Announcement Breaking

Postal workers to hold no-confidence vote against ‘toxic’ Royal Mail CEO on Tuesday

Royal Mail Group workplaces will hold ‘no confidence’ votes against Royal Mail chief executive Simon Thompson across the country tomorrow morning.

Members of the Communication Workers Union (CWU), which represents postal workers, are organising gate meetings where entire workplaces will be asked to vote on whether they have confidence in Thompson’s handling of the company. The move comes as Royal Mail Group’s senior management attempted to force a take-it-or-leave-it proposal to the union that was rejected by the union’s national leadership.

The proposals, which were not in line with the direction of discussions between the two parties at conciliatory body ACAS, included demands on the union even to stop supporting mistreated workers and the end of the union itself as an independent force for workers in Royal Mail:

  • turning Royal Mail Group into a gig economy-style parcel courier
  • a non-backdated 3.5% pay increase for postal workers – far below the current annual rate of inflation of over ten percent
  • no pay increase at all for Parcelforce workers
  • a 3% pay increase and an outsourcing demand for Fleet workers, inevitably leading to compulsory redundancies;
  • demands that the CWU no longer formally supports workers who have submitted employment tribunals for unlawful pay deductions during strikes
  • demands that the CWU be removed from the workplace and transformed into a company union to help management implement plans
  • refusal to allow the CWU to negotiate revision proposals locally
  • later start and finishing times that will see Royal Mail abandoning the morning delivery period
  • cuts to sick pay
  • removal of Sunday premium payment
  • the introduction of technology that will monitor postal workers every minute of the day
  • no job security commitments at all

In response, the union’s national postal executive recommended the following proposals to help resolve the dispute:

  • an improved 18-month pay deal including back pay for all workers
  • a guarantee of no compulsory redundancies
  • the restoration of previously agreed processes for voluntary redundancies
  • a joint review of all agreements and the relationship between the CWU and Royal Mail Group
  • re-establishing the right of CWU reps to be fully involved and able to negotiate on local revisions – a right withdrawn unilaterally by the business in September in a communication sent out to workers while management was in the room supposedly negotiating with the union
  • an alternative business strategy that would see Royal Mail Group use its competitive advantage to grow as a company, instead of becoming a gig economy parcel employer

Workers will also be striking this week on Thursday 24 and Friday 25 November.

A Communication Workers Union spokesperson said:

Britain’s postal workers are hard-working, decent people – every day, they go the extra mile in keeping our country connected and safe.

They don’t deserve to have their pay smashed, their conditions ripped up and their lives wrecked by Simon Thompson, who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.

Tomorrow, they will meet across the country to vote against Simon Thompson’s toxic conduct – workers are sick of his attacks on their lives and their union.

It’s time Royal Mail understands that a few men at the top aren’t worth more than the loyalty of 115,000 workers.

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  1. Whos pulling the strings in this attempt to take the working class back hundreds of years in the treatment of the labour force
    Tyrant seeks to “provoke” in a coordinated effort that goes beyond the postal service and is a trap.for the unions.IN the old days we knew that business just needed a profit to keep the sharholders happy and a attempt to at least show some respect even if it was a sham.This has the smell of a political war against the working class and the unions.
    .Theres no longer any choice but a full blown General strike to save the people and the unions from serfdom and oblivion
    .No great choices there but somtimes tyranny must be challanged especially when the aggression comes from those that “mugged” the people of their assets and nationalised industries.We have a trap set and the unions must be extremely careful of walking into somthing we’ve seen before with Thatcher and the conservative and unionist party…although I think that this goes way beyond just one group of right wing extremists.and stretches beyond the shores of Britain.and europe..

