Former director condemns EHRC as unfit, ‘not independent’ and ignorant

Grey Collier reacts to leak of EHRC’s anti-trans plan

A former director of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has condemned the organisation as unfit to be accredited, after its ‘unpublished’ plan to exclude 99% of trans people from public bathrooms and other single-sex spaces was leaked.

Grey Collier tweeted, in response to the leak, that he could ‘not agree strongly enough’ that the EHRC is unfit to be accredited by the UN – and that it is not the independent body it is portrayed to be. And Collier went as far as to say that it doesn’t understand the law it’s there to protect:

This is not the first time that the EHRC has been criticised for a lack of understanding of relevant law. Leading lawyers acting for people smeared in its report on supposed ‘Labour antisemitism’ identified serious flaws in the EHRC’s conclusions and its legal basis for them.

The organisation has also been criticised before for not treating the rights of people of all groups as equally important. In 2020, black former director Simon Woolley and his Muslim former colleague Meeral Hussain-Ece – at the time the EHRC’s only black and Muslim directors and now both peers – said that they had lost their jobs for being ‘too loud’ about racism.

And of course, the EHRC refused to investigate the Conservative party for its entrenched racism and Islamophobia, despite multiple scandals involving Tory figures and repeated requests by the Muslim Council of Britain. In 2020, one of the EHRC’s directors was revealed to have made donations to the Tory party that she failed to declare when appointed.

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