Announcement Breaking

Breaking: trade unions and Labour member groups unite in call for party democracy and radical policies

Left unions and an array of member groups demand action to reclaim party and transform UK

Trade union and Labour Party member organisations have today united around a call for party democracy and transformative socialist policies, with a launch statement condemning Labour’s failure to mobilise a fightback against the “most right-wing government in living memory”.

A one-day event on Saturday 18 September will be the first in a planned series and will give voice to all sectors of the Labour left, building unity and organising around goals that serve working people from all communities.

The Labour leadership must abandon its destructive attacks on left-wing members and its proscriptions targeting left-wing groups – and focus instead on mobilising in opposition to the reactionary policies of the current Tory government, according to a statement released today by 16 labour movement organisations.

Many weeks of talks between the groups, including the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) and Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU), Campaign for Labour Party Democracy (CLPD), Welsh Labour Grassroots (WLG), Jewish Voice for Labour (JVL), Labour Black Socialists (LBS) and the Labour Representation Committee (LRC), have resulted in a joint statement of common goals and the 18 September event – the Saturday before Labour’s annual conference in Brighton.

More left unions and organisations are expected to sign up once they have consulted through their constitutional structures. Signatories demonstrate their support for the principles in the statement, not for each other’s organisations.

Unions that founded the Labour Party, and ordinary members who are its backbone, no longer feel themselves to be represented by the organisation. More than 100,000 have left since Keir Starmer became leader and the party’s finances are in crisis,” said Ben Selby, FBU Vice President and Chair of Don’t Leave, Organise, which initiated the talks.

”By organising this initial gathering – which will be the first of many – we proclaim our determination to build a movement which can reclaim our party as a democratic force for socialist transformation, offering real hope for working people from all their diverse communities devastated by the pandemic and fearful of its aftermath.”

The statement has been published on the website of Don’t Leave, Organise, an initiative launched in April 2020 to combat the demoralisation sweeping through Labour’s ranks following Keir Starmer’s election as party leader. The full statement reads:

Labour Left for Socialism – Building the Resistance

The current Tory government is the most right-wing in living memory and people are suffering terribly as a result. The Covid-19 virus has made around five million people sick, put almost half a million people in hospital and led to more than 150,000 deaths in the UK. But Labour has not organised or mobilised opposition.

The people need and deserve an Opposition worthy of the name.  Below are just some of the pernicious government actions that Labour needs to organise around and lead opposition to the Tories:

– Britain has had one of the highest per-capita COVID death tolls in the world – plus many now suffering from long-term health problems

– The impact of the pandemic has not affected communities equally: disabled people, women, people from African, Caribbean, Asian and other racially marginalised communities, those on low incomes, older people and frontline workers have been hardest hit

– Hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost, enabled by draconian anti-trade union laws, and thousands more will be lost when furlough ends

– The NHS is being privatised at speed, vast sums of public money have been squandered and corruption is rife in the allocation of contracts

– The Tories are using the worst ‘divide and rule’ tactics, whipping up racism and promoting ‘culture wars’ to divert attention from their disastrous handling of the pandemic

– Climate change poses a growing and existential threat and the Tory response is pathetic

– Our rights to protest are being severely curtailed

– Undercover police are being permitted to commit crimes, including murder

– British military forces can now commit war crimes and not face prosecution.

These are just some of the many reactionary policies of the current Tory government.

Unfortunately, on almost all of these issues, Labour has not effectively opposed the Tories; on many of the issues, Labour has rather echoed the Tories’ approach, as in its racist treatment of Black members and with Islamophobic and anti-Traveller positions put forward in election campaigns and much more.

This has enabled most of these policies to be adopted with ease, thereby encouraging the Tories to go further to the right, deepening their reactionary offensive confident in the knowledge they will face no serious opposition. 

A consequence of Labour’s failure to stand up against the Tory government has been the party’s steady decline in the polls since last summer, overwhelmingly poor local election results and huge loss of votes in three by-elections.

Meanwhile, the democracy of our own party is under threat. A growing number of local parties have been taken over by unelected officials; the Forde inquiry report has not been published; many members who have spoken out have been suspended or expelled; proscriptions have been introduced against socialist groups; Jeremy Corbyn remains without the Labour whip. As a result, over one hundred thousand members have resigned from the party over the last year. 

We will not stand idly by and allow this to continue. We are, therefore, coming together in solidarity not only with the people who are being so gravely disadvantaged by this government but against the purge of the left, which is key for the Leadership to achieve its aim of reversing the socialist policies brought in under Corbyn and to make the Party a safe place for capitalism. We stand firmly against proscriptions, and stand in solidarity with every grouping that is proscribed solely for holding socialist views. We will always oppose the proscription of any groups that remain committed to supporting Labour and that do not stand or support other candidates.

As part of the ongoing fightback, a conference has been called for Labour members and activists to discuss the changes in the party that are urgently necessary and how to achieve them. The conference will be led by party members active at local and national level and by key trade unions, and organised around specific demands:

-Restoring and strengthening democracy throughout the whole of our Party
– Ending the wave of suspensions, lifting those already unjustly imposed, reversing bans and proscriptions against the left
– Committing Labour to repeal all anti-union laws, ending zero-hours contracts and “fire and rehire”, demanding fair statutory sick pay
– Ensuring that the Labour Party is actively anti-racist and supportive of international solidarity issues
– Ensuring that the Labour Party is demonstrably committed to equalities in its practice
– Ensuring that Labour becomes a place for open and respectful political discussion and learning.
– Building on, with no retreat from, socialist policies, for example as developed after 2015.

Labour must oppose the Tories and once again make the case for a socialist transformation of society. We must fight and organise to get our party back.

The initial signatories to the statement are:

  • Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU)
  • Campaign for Labour Party Democracy (CLPD)
  • Campaign for Socialism (CfS), Scotland
  • Fire Brigades Union (FBU)
  • Grassroots Black Left (GBL)
  • Jewish Voice for Labour (JVL)
  • Labour Representation Committee (LRC)
  • Labour Black Socialists (LBS)
  • Labour Left Alliance (LLA)
  • Labour Women Leading (LWL)
  • @LabourLeft
  • Northern England Labour Left (NELL)
  • Red Labour (RL)
  • Save our Socialists (SoS)
  • Socialist Appeal (SA)
  • Welsh Labour Grassroots (WLG)

For more information on the drive for radical change, read DLO’s ‘What next for the Labour left?

Published in April 2021, this document outlined the rationale behind a call for the Labour left to come together. “Join us in reconstructing a united Labour left to make the gains so desperately needed by the many.”

Under Keir Starmer’s leadership, the party has lost at least 115,000 members and is making 90 staff redundant after already sacking its community organisers. Its finances are in a perilous state.

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      I posted immediately after Joe Biden was declared ‘President Elect’ that we should expect a disaster. While the usual BLIND swallowers of MSM bilge, were celebrating, it was obvious we should expect a RETURN to back to back wars, invasions and bloodshed, PAUSED for the ONLY period during my lifetime and that of EVERY SINGLE PERSON reading this♦️

      Well, predicting the OBVIOUS is neither unique nor demands exceptional brilliance nor secret knowledge from secret groups NO MATTER WHAT they are called. People are WASTING precious time and thought fixating on conspiracies rather than stopping them coming to pass, by eg Not enabling Mandelson’s Starmer in ANY WAY‼️

      STARMER IS BAD BAD BAD NEWS. Starmer & Co are CANCER in our party. Starmer Evans Hodge Straw Blair & other growths are ALL CANCEROUS DEADLY TUMOURS. It is INDECENT, monumentally STUPID and UNFORGIVABLY irresponsible to encourage us to support them‼️ Blunt Yes!!! Necessary to be BLUNT? YES‼️ Or the errors will be repeated. Worryingly NOTHING has been learnt by those at the top. NOTHING🔴 The same old same old are ready and willing to sacrifice us all again‼️ THAT IS NOT “DECENT”🔴

      ANYWAY back to point – HOT off the press, in 2010 OSAMA BIN LADEN, ordered that BIDEN should not be neutered. WHY because even from
      a great distance in dusty soundings amidst sandal wearers, a man had the insight to gather intelligence from OUTSIDE his bunker.