    1. Reply to Joseph O’Keefe
      I see you are once again calling for a General Strike and it may come to that in the end but strike action of any sort is always a last resort. Its all very well for you to talk about about opposing serfdom and tyranny etc as you are a very well heeled retiree living thousands of miles away and will be totally unaffected by a General Strike but it is very different for the people involved.
      One reason why Unions do everything they can to try to avoid strikes is that striking workers lose pay for every day they strike and as many workers are barely keeping their heads above water anyway this loss of wages causes real hardship.
      Also one day strikes are useless – in order to be effective strike action has to be prolonged and employers are well aware that (especially in the current economic climate) prolonged strike action in the form of a General Strike would be unsustainable for most workers.
      I am aware that all Unions have hardship/welfare funds but mostly these funds are used to enable Unions to make short term crisis payments to individual members. They are not designed to provide long term financial support to all members. The unions just would not have the money provide this support. If they tried to, I have no doubt their funds would be frozen just like they were during the Miners Strike and the strikers would be starved back to work, again like the miners.
      However when you look at the proposed changes to Royal Mail Terms and Conditions what option do the workers have? The same applies to workers in other areas who while they may not be facing the severe changes our Royal Mail brothers and sisters are facing , have seen their wages slashed in real terms.
      So as I said it might come to a General Strike in the end but given the
      real hardship this will involve its not something most workers want or could sustain in my opinion.

      1. Reply to Joseph O Keefe
        I don’t know you personally Joseph and have formed my opinions about your wealth based solely on your posts which make it absolutely clear your are the very least extremely well off, probably much richer than the rest of us.
        You have stated in your posts that you were a self employed businessman and property speculator prior to moving to France/ Cambodia where although you have retired from your main businesses you work for a NGO/ charity out there. Therefore it is unlikely that you have ever been on strike in your life.
        I have been and I know the sacrifice it involves particularly for people living hand to mouth to start of with but sometimes striking is the only option left to workers who are being financially and otherwise being exploited by unscrupulous employers. It looks likely to me that major strike actions will be unavoidable in many workplaces in the coming weeks and months. A General Strike may well follow.
        However this is not something to crow about because it is the striking workers and their families who will suffer most in what is going to be a very hard winter for the majority of us.

    2. Smartboy another opinion is always welcome but from you who I see it as increasingly trolling for the sake of trolling.My veiws are made on lifes experience and I understand real poverty and inequality better than most.Your uninformed speculation on my wealth is absolute nonsense and idle speculation.I see poverty everyday and although retired I still do “somthing about it “and feed the hungry and provide clean water and sanitation localy.Where I am does not prohibit me from having a opinion on fighting for the working class and the unions.Stop trolling and get up off your backside and stop feeding the parasites labour party.!

      1. Reply to Joseph O’Keefe
        Please see my reply at 6.15 pm above – it was posted out of sequence in error.

      2. Smartboy……youve morphed into a nasty hypocrite and a troll who comments without any evidence just speculation on me personally and about your insights.You continue to feed the parasites labour party whilst shedding crocodile tears for the victims.thats a undisputed fact about you. in your world I am a rich man who lives in luxury in Cambodia?….. you criticise and follow me around like a headless troll firing off made up criticism because you hide behind the keyboard and “Can do”
        I pulled you up on your Trans activism and hypocritical funding for the fascist labour part a long time ago.
        Since then.Youve managed to piss off a number of people on here whos commitment to socialism and the working class have been enthusiastic but they no longer put up with your ignorance and silly intervention in the postings and have stopped postings…I see little difference between yourself and Steve H both labour party members and both similar in the approach to funding the vile starmer party…….except of course your crocodile tears whilst continuation of the funding the fascist endeavour the labour party.


        I post under my own name and have a good family life with my son daughter in law and grandchildren… post hiding away like a nasty little old man somewhere up norf and take pot shots at left wing posters until they walk away from such lies and untruths with character assassination.on themselves from you smartboy or not so smart.?
        .I will continue to post more and refuse to let you continue to use squawkbox for your personalised insults whilst interrupting the article itself and playing your poisoned games.Much of what I say only echos the veiws of the many and Squawkbox itself…No more trolling Smarmy boy 👦?and really “get a life and get a grip and most importantly seek medical advice from a qualified psychiatrist and dont forget to get your booster jab this winter….for all our sakes.!

      3. Reply to Joseph O Keefe
        Workers suffer financial hardship as a result of strike action which is unfortunately sometimes necessary. I base my opinion on my lifelong experience as a Trade Union member who has taken strike action and as senior lay official who has stood on more picket lines over the years than I can remember.
        You have posted frequently and at length about your great success as a business owner and property speculator. You have never once mentioned Trade Union membership or activism yet you have the cheek to call for a General Strike knowing little and apparently caring less about how this would affect workers (particularly low paid workers )already struggling to pay bills, keep a roof over their heads and feed themselves and their children.
        Shame on you.

