Greens win seats and huge vote share gains – so Labour tweets S*N link calling for ban on eco-campaigners

Party’s plunge into ruin, shame and outright idiocy under Starmer goes faster and deeper

The Greens won seats and hugely increased their vote share in local by-elections last week and Keir Starmer never knowingly strays onto the right side of history – about the only area where he doesn’t lean right – so of course Labour followed that up by tweeting a link to an article by the hated Murdoch S*n calling for a ban on protests by environmental campaigners:

The tweet was, all too predictably, ‘ratioed’ with many more comments and quote tweets than shares or likes – and the @ToryFibs activist account summed up the idiocy of the Labour right nicely:

With environmental concerns growing ever greater and not just among young people, Labour’s obvious route to success is to push the green plans that Labour formulated under the party’s previous leader – but Keir Starmer is terrified of his predecessor and manically chasing unwinnable votes from the entrenched right, so it was always obvious he was going to crawl even further up Rupert Murdoch’s hind passage and amplify right-wing attacks on those trying to save the planet for future generations.

Under Starmer, Labour has plunged headlong into shame, ruin, hypocrisy, irrelevance and a fascism it hopes will impress those unwinnable die-hard Tories – and to all this Starmer has added idiocy: the party can’t now even make rudimentary calculations about where it can cynically position itself to fool voters into lending Starmer their support.

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