      Crazy OSAMA predicted that BIDEN will be a DISASTER… INCOMPETENT. So DONT extinguish him. Leave him to wreck with obvious Bidenesque incompetence🔴

      QUESTION – Who was accurate??? Who was regurgitating MSM TOSH❓ The great unwashed OR the oh so virtuous and “smart” “well educated” blind bunker inhabitants swallowing whole MSM propaganda PARTICULARLY from the Guardian and BBC

      This very minute, my lot are in full talk chasing and book reading about Afghanistan. They are always in search of some “expert” with whom to agree. QUESTION – What have they achieved for “the many”❓ After the GE2019, the chorus was, “we need to go to the grass roots”.

      If any of the grassroots reading, spot that type, then RUN or better yet, tell them where to stick their bunker talks and bunker readings and their barely disguised disrespect for the “grassroots”

      1. I think we need to be realistic and help people with their heads stuck in the MSM world! Many people believed Obama was “nice”, thanks to MSM, until the truth came out.
        However as for the representation of Democratic Socialism and The VOICE FOR THE PEOPLE as an OPPOSITION to TORYDOM, in The HoC, we need a Party, Be that a De-TORIED UK Labour Party or ONE New Party, that is our only options.
        Whatever it will be The PEOPLE need to decide and The PEOPLE MUST UNITE Behind that ONE DECISION.
        We were Robbed Twice GE2017/GE2019 now The PEOPLE believe they are The Minority, WE are NOT the Minority, we just need to drop our shit and work collectively and keep people’s heads out of The TOXIC MSM!

      2. skellynelly, i agree with you in essence except myths eg we were robbed. Look at the election results map, Jeremy DEPRIVED people of his long held views as evidenced by his votes. He defecated on his own reputation craving the unnecessary and DESPICABLE “LOVE” of “THEM”.

        That handed the election to Johnson. The UTTER SHAMEFUL FOG of “Constructive ambiguity” and the IMMATURE repeated nonsense of “bringing people together”‼️‼️‼️ AND the “smart” people around him who may as well be braindead who think they ate being “nice” by failing to be honest or not knowing the value of CLARITY and HONEST TRUTHS.

        The people LOST TRUST and HOPE when they saw them veing treated EXACTLY as Mandelson said ie as if THEY HAVE NOWHERE ELSE TO GO. So Jeremy and his team dished out EXACTLY what Mandelson and nest of rats pushed UNTIL ELECTION NIGHT.

        The people CORRECTLY asked WHAT ELSE will be sacrificed???

        WE NEED NEW BLOOD AND FRESH THINKING OUTSIDE THE BUNKERS with people willing to face BASIC FACTS rather than romantic convoluted myths.

        Oh, we also need to flush down the toilet the myth that we need within a large number of people within. That is TOTALLY unnecessary. The last four years proved (for those who needed proof) that a large willing army is of use only to the enemy when led by those DESPERATE to be loved by the enemy.

        NOTHING has been learnt. We can only do what we IMAGINE is our best. Those with sufficated imaginations should take their leave with out thanks and best wishes for them and their “HUNDREDS of noble causes” of which NONE has enjoyed ANY tangible success over FORTY YEARS, You are most likely to hear some of those causes here on but not from the “busy” patrons. No they are busy speaking to themselves giving USELESS shallow words. Like the multimillion pound “Charity” industry, feeling needed and admired snuffs out any inclination to seize opportunities to change the plight of those needing change. Then after FORTY years trot out the same LAZY excuses of the media and all other shameful pathetic whining.

        I PITY those who still feel that those who betrayed their trust plan to change. Does a leopard change its spots??? No! Neither those who feel it is enough to be admired for being right. Ask Chris Williamson and Marc Wadsworth and THOUSANDS of others COMPLETELY ignored. Not even a phone call. Not a word of PUBLIC thanks to those who penned open letters of support to the media.

        What sort of decent person does that? What type of integrity is that? The types who exploit the words for cheap praise but are afraid to act for fear of losing the love of the most odious Establishment guards.

        NOTHING has been learnt.

      3. It really worries me that people are not as concerned as I am about the facts that if The Powerful Ones did/wanted to they could with minimal effort steal our votes!
        Are you really happy with ONE Company providing everything for All UK GEs and with a TORY History and links who are also Civica the People who do all our Online voting also Tory History and Finally that ONE Stranger takes our votes for a 10 to 30ish Minute ride ALONE in their own Private Unmarked, Unmonitored, Untraceable Car!?
        Jesus Christ! GE2019 was the Hottest GE Europe has ever seen, never mind Britain!
        2019 was about Neoliberalism vs Democratic Socialism in Britain! The City International Conniving Criminal Business as Usual vs The City Monitored for ANY fowl play! Google, Amazon, etc Paying ABSOLUTELY 0% Tax vs Google, Amazon, etc Paying their Full Taxes! On and On and ON…..!
        There was a shitload more to GE19 than Campbell/Mandelson’s Guardian and Blair’s Simpleton People of The SUN leave/remain Propaganda/Spin!
        The Problem is that The People allowed themselves to be split several times, for several reasons and on their Bandwagons Screaming and Shouting (most hilariously the Remain Bandwagon, going frantic for something that Corbyn wrote into The Labour Party Leave Plan in Feb 2018, following the Conference!)
        ANYWAY, all those Bandwagons Screaming and Shouting so Fucking loud nobody bar quite a lot of People, as GE19 Campaign Footage clearly shows, who continued FOLLOWING, LISTENING AND HEARING Corbyn!
        For all his Faults and Fuck Ups, there is not a Politician that would have made The PM that he would have been!
        We LOST C’est La Vie! However lets not be ignorant to blatantly obvious loopholes that WILL Continue to Steal our Votes, I can’t prove anything, I think a MI 5/6 Secret Agent would find it hard proving such a thing, however those are facts if people are happy to remain ignorant to and open invitation and opportunity, that is that, but I will continue to highlight it and bring it up, without remorse.
        The “Red Wall” look at all the MPs on that Map, Bar Laura P, Laura S and Dennis, they were all Anti-Corbyn, Neolabour Party Parasite TORIES who many openly said they would campaign against Corbyn, all just part of The Sabotage on Democratic Socialism and Jeremy Corbyn!
        Disclaimer: Not Angry, just Passionate, sounds harshly sometimes! :):):)

      4. skellynelly, sinister forces CAN and DO “steal votes”. That does not mean that in GE2019 they did.

        The grand prizes of sinister forces local and “foreign entities” would have been;

        1️⃣ – A Landslide win by Luciana Berger, ESPECIALLY in Hendon and Finchley, which she chose deliberately thinking the electorate there would have fallen for the vulgar scams of her gang. Instead She and ALL her amateur dramatists were DECISIVELY binned🪣 and dumped down the toilet🚽

        2️⃣ – A crushing defeat for Jeremy, Dianne and others in their constituencies. Instead Jeremy and Dianne were RE ELECTED AGAIN for the UMPTEENTH time with the largest vote shares i think of ANY MPs. Caribbean Bolt Hole Incorporated will know the exact percentages and how many THOUSANDS of votes.

        3️⃣ – In addition to us being dragged into the Euro, Mandelson, Arsetair Campbellend and Amber Rudd’s multimillionaire ‘People’s Vote’ would not have been shat out by those the “educated” “smart” set regard as “poorly educated” “stupid” and “racist” despite the self proclaimed smart virtuous set seeing HUNDREDS of non-EU people being locked out of the Xenophobic capitalist whore house. The ref would have been an EXTREMELY EASY opportunity to “steal our votes”. No???

        Interestingly several MILLION EU citizens have RUSHED to join us “racist” “stupid” people in the now DOOMED UK because the people dismissed the mountain of trash of the incensed REMAIN fetishists in their oxygen deprived bunkers buried under their books and films from which they extract NOTHING to useful to change our self made defeats.

        4️⃣ – War Criminal Blair would be PM and EU grand Army Commanding President… at the same time mind you, in its TENTH filthy year to date.

        5️⃣ – There would have been a referendum to crown Mandelson Grand Emperor and Oligarch Lover Of the EU twinned with Epstein’s now bulldozed Caribbean child abuse property.

        skellynelly, the list is long of all the stuff of votes that would have been fixed here and abroad. It happens, but those that fix votes were equally divorced from public opinion as our “smart” “virtuous” constant talk attending and expert obsessed deadweights. “CONSTRUCTIVE AMBIGUITY” and NOTHING else, gifted our victory to Dominic Cummings’ Johnson.