      4. Reply to Steve H
        I didn’t find Joseph O Keefe’s response to my post entertaining – I found it pathetic.

      5. Insomnia seems to be the route of many of your problems Smartboy…..You can’t help yourself with your wild speculation about my status .One minute I am a right wing supporter and wealthy property speculator \developer whos retired in luxury of the Killing fields of Cambodia…..Really smarmy are you insane?
        I begin each day with a cold shower and a walk round the rice fields and inspect various pumps \storage systems and Ocassionaly empty the septic tank thats when you come to “mind”….when I think of your silly comments against genuine left wingers my blood boils and I can think of no sensible reason for alienating people of the socialist tradition unless you couldn’t care less or you are like Steve H on a mission .?Back to Cambodia….do you really think a wealthy person would choose Cambodia….not very likely much like your arguments on supporting the labour party parasites whilst being opposed to the labour party and its misfits?…..funding the parasites labour party is just getting in the way of a real working class movement and a party to celebrate the working class of Britain.

        I am a Socialist activist who started out in Peoples democracy in Ireland and later after my travels joined the labour party as a young person..Anything else you might have dreamt up is just tittle tattle and lies.Now get to bed and remember to get your booster jab this winter and seek psychiatric help before you do something silly……join a social club and visit the library (if you can find out not closed)and concentrate on getting off your backside and help the working class instead of feeding the parasites labour party.! and acting as the moderator of whos the “real socialist” which is obviously not you looser.

      6. Reply to Joseph O Keefe
        Your response is typical – no substance just bluster and the usual inferences that anyone who disagrees with you is in need of psychiatric treatment. Pathetic.

      7. Another good reason to vote Labour, their new Employment Rights legislation will resolve many of the concerns you have expressed about the current labour market.

        ▪ Fair pay agreements. “A Labour government will bring together representatives of workers and employers to negotiate pay and conditions in every sector. Collective bargaining in every sector will end the free market free-for-all that encourages undercutting, exploitation and a race to the bottom.”
        ▪ Give all workers rights from day one in their jobs: sick pay, holiday pay, parental leave and protection against unfair dismissal.
        ▪ Create one, single worker status, banning bogus self-employment.
        ▪ Ban zero-hour contracts and ensure all contracts come with minimum hours and reflect normal working life, requiring notice of shift changes and pay.
        ▪ End fire and rehire. “Labour will end the scandalous practice of fire and rehire once and for all.”
        Introduce a new right to flexible working as the default, protections for those with caring responsibilities and a right to switch off.
        ▪ Increase statutory sick pay and make it universal.
        ▪ Put mental health and safety on a legal par with physical health and safety, and make sure the laws are enforced by a new, empowered watchdog.
        ▪ Sign into law the new deal for working people within the first 100 days of coming to office.
        What’s not to like?

  2. Royal Mail plc was privatised by the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government in 2013. Vince Cable floated the company at 330p a share. Simon Thompson became its chief executive (CEO) in January 2021, receiving a salary of £500,000, plus a pension of 13.6% of base pay (about £71,400 a year). His bonuses included an unexpected £140,000 ‘short-term’ bonus in June despite industry regulator Ofcom saying it would have to look in to Royal Mail’s failure to meet its delivery target over the previous year, meaning he got an overall annual pay and perks package worth at least £753,000 so far this year.

    What’s he offering staff? 2%.

    I hope CWU members vote profusely and vote honestly.

  3. Keef – friend of business that he is- would say that these demands “aren’t asking for the earth”

    turning Royal Mail Group into a gig economy-style parcel courier

    a non-backdated 3.5% pay increase for postal workers – far below the current annual rate of inflation of over ten percent

    no pay increase at all for Parcelforce workers

    a 3% pay increase and an outsourcing demand for Fleet workers, inevitably leading to compulsory redundancies;

    demands that the CWU no longer formally supports workers who have submitted employment tribunals for unlawful pay deductions during strikes

    demands that the CWU be removed from the workplace and transformed into a company union to help management implement plans

    refusal to allow the CWU to negotiate revision proposals locally
    later start and finishing times that will see Royal Mail abandoning the morning delivery period

    cuts to sick pay

    removal of Sunday premium payment

    the introduction of technology that will monitor postal workers every minute of the day

    no job security commitments at all

    Oh!! Lest we forget …green paper 😒

      1. In the (unlikely) event keef becomes pm (stop laughing the rest of you) that wet bogroll you’re trying to flog on keefs’ behalf won’t look remotely like it does now.

