Exclusive: latest Byrne ‘result’ 16-14. 7 of his supporters not allowed in

As Skwawkbox reported earlier, right-wing hack Lee Harpin was this morning briefed by Labour staffers that Ian Byrne, national MP of the year and Liverpool most popular MP, had ‘lost’ a second ‘trigger’ ballot to decide whether Byrne will face a contest to stand as the party’s candidate at the next general election.

The vote was not even closed.

The previous night’s vote had been declared by the party to be narrowly against Byrne even though his supporters made up more than two thirds of the ballot meeting. No tellers were allowed to oversee the vote.

And Skwawkbox can reveal that last night’s Tuebrook and Stoneycroft vote has been declared by the party 16-14 against Byrne – but at least seven of his supporters were barred from participating.

The Starmer regime and its unholy allies in the North West are determined to out Byrne no matter how ugly, filthy and dishonest they have to play – and Byrne’s overwhelming popularity among members and voters means they are playing very dirty indeed.

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