        If the “vote stealers” were in touch with the ekectorate, and listened to their own MSM callers, they would have stepped in to fix the inevitable crushing of the EU REMAINIAC votes. Instead they too worshiped their polls produced by their own kind, without scrutiny EXACTLY like our own lot. Truth is stranger than fiction.

        Why, since those who DO “steal votes” DETEST Jeremy and Dianne for their best qualities did not bother to steal Jeremy and Dianne’s votes❓ Reelected YET AGAIN with around FORTY THOUSAND votes EACH skellynelly. How’s that? They could have finished Jeremy’s MP career and Harman Cooper and SIR DIP Stick Starmer would have been dancing around even more frenzied in their own filth.
        🎊🌹🌟 🎊🌹🌟🎊🌹🌟

      5. There was never a choice on Brexit and the the Main Prize was one thing, one VERY big thing and yet another reason why JC could not be PM! The removal of Our Human Rights, which carries far reaching consequences!
        The ‘Vote Stealers’ do not care about Diane/Jeremy, they only care about keeping Neoliberalism IN and Democratic Socialism OUT of UK Government!
        As I said to you, “The Red Wall” MPs who lost seats bar Laura P, Laura S and Dennis were all Anti Corbyn, Anti Socialist “The Red Wall” for the most already had a vibe of Anti Corbyn, Anti Socialist picked up from Blair’s People of The SUN! The Vote Stealers needed nothing there especially as Galloway jumped in bed with Farage with Vote Leave at any cost! If ONLY the Anti Corbyn, Anti Socialist MPs lost their seat it would smell fishy, so the Theft Required only 3 Pro Corbyn seats on the Red Wall!
        If HUGELY Popular MPs DA/JC were to loose their seats it would smell fishy!
        If Labour Lost 80 seats in a time with NO BREXIT debacle 80 Seats would have smelled Fishy, even with double the MSM propaganda drive to push Brexit as The Reason!
        Robbed or NOT Robbed:
        ANYONE who did not Vote for the UK Labour Party 2019,
        ANYONE on ANY of the Propaganda Bandwagons, including Leave/Remain,
        ANYONE who stopped hearing Corbyn’s 2019 Campaign and bought into the CHEAP MSM Spin, Smear, Lies, Propaganda,
        YOU DID THIS TO US! If you didn’t, next time you walk past a homeless person, look them in the Eyes!
        I am telling you there is a Dangerous, Wide Open Black Hole that can and more than likely was, in my opinion DEFINITELY was used by the International Powerful Ones to Stop Democratic Socialism from taking The UK Government!
        The People have been SUFFERING Thatcherite Neoliberal Governments for 42 years solid, I remember the Rage Against Thatcherism and Thatcherism Cloaked Under Blairism! So how exactly is it that for 42 years a suffering Nation could not vote out those who make them Suffer!?
        Then the once in a Life time opportunity comes along TWICE and the 42 Years Suffering People reject it! For MSM Spin and Propaganda! Did the Brexiteers actually think they will have a debate and a choice in Boris Johnson’s Brexit Plan OR that even with all the OVER AMPLIFIED NOISE (Propaganda Spin, to set off and split the Brexiteers) that the Remainers would suddenly win, against a well planned and thorough Democratic Socialist Brexit Plan, I doubt the Brexit Team Pre GE would have been the Brexit Team working on Labour’s Brexit Plan. There are many more who went in as Remain Voters, but with the EU under Microscope changed their minds than vice versa.
        AGAIN, it’s not happened, Ces’t La Vie! I am Warning there is a MASSIVE Black Hole that I Believe Stole GE19, but even if NOT, it is STILL THERE for future abuse/theft!
        I am not at all happy about my vote disparaging off radar for 10 to 30ish minutes with a stranger in their own car ALONE, and a very easily corruptible company to clone entire ballot boxes. Anyone who is happy with that arrangement, please tell me why/how!

      6. skellynelly – ““The Red Wall” MPs who lost seats bar Laura P, Laura S and Dennis were all Anti Corbyn, Anti Socialist”.

        Exactly my point. People have a right to not be taken for granted. They are right to have asked; what other long held beliefs would have been DILUTED or ABANDONED despite their CLEAR choice???

      7. People have a Right, GE2019 was our Last Chance to bring back prosperity by the Green Revolution, Save our NHS, Have Social Care, etc, etc especially to areas neglected for so many years, like The Red Wall and of sheer stupid spite People used their Votes to not be taken for granted, by voting against the ONE and only Party that would NOT have taken them for granted!?
        I prefer to think it was a Robbery.
        Looks to me that the entire Red Wall are Blair/Murdoch’s People of The Sun!
        Again it is done! Ces’t La Vie!

      8. strange logic skellynelly, vote for for those who openly took them for granted and insulted them with SIR Keth Starmer Mr Remain’s “CONSTRUCTIVE AMBIGUITY”.

        BTW – i hear Jeremy has at last decided not to trust Starmer & his gang who want him to give a full apology and retract his Facebook statement in order to be readmitted. Of course OBVIOUS to me, if he apologises for the BILLIONTH time, evil forces will indeed claim it his admitting that he is an a-S. That was ALWAYS the plan which was ALSO ALWAYS made OBVIOUS to those listening OUTSIDE the bunker.

        I also hear Jeremy was SHELL SHOCKED rigid … STUNNED that after 58 years as a Labour member and being the Party Leader, those “he did EVERYTHING TO MAKE … LOVE HIM” suspended him AND withdrew the Whip.

        This is an opportunity for people to observe and learn. Some NEVER will.

        I understand Jeremy is still DESPERATE to be readmitted.

        Starmer’s lot believe, if Jeremy stands as an independent, despite his huge majority now, he would lose.

        In my opinion, if Jeremy ditches EVERY SINGLE WHITE FLAG SHAGGER, and gets out of the bunker in which he has grown accustomed, he could EASILY humiliate Mandelson and his gang by defeating ANYONE they put up.

        They the parasites also fail to learn SOME things, due to arrogance. But my concern is OUR welfare not theirs. Jeremy has much in his favour. Yet his most potent enemies are himself and those who love him, and those who don’t whom he trusted. The latter don’t hate him but they felt if he could be leader, they could be better leaders than him DESPITE having been rejected previously. Jeremy lacked personal ambition. That i believe should be a KEY qualification for a Left Leader. I may be wrong but i do feel anyone who dreams of becoming PM /President eg Alexander of Piffle Johnson, should NEVER be allowed anywhere near those positions.

        HOWEVER – the fact that “if the Whip were restored to Jeremy, he would be back in a flash” according to John McDonnell; AND judging from Jeremy’s conduct in the main since stepping down, i.e. his worst habits, large periods of absence, silence, keeping head down, etc and on Wednesday when i finally lost all hope in him, saw him revert to the same scattergun press all virtuous buttons style, i was crushed, as some may have detected in my recent posts. That was yet another opportunity and he was outshone by every Tom Dick Harry Theresa and Gertrude. Hair pulling out sadness.

        The Afghanistan tragedy was a chance for him speak in a tangible way. Instead we got his usual vague niceness which “appeals” i’ve now learnt EVEN to some at the sharp end of life.

        EXACTLY as with his foundation launch, of which the unwashed general public including me, have heard ZILCH since, we were treated to a hundred and one VAGUE virtuous button pressing … sincere yes but it was winds of nothing TANGIBLE will be done to ACHIEVE any of the hundred plus mentions. Once heard, the thought was there we go again. Prepared to carry on appealing to bastards to do what we wish, DESPITE FIFTY EIGHT YEARS living through and EXPERIENCING the opposite.

        There is ZERO concrete resolve. EXACTLY as he has been i suspect for the last forty or even sixty years.

        The failure of CND, or March against the war for eg to bring results did not convince him then that Mandelson Blair Starmer lot cannot be trusted EVER. Nor should we seek to trust them. Would you trust a mass murderer to look after your baby and call it “decency”??? Which reminds me. We need others to help us be our best. NO ONE who calls indecent actions “decent”, helps Jeremy or us. As Chris Williamson, Marc Wadsworth, Craig Murray, Ken Livingstone, George Galloway and THOUSANDS of others.

        I know most mean well, but THAT IS INCOHERENT AND WRONG. That is what has stultified Jeremy and us.