        “Nowhere does it say renationalisation…”

        “…Well Andrew, circumstances have changed…”

        Anyone completely stupid enough to fall for yet another bout of keef shithousery deserves what they get….And this is his latest offering.

        One that you’re trying to peddle to us. After he shat on democracy then shat all over your remain hopes the minute he got what he wanted from ya.

        But at the minute the unions are left to fend for themselves. Keef only wants to help once he’s been elected.

        And he’s already reneged on every pledge he’s made (including your brexit).

        Putting it in writing before it’s even been debated means less than absolutely fuck-all.

        No thanks.

      2. Bore off with your credible alternative, you mind-numbingly boring two-hat.

        And desist from telling UK residents what way to think and how they should vote, when you’re not resident here (allegedly).

        No credible alternative to austerity from the muculent milksop. 🤫🤫🤫

      3. Toffee – Thanks for again taking the time to respond in your own imitable style.

        What have I said to for you to get so het-up?
        I have simply expressed my views and whether you or anyone else takes any notice of them or not is entirely up to them and yourself.

    1. “You can read Labour’s excellent Employment Rights Green Paper here…”

      And you can read Sir Keir’s 10 Pledges HERE.

      Whether you believe any of it is an entirely different matter.

  4. And they STILL call themselves ROYAL mail when they’re just another plc.

    I was paroled after 14 months by (the then) ROYAL mail just over 20 years ago because they decided to spunk all sorts of £££millions on failing EU postal services (Czech parcel post was one IIRC). Oh ..and a couple of million changing the name to ‘Consignia’ then a few more changing it back again.

    TBH I’m glad I was jibbed…shite job. I was a day off man. 6 days a week, covering 3 of the 5 biggest rounds, mainly in the scumsville area of Wallasey too.

    That’s before I mention the horrible little Napoleon of a DOM (Delivery office manager) who grassed his mates up (for the heinous crime of putting wrongly-sorted mail back in the postbox instead of traipsing back to the office) when he was a foot soldier to get the management job.

    He’s no longer at Wallasey D.O. but he’s well known as a bellend in RM offices across Wirral, possibly Merseyside. But even though he’s long-gone from Wallasey, the regime and conditions have got no better, so those unfortunate to be sentenced to the job have my full sympathy and support.

  5. The whole point of privatisation & the creation of a ‘Flexible Work Force’ is to control terms & conditions of employment by ‘casualising’ labour. It drives Neo-Liberal Conservatives in USA & European Union as the standard of living for the working classes remain constantly low & any social mobility terminated..

    1. steve101704 – Another good reason to vote Labour, their new Employment Rights legislation will resolve many of the concerns you have expressed about the current labour market.

      ▪ Fair pay agreements. “A Labour government will bring together representatives of workers and employers to negotiate pay and conditions in every sector. Collective bargaining in every sector will end the free market free-for-all that encourages undercutting, exploitation and a race to the bottom.”
      ▪ Give all workers rights from day one in their jobs: sick pay, holiday pay, parental leave and protection against unfair dismissal.
      ▪ Create one, single worker status, banning bogus self-employment.
      ▪ Ban zero-hour contracts and ensure all contracts come with minimum hours and reflect normal working life, requiring notice of shift changes and pay.
      ▪ End fire and rehire. “Labour will end the scandalous practice of fire and rehire once and for all.”
      Introduce a new right to flexible working as the default, protections for those with caring responsibilities and a right to switch off.
      ▪ Increase statutory sick pay and make it universal.
      ▪ Put mental health and safety on a legal par with physical health and safety, and make sure the laws are enforced by a new, empowered watchdog.
      ▪ Sign into law the new deal for working people within the first 100 days of coming to office.
      What’s not to like?

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