Starmer falls back to level with worst government in history

‘Twenty points ahead’? Yeah right. Starmer can’t even get ahead of a government with the blood of hundreds of thousands on its hands

During Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour party, as Corbyn faced an unending torrent of smears and lies from the media and from right-wing supposedly-Labour MPs, those same media and MPs frequently claimed that ‘under any other leader, Labour would be 20 points ahead’.

After two years of Keir Starmer, against the murderous pack of buffoons that masquerades as a government and is responsible for hundreds of thousands of needless deaths and huge damage to the UK economy, Labour is today only level with the killer buffoons – and on a downward trajectory:

Starmer’s own personal ratings are also worse than those of the head murderous buffoon, according to polling earlier this month.

Grovellingly supporting buffoons while waging war on Labour members who want genuine change doesn’t make you popular. Who’d have guessed?

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