        Jeremy could have been the GREATEST society transforming Prime Minister we EVER HAD in my lifetime. It is a monumental tragedy to see that opportunity destroyed by well meaning people using attitudes they would NEVER use in their own jobs or in hiring a plumber, electrician or visit to the hospital for an operation.

        Who wants to be operated on by a surgeon who was never told that her technique was wrong and too many patients have died before???

        That’s why it needs repeating; we have not been defeated by conspiracies which DO exist; nor powerful entities which ALSO exist and ARE powerful. No! We have been defeated by people REFUSING to use the same attitude they expect from their cardiologist, vegetable fruit-seller or hairdresser. If any of those blamed the theatre equippers, or wholesale fruit suppliers or the names of sinister hair product suppliers who DETERMINE EVERYTHING, they would either be dead, be sick of eating rotten veg and always have the most wretched hair… and none of their “comrades” would tell them the truth because the feel that would not be “solidarity”… Your hair looks WONDERFUL comrade, they would say.

        Our situation is not as complicated as people make it.

      9. I’m not sure what JC is doing he is just a man, his legacy of “Corbynism” is far greater. This is where we The PEOPLE need to decide what we are doing Stand Up and Fight by De-TORIFYING The Party and start over again, smaller but Sabotage Free! OR Set Up ONE New Party not a thousand little ones!
        Common Sense dictates to stand and fight for the Already established Party with Unions, CLPs, etc that could be De-TORIFIED completely by the next GE and we could win several seats back from the Conservative Tories with good UK Labour Party Campaigning, making sure we spread the word of De-TORIFYING The Party and getting rid of Thatcher’s Neoliberal Neolabour Parasite TORY Party AND EVERY DAMNED THING THAT ENTAILS!
        However we will still be we could, we should by 2024 and when we are on the field and the call, CHARGE comes every bugger runs in a different fucking direction, Wah hah hah hah! I guess on the up side it will confuse the fuck out of the enemy! And then usually we are drawn back into the centre of the battle, but for once it would be nice to be prepared with one plan one vision!

      10. The very INSTANT of Mission Accomplished GE2019; Mandelson said “The Brexit argument is SETTLED”. That was followed by many (except Coyle) coup walkout ers plotters and saboteurs repeating words to the same effect; eg That’s the past, That’s finished etc INCLUDING Blair and SIR MR REMAIN Starmer as Dianne Abbott called him. Understandably bunker dwellers would have missed all that, despite the huge swarm that infested ALL the MSM i heard💠

        Is it “fishy” that in GE2019 we won the Revolutionary Socialist Republic of PUTNEY❓❓❓ And that hotbed of Chavez and Fidel enthusiasts Canterbury❓❓❓ And held almost, if not ALL metropolitan areas ALL deprived of Jeremy’s long held views delivered by him, so they believed Mandelson, Blair, Cameron, May the whole nest of TORIES who spoke to them❓❓❓

        BTW, May cried when she heard Remainers were defeated. TORY MAY CRIED!!! Wife of multimillionaire ARMS (Lockheed) investor and EU enthusiast,
        C R I E D 💦💦💦

        skellynelly you make my points. Almost ALL if not ALL the metropolitan areas even WITHIN the Red Wall were retained. Others as you agree, held previously by Jeremy & Socialism haters, LOST… DUMPED including Soubrey, Ummuna, Ellmann, Smeethe, you name it and of course BERGER in the area she claimed people were “so fearful, they have their bags packed ready to flee”. Why did they not SEIZE her promise to save them by giving her and the other “tossers” a landslide victory❓❓❓

        Twatson was smart enough to know he was going to be dumped too, not because of vote steelers but because even a repellent person like him KNEW that his Remain stance made him a gonner💠

        ps i used the term “tosser” above, because it was used by Jeremy’s son to describe Jeremy’s brother Pierce. As far as i know, BOTH Jeremy’s sons, his brother Pierce and Jeremy himself has survived that “attack”. I’m sure they will still have normal joyful family gatherings… despite adults acting as if we are precious FRAGILE china dolls💠

        For clarity, not you skellynelly. I can’t remember you pumping that embarrassing wet stuff. Makes us a laughing stock. No wonder the culture is to hide and whine. World wetting pathetic💠

        Wonder if the usual suspect and those who suddenly pop up out of nowhere, will be rushing to condemn Jeremy’s son for taking away from his family’s “appeal??? I’m thankful though. I’ve learnt that even those at the sharp end come alive to defend the strangest priorities. The battle is harder than i thought. No wonder millions feel hopeless💠

        You just could not make it up💠

        And skellynelly, to repeat, (i was expressing my worry re online voting, to someone, only last wednesday); BUT heed Ockham – The simple explanation is often correct💠

        Because votes ARE stolen, it does not mean that they were in GE2019. I do believe they were in the George Bush Election “HANGING CHADS” and i believe they were in the sack loads of POSTAL VOTES that gave incompetent wandering hands Joe Biden thousands of votes in areas with traditionally LOW turnouts and traditionally Republican💠

        It does however appear that the demographics have changed significantly including back here in the UK, but THAT USA election smells EXTREMELY “fishy” to me. The Establishment, status quo and Military Industrial Complex, were LIVID at the thought of FOUR MORE YEARS without bombing the Palestinians, and what is to come BEFORE this Autumn in Afghanistan. Four more years WITHOUT back to back bombings was a no no for the status quo. Blinkered bunkered busy Busy BUSY readers, talk attenders and film watchers and interminable cosy POLITE discussion “educated” set (many in my own “Left” CLP) were to “smart” to see the OBVIOUS💠

        Remember you read it here first, AHEAD of the curve on SKWAWKBOX.ORG long before the BBC watchers & Guardian gorgers even think to begin bloviating AFTER events as they always do💠

      11. What was fishy or at least interesting was that Mostly all Seats were Anti-Corbyn, Anti-Socialist MPs and the sear that we did win ones that even the Vote Thieves would have considered “SAFE” was all the Independent Party Anti Corbyn, Anti Socialist, Chukka,, et al all 11 seats, I am certain! So the seats with Democratic Socialist Candidates vs Neoliberal Ex-Neolabour Party TORY MPs we took from them! So there were many seats they thought were safe, but they underestimated Corbynism. My logic has good reason enough for me to suspect Robbery, but we’ll just carry on knowingly getting Robbed by the Establishment and not be phased by it.
        I don’t care if no one believes my suspicions, I care about making People aware that their Votes goes Completely off Radar, for 10 to 30 Minutes, with a Complete Stranger, ALONE, in their own unmarked untraced Car!
        British Democracy is based on trusting a complete stranger with your vote in the boot of their car!
        I care about letting people know that the 1 company that does EVERYTHING to do with ANY UK VOTING supplies everything for our GEs and has DODGY Conservative TORY Part and Ties!
        Well if people want to ignore that, all I can do is keep telling them. I’m afraid we’ll have to wait and see how many More Years of Neoliberal TORY we add to the existing 42!
        I have a hunch that The Powerful Ones already Chosen Starmer as the next PM, that will be an interesting result, knowing how many people will be voting tactically to remove the Sabotaging Parasite Tories from the Party or for a Different Party altogether!

      12. … PAUSED for the ONLY period during my lifetime and that of EVERY SINGLE PERSON reading this, during the FOUR years PRECEDING Biden♦️

        But as ever, the “smart” set correctly criticise the MSM and the Tory Parasites within our party, yet EVEN BRIGHT FLASHING HUGE MAX BILL BOARD HINTS are not clear enough for them. Those behind so called “People’s Vote” were not a big enough hint. Those behind Hillary Clinton was not enough of a hint. So smart that word for word they vomited up utter rubbish enabling wandering hand corrupt warmongering Biden who said openly in 2010 i think that he did not care about women’s welfare. Now the same “smart” people are “surprised”. They are ALWAYS surprised, but they NEVER stop to ask why?

        The tragedy is that once again, the many pay tge price and get the blame. Biden blamed the poor Afghans for refusing to fight against the MUJAHIDEEN fruits GEORGE BUSH SENIOR armed and guided. To be followed by the Taliban. The PREDICTED hornets nest being cracked open by WARMONGERING TONY BLAIR & George Bush Junior, are now doing the evils CAUSED by WMD Blair with CATALYST Joe Biden. Bet everything you own that Hilary Clinton never knowingly fails to support military interventions.

