Starmer says Tarry sacked for ‘making up policy’. What about making up policy in conference speech?

Starmer’s 2018 referendum speech was not authorised by leadership – and destroyed Labour at GE19

Keir Starmer’s office has today told media – who of course are eagerly regurgitating it without scrutiny – that he sacked Sam Tarry from his front bench for ‘making up policy’, after Tarry attended a rail workers’ picket line and told cameras that workers deserve fair pay.

The idea that Tarry should need to ‘make up’ the idea that workers should have a fair pay rise speaks volumes, but the towering hypocrisy of Starmer feeding his tame media the line that the sacking was for making up policy beggars belief even for the bunch of confidence tricksters and outright liars currently running the Labour party.

After all, in 2018 Keir Starmer did exactly ‘make up policy’, inserting a line into his conference speech about remain being an option in a new Brexit referendum that had not been agreed with Jeremy Corbyn and his team and was not party policy.

Starmer bounced Labour into the insane position of making Boris Johnson look anti-Establishment – and more than fifty Brexit-voting, working-class seats were so disgusted that they punished Labour in the general election the following year, while Boris Johnson had to do no more to win than promise to ‘get Brexit done’.

The betrayal was unforgivable – and its consequences were not only foreseeable but actively wanted by the Labour right as a means of getting rid of Corbyn. Starmer then lied his way into Corbyn’s chair and promptly shredded every false promise he had made to get there. The rest is history and the diseased state of both the Labour party and the whole country is directly traceable to that treacherous act of ‘making up policy’.

Whatever you think of Sam Tarry, announcing that workers should be properly paid isn’t even on the same planet.

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