Labour caved on Barnard under threat of legal action

Neo-Labour yet again unprincipled yet spineless

Earlier this evening, Keir Starmer’s Labour caved on its threat to investigate Young Labour chair Jess Barnard for ‘hostile’ social media after she challenged transphobia on Twitter.

Initial reports indicated that the party had backed down because of the widespread outrage at Labour’s continued harassment of Barnard and Young Labour, who committed the ‘crime’ of standing in solidarity with Palestinians against oppression.

But while that no doubt played a role, Skwawkbox can reveal that the key driver of the climbdown was the threat of legal action from Barnard’s legal representatives.

A source close to her team told Skwawkbox:

Atrocious that they went after a young woman for standing up against transphobia.

Labour’s grovelling apology to Barnard this evening and the party’s cowardly attempt to claim its actions were an error – which Skwawkbox will shortly disprove – make more sense now that the legal threat has been revealed.

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