        WHEN will the perpetually “smart” self declared virtuous lot who read and learn ZILCH, depart and stay in their bunkers??? PLEASE leave the rest of us fools to try changing things. You are tiresome burdens. Your are the status quo’s most POTENT weapon.

      13. Neoliberalism vs Socialism!
        That is what they need for the UK, NO OPPOSITION PARTY and TWO NEOLIBERAL PARTIES, just like The USA. Once they can get The “Left” out of Governments they have free hand at anything they want to do and The USA has just That! Thatcher/Reagan’s Neoliberalism 2.0 with a Massive Dollop of Neoconservativism went in into “Left” Power with Clinton, then Blair, also Macron, and of course Obama, Biden and Starmer with 2.1 3.0!
        All that is required is the MSM Delusion of “The Left/ists” and off they go, a hand full of screaming Socialists to dangles around the outside like Baubles and you have a Neoliberal 3.0 “Left” Party who Bombs the Shit out of anywhere they choose and Fights Socialism and Communism to a pointless degree!

    1. What on earth has this to do with the issue? If you cannot contribute to the analysis , including critically, then please desist from comment,

      1. “Paul – get over yourself.”

        Medici cura to ipsum.

    2. Oh, I forgot – as Basil Fawlty would say “Specialist subject – stating the bleeding obvious.”

    3. SteveH
      Your grasp of the FPTP system is as impressive as your accounting skills
      Red Toriea lost 5 million votes and almost bankrupted the party, your man is hell bent on finishing the job

      1. Doug – My comment above contains only 7 words
        “The Tories have an 80+ seat majority.”
        where have I mentioned FPTP.

    4. And Keef is showing it by not even bothering to turn up and be ‘The’ official opposition. Keef adds to the 80+ majority that the Tories have. He was almost hanging out out Johnsons butt when covid kicked in !

      What is the point of Keef if all you are going to do is quote ‘ The Tories have an 80+ seat majority’ ? You may as well stay in bed, be a good bot and be mute if that’s your attitude !!

    5. Eighty? Is that all?

      I’d have put it closer to 200, meself, given that the shower of contemptible self-serving careerists have shown zero opposition.

      Unless of course, you want to tell us all of something keef & co HAVE opposed?

      Or name a policy that isn’t conservative-based?

      Or a single difference between stammerism and the most corrupt conservative government of all?

      You put them there, you should explain why people should replace them with more of the same – and if they’re NOT the same then you should explain the difference.

      1. Toffee – “Or name a policy that isn’t conservative-based

        Please, could you define what you mean by “conservative based”?

      2. No. It’s fairly self-explanatory.

        Now it’s time for you to explain.

      3. Toffee – If you can’t explain your own criteria then how can you expect me to respond?

      4. Toffee – Please don’t attempt to project your own inadequacies onto me. It isn’t my fault that you are incapable of explaining your own criteria.

      5. It’s not MY fault you’re too dim to understand the question.

        Ok. Let’s try rephrasing the question to accommodate your (pretend) sudden lack of basic comprehension…

        What is the difference between stammerism and conservatism?

        That’s simple enough, even for a remedial like yourself.

      6. SteveH20/08/2021 AT 3:53 PM
        Toffee – Please don’t attempt to project your own inadequacies onto me. It isn’t my fault that you are incapable of explaining your own criteria.

        Instead of resorting to your infantile M.O. when you’ve painted yourself into a corner – how about you answer the bloody question, instead of pathetically attempting to play dumb all of a sudden?

        Oh that’s right….You CAN’T. That’s why you get derided by just about everyone, each and every day, several times per day….On every thread you post on.


        This, from the idiot what tells us we should vote stammerist labour, but refuses to give a single reason why as well as cannot count.

      7. Toffee – But you are the numpty who can’t explain the criteria of his own question. Give me an explanation of what you mean by “conservative based” and I’ll be happy to do what I can to answer your question.
        Perhaps it would be helpful if you could give an example of a current Labour policy that in your view is “conservative based”.

      8. Ok dickhead.

        A policy that has ZERO in common with conservative idealogy or based on monetarist/capitalist policy.

        There’s your criteria, cretin

        Now let’s hear it….

      9. Toffee – I’m sorry for being so blunt but your so called criteria is a load of meaningless bollocks. None of the policies in the previous 2 manifestos meet this criteria.
        As I suggested above, if you are having difficulty in explaining yourself then why don’t you give an example of a current Labour party policy that you think meets your criteria of ““conservative based”.
        Perhaps the real problem here is that you can’t think of any. What was it you were saying about painting yourself into a corner.

    6. ……….an 80+ seat majority & that doesn’t include Sir Keir & his chums.

  1. Too little too late. Rescuing the Labour Party is a complete waste of time now the right wingers are in the driving seat. Left wingers are just going through the motions. A new socialist party is needed ASAP..

      1. It’s not impossible for a New Party of familiar faces and possible Union Affiliations to be organised enough to have a Candidate, for every seat, and Canvassers working their buts off in the Community to start taking seats fast. I have a feeling with a Strong Enough/United Party, and with the likes of Ken Loach, Jeremy Corbyn, Chris Williams, Marc Wadsworth, et al Many still UK Labour Party CLPs would jump ship in a flash.
        Don’t you think, Doug? Whatever we do, do we need to start doing it! We were out of time over a year ago, we have a lot of Planning and Canvassing to do whichever way we go.

      2. skellyknelly – You can build on CW’s GE19 success & personal support.

      3. Yes, just like your “80 Seat” Mention Pure Robbery, and the Conservative Party Tories did not even have to lift a finger, it was ALL DONE, for them by their Most Esteemed Colleagues and Contemporaries Thatcher’s Neoliberal Neolabour Party PARASITE TORY FILTH!
        Have a nice day!

      4. skellykelly,

        Give credit where it’s due. The wormtongue cheerleaders also played their part.

  2. “The Labour leadership must” BE ABANDONED BY ALL the LEFT🔴

    The PARASITES will NOT stop “destructive attacks on left-wing members and its proscriptions targeting left-wing groups”🔴

    PARASITES will NOT “focus instead on mobilising in opposition to the reactionary policies of the current Tory government” That twaddle is for the birds. It does not impress me. It is discouraging to read more of the same pleading to parasites🔴

    WE the Left MUST once and for all DITCH half measures and limp threats which are REPETITIONS of hoping to convert INFESTING parasites doing what they said OPENLY they planned to do. I heard them REPEAT that they will PURGE the Left because “WE are in the wrong party”🔴

    Since they have REPEATEDLY shown that they have resolve to achieve their aims themselves. WHY then do we persist in hoping to “convert them” and “unify with them”❓ What’s that about❓ Do adults stop learning❓ Is it really that difficult to change❓

    Where is the single minded focus to “UNIFY WITH” “The Many”?

    We must stop the pathetic yearning for a Big Church. ALL FOCUS must be to return Mandelson flavoured Starmer Evans “LOYALTY”. CONCENTRATED, from EVERY direction and at every opportunity, TURBO CHARGED. We don’t have much time🔴

    COLLECTIVELY we must RETURN their “loyalty”. Its THEIRS after all. That’s the only way to regain control of our party.

  3. It’s too little, too late!

    Nowhere near enough to convince me to vote labour!

    1. Could be the Great Schism starting to happen before our eyes. Interesting that the left (of the LP) has got the money and the right has got the GE votes but I don’t think that will last. I remember Harold Wilson coming to power and he was derided as a challenger from the loony left. What we must be careful of is the optics of a split. We don’t want the normal inept and crackpot characters coming out with all sorts of rubbish (Diane are you listening at the back?) so it’s easy to rubbish the new party as student politics by another means. Burton and Trickett could shine in this.

      1. PC
        Corbyn ism is the answer no matter what the question
        Red Tories are in wrong party and off they must fuck
        We need to learn the lessons of what happened to JC himself and act accordingly

      2. You’ll like this one when I hounded JC to write the Corbynism Manifesto, some names would change on the cover, but yes, Democratic Socialism with a Corbynist Manifesto as minimum, whichever direction we go in!

      3. Doug – Totally agree with u on that 🌟🌟🌟 “We need to learn the lessons of what” Jeremy allowed and actively and passively CAUSED to happen to him. We must at last “act accordingly”

      4. PC
        Could nor disagree more on Tricket and Burhon, see lessons learnt, make the quantum leap to the next generation, we need a history maker, not more of the same that failed us under JC

      5. I am a little surprised at your mention of Diane Abbott, who is the most gratuitously insulted MP in the House.
        Is your mention;
        A) racist
        B) bigoted
        or C) racist and bigoted?

