‘Centrist’ Stadlen asks whether Johnson or Starmer’d make better PM. Gets ratioed with ‘neither’ responses

Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn proposed as better than either

Former radio presenter Matthew Stadlen made the mistake of tweeting to ask whether people would prefer Boris Johnson or Keir Starmer as PM. His question was heavily ‘ratioed’ – widely considered a sign of a disastrous tweet – with far more replies than either shares or likes:

Stadlen is a die-hard Jeremy Corbyn critic who was quite happy to see Boris Johnson win the 2019 general election then switched sides as soon as Corbyn stepped down and seems to consider what was essentially centre-left Scandinavian socialism as ‘far left’:

So he’ll have been less than thrilled by the overwhelming responses to his question to the effect that there’s not a cigarette-paper between Johnson and Starmer – in fact let’s say that comparisons of both the Tory and ‘Labour’ leader to manure were not difficult to find – and that Corbyn would be better than either:

At least Mr Stadler did not include an ‘other’ option in his poll. If he had, the responses to his tweet – despite his followers arguably being more on the right of the (genuine, rather than media-portrayed) political spectrum – suggest that he’d have been even less pleased with the result.

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