Tories exploiting community gap Starmer and Evans vacated

Labour gave up on communities and sacked all its Community Organisers. Now Tories are occupying the field from which Starmer fled

The Tories are employing ‘community engagement officers’ as Boris Johnson looks to exploit the gaping hole left by the combination of financial mismanagement and lack of vision that saw Keir Starmer and David Evans sack Labour’s entire ‘community organiser’ team earlier this year.

The Conservatives are hiring ‘community engagement officers’ ‘up and down the country to:

be our link to communities up and down the country… listening to local concerns, finding talented local candidates, liaising with MPs and ministers, and using local knowledge to support operations

Starmer’s unwillingness to actually stand for anything has frequently allowed Johnson to ‘outflank him on the left‘. Now the Tories are surging into the yawning gap left by Starmer’s lack of interest in engaging with local communities – and his inability to offer any coherent, let alone inspiring, vision – to build a local presence ‘on the ground’.

And the Tories are not just putting a toe in the water. They are recruiting across England and Wales:

Keir Starmer’s contempt for what have been up to now Labour heartlands, his inability to understand working-class communities and his lust to centralise power are allowing the Tories to make hay.

He has routinely shown himself to be unfit for the position he holds, but this conceding the field to the Tories and his outright disdain for the multiple communities attacked, smeared and damaged by the Murdoch press he is now courting are among the most unforgivable of his endless cowardices – and his outright strategic idiocy.

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