        We should be told.
        I would also add that when asked sensible questions, Diane provides clear and precise answers. Do you have an Oxbridge degree as she has? I hasten to add that I use that as a general measure of her considerable intelligence.
        And have you, like her, worked at a respectably high level in the Whitehall civil service?
        You would think that some people actually believe the usual drivel and derogatory bollocks served up in the right wing media when reporting on the left.

      6. Ludus57, i agree with u whole heartedly!!! Long b4 i joined Labour, i felt i had to tell her security to thank her for all she is doing. That was LONG b4 the Amnesty report at least TEN years ago. Dianne really needed security. I was at a birthday celebration for a dear friend i’ve known since teenager-hood!!! Dianne was in another party at the venue frequented by parliamentarians.

        Yes she often speaks slowly because she is checking her words for fear of attack. She should ditch the fear because her content is SUBSTANTIALLY SOUND. What i admire also, and can’t praise enough us her down to earth humility. PLUS DIANNE ABBOTT turns up and speaks up DESPITE attacks🌟🌟🌟
        Dianne is not a moaning minnie🌹🌹🌹

        She should treat the attacks as s HUGE compliment and encouragement. She would not be attacked by THUGS like ms Jessica Phillips, were she not absolutely spot on!!!

        Three HUNDRED CHEERS for Dianne Abbott

      7. Ludus57
        Your firmly in Alan Howard territory, constructive criticism is fine, I’m with PC on this one, she wouldn’t be in my team, but then again none of the last Shadow Cabinet would be picked, see Quantum Leap Forward

      8. Doug i disagree with u on that. U r firmly in the territory of those who r addicted to eg choosing our leaders and policies they think will gain the approval of eg Mandelson (because he is”clever”) never mind the parade of defeats, loss of Scotland, loss of vote share, loss of Hartlepool, Mandelson advised Starmer less desirable than the most sordid PM in my lifetime Alexander of Piffle Johnson… but some WILL “look and look and not see”; “listen and listen and not hear”; read and read and mot learn; sit at their kitchen tables plotting complicated tosh they call pragmatism and strategy of how to catch flies with honey instead of much cheaper vinegar… on and on ALWAYS behind the curve; ALWAYS planning to dance to the tune of our opposites. WELL MEANING yes, but sad to see any sign of reflection or courage.

        Dianne Abbott has many precious rare qualities. DESPITE more attacks for longer than ALL other MPs combined, Dianne Abbot STILL admirably TURNS up and SPEAKS up to defend her beliefs and ours MORE THAN ALL of our lot combined‼️‼️‼️

        Amnesty International and and anyone who thinks independently and is not taken in by MSM propaganda… NB, MONITOR like hawks but not taken in, will have noticed Dianne’s excellence EASILY

      9. @Plain Citizen “Could be the Great Schism starting…

        Indeed. Incisive and exciting observation, but the left doesn’t so much have the money as the people (millions of them), and the right doesn’t have the votes they lost 5 million votes from 1997 to 2010, as the support of the billionaires and global-capitalsi hegemony. As others allude to, the right is in the party ascendency and driving seat, and it is this – when not contradicted by the billionaires’ press – which allows FPTP to deliver votes to the Labour cause.

        Also, interesting that you were present in the 60s and 70s and yet recall Harold Wilson as “left”. I think you might be mis-remembering Harold Wilson’s position in the ‘broad church’ that Labour was. Sure, the enemy camp and its press denigrated him as “left”, but most party members and proper socialists were disappointed in Wilson for going from a certainly left wing comrade of Bevan in the early 1950s to asupporting the horrendously right wing Hugh Gaitskell in 1955.

        Even though we might both have lived through Wilson’s great administrations, “the past is a foreign country” and I’m not sure we should try to position Wilson with a modern global-capitalism GPS. To me, he will always be wonderfully enigmatic with his heart and mind in good left-wing places.

      10. PC: I don’t think the term ‘loony left’ was ever used in relation to Harold Wilson, and according to the wikipedia entry the term was first recorded as being used in 1977. So I think you’ve got that completely wrong.

        And Doug, are you implying that there are lessons that we are yet to learn about what happened to Jeremy, or are you saying that we know what happened to Jeremy, but ‘we’ haven’t yet learnt the lessons?

        If it’s the latter, could you elaborate.

        And what is it precisely that failed us under Jeremy, as you assert in your 1.38pm post?

    2. VOTE Neoliberal Neolabour Party TORY MPs/Candidates OUT!
      VOTE UK Labour Party MPs/Candidates IN!
      “Labour” is infested by a Parasite Party and hence there are TWO Polar Opposite Parties!
      The HOST PARTY: The UK Labour Party=Democratic Socialist=works for the benefit of THE PEOPLE!
      The PARASITE PARTY: The (New)/Neolabour Party TORIES=Thatcherite Neoliberalism=works for the benefit of THEMSELVES, The CITY, The ELITES, ESTABLISHMENT!
      If your MP/Candidate is UK Labour Party, vote for them!
      If your MP/Candidate is Neolabour Parasite Party TORY, vote for their Strongest Opponent to ensure we get rid of the Sabotaging Parasite!
      Even with a Small, but Sabotaging Parasite FREE Party, we will be far stronger and have a much louder voice, we already have the CLPs and Unions and those of us outside of the Membership can do the Dirty Work!
      I am more inclined to leaning toward get out, but our two options as I already described are both difficult paths we just have to decided as a UNITED PEOPLE what we are going to do and then do it! AS ONE!
      Even if we do have differences of opinion, we must decide, we can’t get unity running in different directions! We have seen how MSM BS split us several times 2015 to 2020 now all we have to do is avoid being split further, ONE Strong New Party or Stay and Fight Dirty, Whichever, would someone just decide and let’s start planning and activism!

      1. *Doorbell Rings – Ugh – reluctantly goes to open the door, sees a little rat-man, stares for a brief moment, sighs and slams the door shut!*

  4. I agree The “Labour Left”/The UK Labour Party is as good as dead.
    We have only two options:
    We stay and fight by VOTING OUT ALL the Neoliberal Neolabour Party TORIES, clearing out the Trash, Connivers and Saboteurs! Start again with a small but already established Democratic Socialist Party, the benefit is that it is already connected to The mostly “Left” CLPs and Unions. Even with a hand full of MPs with NO Parasite TORY Sabotage, the voice of the People WILL be heard! And we will grow fast, thanks to yet another Nightmare Conservative TORY Term (Totally unavoidable whichever route we take, even the fools who will vote for this Neolabour Party Parasite TORY Infestation! Even if Thatcher’s Neolabour Party Parasite Tories won, that is a TORY Party NOT an “Labour” Party! I am sure that I am not alone in thinking a FAR MORE DANGEROUS TORY PARTY THAN THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY TORIES, those are the BASTARD TORY FILTH who stole GE17 and GE19 from The PEOPLE!)
    We start fresh with ONE Umbrella Party, because right now we have plenty of little Parties, totally pointless, we need ONE PARTY, and Ideally ONE Party who will have a Manifesto that will instantly draw in The Unions and CLPs! Most CLPs will quite comfortably jump ship for a serious and strong Democratic Socialist Party. There are less benefits this way, but still having our contacts and comrades all over the country would help tremendously, HOWEVER it is 2 years already and we still have no competitive, strong, secure, serious, solid Democratic Socialist Party!
    ONE Party, ONE Voice, ONE People!
    That is all the options I can see, both are achievable with good Planning, Activism and Campaigning Especially those of us who are no longer Members! We can do as we want, our Activism and Campaigning has nothing to do with The Parasite TORIES!

    1. PS when I said stay and fight, I meant Dirty, REAL FUCKING DIRTY! Unleash onto them a taste of their own medicine! We go into that gutter right after the Parasite TORY Filth!

  5. Stammer is nothing more than a retarded guard dog; one that instead of guarding its owners and their property, actually attacks them and saves the burglars the job of tying them up.

    And the burglars don’t even need throw him a bone.

    1. MMM, nice metaphor, but as you’ve said youself a good few times, Starmer’s owner (and sponor) is not Labour or its members or people or causes. They are the trilateral billionaires and likudist racist multi-millionares like Trevor Chinn. Starmer’s not attacking or harming them. He’s neutering Labour for them.

