Nu-Labour goes further than P&O: asks members to volunteer to replace workers sacked by Evans

Starmer-Evans axis has brought Labour to verge of bankruptcy. Now they want party members to fill roles left empty by sacking of staff

NOTE: the original title of this article said ‘than Peel Ports’ and should of course have said ‘P&O’. Apologies for the error.

Labour’s financial woes under the Starmer regime have long been a matter of record, with the ‘new’ (ie reheated Blairite) management squandering the massive £13 million surplus they inherited from the Corbyn period and plunging the party into such a cash crisis that the party continues to teeter on the edge of bankruptcy.

Among the many victims of Starmer’s ‘leadership’ are ninety-odd former party staff who were laid off as a supposed cost-cutting measure, after Starmer threw hundreds of thousands at right-wing former staff in a legal case the party was set to win and drove more than 200,000 members to resign their membership in disgust.

And now Starmer and co have decided, or at least sanctioned a decision, to try to outdo the disgraceful P&O Ferries by pleading with members to volunteer to work in at least one regional party office to do the work that is no longer being done by paid staff.

P&O have rightly been condemned for its callous, cowardly and sneaky decision this week to sack eight hundred maritime workers in order to replace them with low-paid foreign agency staff. But Nu-Labour sacked staff and now wants members to work for nothing to take up the slack – ‘during standard office hours’ Monday to Friday – at the party’s Midlands regional office. Duties will include:

An email sent by Labour to members asks:

Are you looking for a new and interesting way to volunteer for the Labour Party? Do you have skills and experience that you could offer to the Labour Party for a couple of hours a week?[…]

If so, East Midlands Labour Party could be looking for you. We are working to identify a team of excited and enthusiastic volunteers to support the work of the regional office. If you are interested please complete the volunteer information form attached and we will be in touch to discuss how you can join our growing team of regional activists and volunteers.

Skwawkbox view:

Sacking staff and asking members to work for nothing to make up for the disastrous conduct and mismanagement of the current machine. The current Labour regime is acting worse than a ferry company now held in contempt by many UK voters. So much for ‘under new management’ and the ridiculous excuse of ‘long Corbyn’.

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