Exclusive: left MPs denied funding for additional security

Failure to fund additional security measures overwhelmingly hitting left-wingers

A BBC report this afternoon has revealed that a number of MPs have not received funding for additional security measures that has been made available to other MPs in the aftermath of the murder of Conservative MP Sir David Amess.

But Skwawkbox can additionally reveal that the MPs, who do not want to be identified, who have been denied funds are overwhelmingly left-wingers. And the bias is not accidental, according to Labour insiders. One told Skwawkbox:

When you look at who’s affected, it doesn’t look random. There’s a real fear that any prospective criminal would be emboldened, so it’s important not to name names.

Measures recommended by police but either not funded or even funded but then withdrawn include reinforcements to constituency offices and additional travel budget for MPs threatened on public transport.

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