  6. SteveH20/08/2021 AT 2:08 PM
    Doug – My comment above contains only 7 words
    “The Tories have an 80+ seat majority.

    Once again, wee stevie demonstrates his inability to count. And apparently, he reckons there are schools somewhere clamouring for him to teach their kids.

    God help them.


    That makes EIGHT words – NOT seven.

    17.4 is MORE than 16.1

    52 is MORE than 48

    552,000 is MORE than 460,000


    1. Toffee
      Bet a pound to a penny he doesn’t know how many fingers I’m holding up or that he could lip read

  7. “The Tories have an 80+ seat majority”.

    The FPTP voting system in single-member constituencies has an inbuilt bias for the largest party, i.e, the largest party in a constituency wins the seat often without an absolute majority of votes and wins a disproportionate number, in relation to votes won of seats, of seats nationally, sometimes without winning an absolute majority of votes in the national poll. When the loss of votes is focused in specific areas (for reasons with which we are all familiar) then the loss of seats is greater, as happened with Labour in 2019.,

    1. Paul – I along with c83% of Labour Party members support PR but until Labour are in power and able to change the voting system then we have to deal with the reality of the current situation under FPTP which has gifted the Tories an 80+ seat majority which means they can pass more or less any legislation that takes their fancy.

      1. You state quite often that a large majority of labour members support PR but you never provide proof to back up this claim!

      2. However oddly when any “Labour” votes are counted it is mostly The UK Labour Party (“The Left”) who wins, most certainly NOT The “c83% Majority” Neolabour Party Parasite TORIES!
        AND That’s AFTER “c83%” UK Labour Party (“The Left”) Members left the Party Membership!

    2. It was Robbery, who was openly after preventing Corbyn to be PM?
      USA, Israel, UK!
      One Company supplies EVERYTHING Ballot Paper to Pencil, absolutely anything to do with GEs, ONE Company with TORY history and ties!
      22:00 to 22:30ish every Ballot Box filled with our Votes vanishes off the Radar, totally untraceable, with ONE volunteer on their own in their own private unmarked car!
      How easy would it be to gain the required intel to approach 80 Corbyn hating volunteers, for Queen and Country and a Hefty Golden Handshake of Course and get the GE Company, Shaws to Duplicate xyz boxes, and switch exactly cloned boxes, only difference contains more Conservative votes!
      Then of Course apart from Laura P, Laura S and Dennis, also Stolen, all the seats lost were Anti-Socialist, Anti-Corbyn, Neoliberal Neolabour Party TORY Seats and many, like Ian Austin said they would canvas against Corbyn!
      So Again The Neolabour PARASITE Party TORIES did ALL the work FOR Their Colleagues and Contemporaries The Conservative Party TORIES!

    1. lundiel, Now THAT’s the spirit‼️‼️‼️ THAT’s the type of business we need!!! A good start to the weekend TWO weeks in a row

      1. I really hadn’t appreciated how much support you guys have. The petition has only been online for just over a week and it has already reached a staggering 1,355 signatures. Keir must be really worried.

      2. 😮, another 2 days have passed and things are still going well. The total number of signatures is now 1,662. 😲

      3. Another 5 days have passed and another 363 signatures have been added making a grand total of 2.025 signatures.

    2. Can we Expel ALL Neoliberal Neolabour Party Parasite TORIES instead, like the inbred Buffoon “#GetJohnsonOut” to replace him with whom exactly!? Priti Patel, Rees Mogg, Gove, Raab, Sunak, Grayling!? As much as it pains us and kills some of us, be patient and vote The Parasite TORIES OUT, so that we can have a Sabotage FREE Opposition Party who will without Interference, Undermining, Conniving take The Conservative TORIES ON!
      We need a TORY Parasite FREE Party First, be that The UK Labour Party taken back from The Neolabour Party Parasite TORIES or a whole New Party, that must be our one and only objective: ONE Entirely Democratic Socialist Party, based on Corbynism as the bare bones structure and anything, anyone against that is OUT, any Fake Left OUT!
      ONE Party That’s all we NEED! We need an OPPOSITION to this Government who will not Appease OR Turn Back and if that Party starts with just 10 MPs just one of them will be LOUDER and Fight HARDER FOR THE PEOPLE than the ~180 PIECES of Neolabour Party TORY SHITE combined! As is the case already with Zarah, Bel and Apsana for example! Starmer Dreams of being a Corbyn, first he needs a personality, for a start!

    3. Wow, I really hadn’t appreciated how much support you guys have. The petition has only been online for just over a week and it has already reached a staggering 1,355 signatures.

      1. timfrom – You ought to be thanking me, the numbers get a boost every time I refer to the petition. It now stands at a whole 1,406. 😉

    1. Even if it only annoys him/his supporters it’ll make me happy. All these negative opinions mount up, that’s how the media turned people against Corbyn.

      1. It might annoy his supporters (except one)

        But it won’t even register with keef. Because like our very own wee fella on here, keef has zero self-awareness due to conceit – on what should be a criminal level.

  8. Not sure what is the best strategy.
    I’m right behind all of the demands.
    Seems to me that the other demands rely on the achievement of 1, 2 and 6.
    Should the efforts be directed to getting as many people behind 1, 2 and 6 as possible and then addressing the rest once/if these have been achieved?

    1. They’re all as imperative as each other, and none should be up for any sort of bargaining.

  9. As a piece of inconsequential interest, Starmer dined in a Fish & Chip caff, in Stoke-on-Trent, at lunchtime, today.


    Why Stoke-on-Trent, you may ask? Perhaps, Smeeth, still, has a few friends in the area? Perhaps, Tristram Hunt is thinking of a political comeback, now he’s had time to get over his temper tantrum? Maybe, even, a leadership bid?

    Out of the latrine, into the cludgie. …and why not?

    1. Desperate to be seen supping with the workers when we all know he usually has pate de fois gras and a bread stick.

  10. fao Ludus57. Hypocrisy is one vice that Diane Abbott actively embraces. Criticising other MPs for sending their offspring to public school, she declared that she was not a hypocrite because her son was Black. She also had the same problem as Bernie Grant describing ‘Blonde haired, blue eyed Finnish nurses as unfit to work with Black patients’ She did indeed obtain a 2nd class degree in history @ Cambridge (along with numerous public school educated Tories) & enjoyed being fast tracked in the Civil Service. Equality, I spoke their word, quite clear, no doubt somehow, but…………..

    1. None of us are perfect Steve Richards. As ever, too many people unwittingly set a higher bar for black people and women to climb over.

      How many non black and brown people and men have been “fast tracked” not just “in the Civil Service” but throughout society⁉️⁉️⁉️ Why do you think the country is as it is??? Don’t u think Johnson, Grant Shapps, Starmer, Mandelson, Hancock, Harman of Pedophile Information Exchange enabler, Dominic Raab, and the rest, have they not benefited from EXISTING “Positive Discrimination” in favour of non blacks???

      Ask any woman or black person; they will confirm that they make contributions that are ignored, then IMMEDIATELY afterwards, a man or not black person says EXACTLY the same, and then are showered with praise.

      PURE OPEN RACISM and barely subconscious nature to keep women in their place.

      1. You may think social injustice is about skin colour & gender but I disagree; it is about the class struggle & their equal opportunities. If I want to find out what a black woman & man thinks I can ask my sister & my son,. I often talk to them. Those people that you mentioned (yes I know them they’re quite lame) share many things, including public school education, but their elite social class determines their privilege.
        One thing I often wonder about is the context of a ‘white’ dominated society & the fact that privileged groups are in the minority, that is a question of numbers, but not applicable in the class struggle..

      2. Steve Richards, if u wish to ignore research both here and in the USA which probe beyond doubt that SOME “social injustice IS about skin colour & gender”, then that is your choice. The CV names study has been replicated several times and over several decades to date. We of course also have the scarcity of women in Footsie 100 Boardrooms. And of course for several decades, it was crystal clear in the NHS; though women and black people in particular made up the bulk of staff, a vastly disproportionately high majority of senior positions were filled by non black people and men. Do you believe the black people and women were somehow inferior❓❓❓

        The same can be seen across ALL the workforce post war; Royal Mail, British Rail, British Transport bus drivers and conductors etc. The list is almost endless but alas “A man (or woman) convinced against their will, is if the same opinion still”. So my reply is not to convert you but only to express my view for the general readership of In this case, not ahead of the curve but reporting what has been observed and “replicated” for at least THIRTY years to date.

