World-famous director Ken Loach expelled from Labour – for not disowning other victims of purge

Starmer’s Labour sinks to new low

Colossus vs mini-Blair

Ken Loach, the world-famous director of films such as Kes and I, Daniel Blake, has been expelled from the Labour party. Typically cowardly, the party tried to avoid the inevitable backlash of the expulsion by asking Loach to disown those who have already fallen victim to the Starmer-Evans purge of left-wingers – but of course he refused, as he tweeted this morning:

Left Labour MPs such as Jon Trickett have rightly condemned the move to expel someone of Loach’s stature and politics:

‘Immense calibre’ and ‘fine socialist’ are correct – and Loach’s expulsion is only the most high-profile in a gutless purge that exposes Keir Starmer, David Evans and co’s lack of anything resembling spine, stature or moral fibre.

Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis neatly summed up its significance:

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