMB members won their dispute:

5. When the national media ignored the fact that, despite the resignation of one MP over sexual harassment findings, Keir Starmer was – and is – still sheltering at least two more alleged sex pests in his Shadow Cabinet, Skwawkbox was the only one to reveal it:

6. When Labour rigged and corrupted every process in the party regime’s attempt to remove hugely-popular West Derby MP Ian Byrne, Skwawkbox exposed every step, usually exclusively and again ignored or even lied about by the ‘mainstream’ media. Byrne retained his seat:

7. When the Labour right’s preferred candidate for Byrne’s seat – whose alleged bullying and hate speech toward a disabled woman had been ignored by a party that claims to want candidates that won’t embarrass the party – arrived with a mob to ‘intimidate’ Byrne supporters, Skwawkbox revealed it:

8. The Labour right rigged the Ilford South selection process to help favoured candidate, local council leader Jas Athwal – and claimed that Athwal had been ‘exonerated’ of complaints of sexual assault. But Skwawkbox revealed that the party had in fact ignored its own barrister’s advice in order to let Athwal off the hook and reinstate him:

9. When Unite’s ‘London’ management launched an alleged employment assault on Irish union legend and cancer survivor Brendan Ogle, the whole Irish energy branch threatened to disaffiliate from the union in protest. Skwawkbox was the only outlet to reveal it:

10. When the right-wing Labour regime welcomed back to the party a notorious right-wing racist, Skwawkbox revealed that the right on Labour’s national executive had made serious bullying and harassment complaints, which were supposed to be decided by the party’s ultimate disciplinary body and were set to see him expelled, simply disappear:

11. Some of the most prominent Jewish lawyers and academics in the country wrote personally to Starmer to complaint about antisemitic conduct by right-wing MP Neil Coyle. Starmer ignored their complaint – but Skwawkbox revealed them in full:

12. Skwawkbox revealed that a Labour right-winger kicked off Twitter for racist comments was a founder of the notorious antisemitism scam against Jeremy Corbyn and the left:

Thank you for reading. Skwawkbox wishes its readers a healthy and happy 2023, thank you for all your support so far. If you would like to help Skwawkbox keep doing what it does and can do so without hardship, please see the options below.

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