        P.S. we all have anecdotes. The most dangerously unreliable and socially toxic are those heard down the pub or in places we frequent. WHY? Those lead to the often heard “EVERYONE is saying” X,Y or Z. The truths are; only the usual people that person ALWAYS hears… note, not listen to. Listening to me, means detail and assessing for logic and hard evidence. Hence my views on the URGENCY of getting out of bunkers full of stale air with little oxygen. The resulting views are equally starved of basic logic and facts. Anecdotes should be weighed against data collected using the ‘Scientific Method’.

    2. Steve Richards…Yes the shame and hypocrisy of Abbots move to put her own children into the apparthied education system using the salary provided by her constituents who couldnt afford the same education she chose for her own children was the most powerful message of what she actually believes ..I have never criticised Abbott on here or anywhere else.up until now.That single act more than anything else for me is unforgivable.and I never did forget and ignored her .and her politics..I noticed Harman one of the Labour sisters also chose the same route as Abbott and all around a Labour government. I couldn’t give a toss about the job she engineered but that hypocrisy goes to the heart of what a Labour party stood for equality and a chance for all.Abbott’s political outlook tarnished the Labour government along with Harmon and showed were the Labour party was going.The idea that using the salary provided by her constituents to rise above her own constituents is appalling and so very very damaging…..even tony bliar got that message !

  11. No more petitions, no more pointless calls for unity. Labour is dead thanks to Max Headroom, Blair and Epstein’s Party friend Mandelson. There’s too much endemic corruption at every conceivable level in the Party for it to be reformed. Bury it and start again…..

    And I don’t care what the wind up merchant and Chief Turd Polisher says either.

    1. baz2001 – I agree with you that the self appointed guardians of ‘the left’ should set up a new party.

      1. But what should the other kind of self appointed guardians do?

      2. goldbach – Do you mean the majority of Labour Party members

      3. Toffee – It’s a question that you self evidently can’t answer yourself.

      4. Neither you nor I can know the answer to your inane question because there is so much that they are not permitted to talk about (such as whether they have confidence in the Great Leader). Get the fatwas lifted and we could find out.

      5. Why would we want to bother? The whole kit and caboodle will be ours after the next one or two general elections, which the globo-capitalist in Labour will lose with a vengence.

        In the meantime we have communities and causes to serve, and a national tragedy to be no part in.

      6. The “guardians of the left” are the Labour party. It is you who should leave. The membership card proclaims “democratic Socialist party”, not Liberal party.

  12. I already KNOW the answer.

    You just won’t admit there is NO DIFFERENCE between stammerism and conservatism.

    Otherwise you’d name one.

    You’re a gobshite. But everybody knows that, too.

    1. Toffee – Your a pumped up f’ wit who’s trying to be too clever for your own good and everyone knows that.
      As far as I can see all the current Labour party polices are in line with Labour Party principles, can you think of any that aren’t.
      Now that I’ve made my position clear why don’t you shoot me down in flames (apparently you already know the answer). I await your answer with interest.

      1. I asked you.

        Therefore, you answer me, not the other way around with you risibly questioning my far superior perspicacity.

        I’ll happily vote keef. Once you’ve sold him to me….

        Your move…. Or are you gonna have a whinge that I’m trolling you, next?

        Or will it be ‘tory boy’?

        I guarantee one thing. You won’t give an answer.

      2. Tone down the language Steve H Hall,its obvious that you are loosing the argument even with yourself…Sell outs and scabs are a cancer in any movement except yours were its viewed as a “badge of honour”

      3. The only reason any Labour leader would ever do a mass purge of socialists was that that leader was planning to abandon socialism, as Kinnock did between 1987- a massive defeat that was his fault and his alone- and 1992, by which time there were no socialist policies in the Labour manifesto alone and 100,000 good, decent socialists had been unjustly smeared as “Trots”. As a result of that, by 1997, there were no meaningful differences between Labour and the Tories at all- what “progressive” policies there were were only on trivial side issues that made no difference in anyone’s life and were all made meaningless by Blair’s pointless and unjustified militarism.

        Give us all one reason, Steve, why all socialists should NOT assume Starmer is once again going to lower Labour to the discredited, useless, and totally outdated 1997 policies- policies that helped some people then but would help no one at all but the rich now- and one good reason why, if he does that, anyone who doesn’t hate socialism should vote Labour at the next GE?

        Just getting the Tories out, by itself, is meaningless. Beating them is only worth doing if the party that beats them is committed to a completely different future than they would doom the UK to- and that includes a future without any further military interventions in any other country, especially any non-European country where any Anglo/European/American military intervention could only be reactionary and imperialist.

        As for evidence of Keir’s intent, here’s this:

  13. Instead of demanding we should vote stammerist labour, tell us one good reason WHY we should vote for it, wee boy?

    What has keef got to offer that de piffle won’t?

    Come on … Sell keef to us. What’s he promised us that he’s actually stuck to?

    What makes keef different to toeragism?

    You’ve got nothing, have you?

  14. As far as I can see all the current Labour party polices are in line with Labour Party principles

    Such as? Name some?

    .They’re in line with yours & keef’s tory-lote pnnciples, not ordinary working people’s.

  15. I love the Left in Labour, I used to be one, before leaving Labour 10 seconds after the Trilateral Commission Member & Neo-Liberal Lump of Wood was elected, perhaps I saw what was coming.
    Good to see the Left in Labour and unions are circling the wagons, I hope they can win but of course it could be albeit a Left Custer’s Last Stand?
    The nagging doubt is that tragically a majority of Labour members fell for Starmer which I would argue demonstrates that (a) they are politically niave (b) they are poorly read and (c) they completely lack a socialist analysis?
    I wish the Left in Labour well, I love them, but have this nagging feeling, although it’s not what they want, they may be joining us sooner than later?
    Then perhaps we have a Left Wing Democratic Socialist List with a candidate in every constituency and genuine socialists choose them.
    And there probably about 500,000 left wing democratic socialist activists in the UK.
    Perhaps the true reality is Starmer has to demonstrate to the rich and powerful that his Labour is absolutely no threat to their wealth and power and all they ask in return is for crumbs for diverse working people but of course well paid, rewarding careers for themselves.
    ‘The old order, Neo-Liberalism is dying.
    But the new cannot yet be born.
    Perhaps we are all being tested.
    And only the stars will ride the storm.’

  16. Yep.

    Thought as much. Nothing.

    Weirdos like you – who can’t even hold their own piss – are the reason people won’t vote keef,wee man.

    Maybe if you was to do the off from here his percentages might rise.

  17. . None of the policies in the previous 2 manifestos meet this criteria

    Wrong again, knobby.

    What about ditching universal credit, for starters? The toerags weren’t gonna… And I ain’t heard keef the leader say a dicky bird about that, have you?

    Nope. He’d put that twat liam byrne (In hell) in charge of UC if he ever got in.

    Thank Christ there’s as much chance of me bumming a 25 year old Raquel Welch on the moon than that happening.

  18. Oh more points on the Labour Right (a) they are frightened of being radical (b) the bores because of their political ignorance and lack of reading actually enjoy fighting the Left and (c) they actually believe in ‘The Great Man (or Woman) of History Thesis’ – Starmer will sort all our problems out for us?
    But perhaps it’s time for The Great Diverse Masses of History Thesis where Left Wing Democratic Socialists transform societies WITH diverse working people!

    1. Unlike ‘the left’ who didn’t put all their hopes and dreams on the shoulders of one man.

  19. Like many – I was disappointed in Diane Abbott’s chosen route to educate her children.
    As someone who failed my 11+, but still went on to get an engineering degree, her action stuck in my throat.
    I know that a few good labour members withdrew support from her for this reason.
    BUT –
    How many of us are perfect ?
    Certainly, I’m not.
    There are a few unprincipled acts in life that I would not like to be reminded of.
    There are also many Labour MPs much-worse than Abbott.
    She has stayed with the Left and paid a heavy price for it in terms of racist abuse, etc.
    Respect to her !

  20. Regarding the statement on behalf of the Labour Left – The absence of Momentum from the list of supporters is very noticeable.
    I can’t believe that their support was not sought.

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