Webbe appeal conclusion delayed by judge until May

Case was due to conclude this week

The conclusion of MP Claudia Webbe’s appeal against her conviction last year on a widely-misreported single count of harassment has been delayed by the presiding judge by more than two months. Skwawkbox understands that the reason given, publicly, was ‘case management’.

Sources close to Ms Webbe said that she was ‘relaxed’ about the delay and was happy for the judge to take whatever time is needed to reach the right decision.

In what many saw as connected to the media incitement and the Labour party’s comments, a British man was arrested and charged by Irish police last November with planning to kill Ms Webbe. The so-called ‘mainstream’ media reported only the arrest of a man for planning to kill an unnamed MP – presumably because to name Claudia Webbe as the intended victim would have led to scrutiny of their role in inciting murder.

At no point has the Labour party offered the MP any support or protection. On the contrary, Labour instantly cut Ms Webbe loose and issued derogatory statements to the media despite knowing that her appeal was in process. The party behaved similarly toward left MP Apsana Begum, with staffers hovering outside the court to announce a by-election but leaving disappointed when Begum was rightly acquitted in what was clearly a politically-motivated case.

At no point does Keir Starmer appear to have said a word either to congratulate Begum for her acquittal or to show solidarity with Webbe against the horrific abuse she has received or the planned attempt on her life. Vile racist abuse toward left MP Zarah Sultana has similarly been ignored.

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