Analysis Breaking Exclusive

Exclusive: Labour members overwhelmingly approve motion against proscription of left groups

So-called ‘moderate’ MP present but did not participate

Rejected: Keir ‘Starmlin’

Members of Sheffield Heeley constituency Labour party (CLP) have become the first to formally – and overwhelmingly – reject Keir Starmer’s and David Evans’s assault on left groups within the party.

Starmer and Evans used their tame majority on Labour’s national executive to force through the ‘proscription’ of four left groups, making membership of or support for those groups an automatic expulsion offence, while leaving undisturbed the right-wing pressure groups that for years worked to prevent a Labour government.

Heeley members passed the emergency motion below by 30 votes in favour to 13 against, with four abstentions:

Emergency Motion on Expulsions

This CLP declares its solidarity with Socialist Appeal, Labour Against the Witch-hunt, and the Labour In Exile Network targeted for “auto-exclusion”. An injury to one is an injury to all. It will not be only the hard-working activists that these organisations provide for the labour movement that will be removed, but all members who are critical of Starmer’s weak opposition. As soon as opposition is noticed, an email from disputes will arrive, with no opportunity to appeal.

Further, the proposed creation of a `Star Chamber’ to act as judge and jury for further proscriptions and purges is a shocking and repressive move. It belongs to the dark ages and should have absolutely no place in a modern-day democratic party.

This CLP demands that all unjust proscriptions and expulsions are reversed. These attacks on rank-and-file members and party democracy are hampering collective resistance to Tory social cleansing, which continues unabated with more than 128,000 confirmed COVID deaths, harsh Trade Union suppression, and arms sales to Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Instead of attacking its own members, the party leadership should be using all its efforts to fight this criminal Tory government on the basis of bold socialist policies;

Build council homes, build hospitals, build schools, build an opposition.

Sheffield Heeley MP Louise Haigh was reportedly present on the Zoom call for the debate and vote, but did not participate.

Members of Sheffield Heeley CLP standing up against the cowardly attack on the right to organise. Who will be next?

Will Starmer and co now decide that the good members in Heeley are beyond the pale and must be expelled for this democratic expression of solidarity with the persecuted? Nobody would put it past them, but such shows of collective strength are surely essential against autocracy and Stalinism and it is likely that Heeley will be the first of many to say ‘I’m Spartacus’ – and any action the party takes against those who do will demean the persecutors, not the pursued.

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    1. URGENT – Please, does anyone have evidence of Gerard Coyne communicating with SIR Starmer? He has just claimed and insisted that “he has not spoken to starmer” 21:43hrs

      I would appreciate if anyone has evidence to the contrary. Toffee could u investigate please???

      Much gratitude.

      1. ps. no offence to others, re calling on the toffee who has demonstrated impressive sleuthing skills … TRUE “forensic” ‘without fear nor favour’.

        The very antithesis of SIR starmer who in, words and actions, perpetually and perversely is a confounded wicked Establishment toady.

        SIR Keith Rodney Starmer = bad Bad BAD news…. which reminds me. Len McCluskey, i expect u heard Coyne’s claim too, amongst his pile of drivel‼️ What IS IT with STARMER’s SHs ❓❓❓ Anyway u heard Coyne’s unliveable claim of not having spoken to Starmer. U would know such details. POST ON SKWAWKBOX.ORG. Not just Unite members, but general public needs to know Coyne’s nature is unfit to print.

      2. No, I obviously missed Coyne’s claim of not having spoken to Starmer. What was it about? Why was it ‘unbelievable’?

  1. Let us hope that their bravery isn’t pay with their CLP been suspended.
    Are going Starmer and Evans to care for this motion? Sadly I don’t think so. Thus, the priority is to defeat the right wingers at Conference.
    Let us see if the majority left Executive Committee in Unison’s prevail and ensures that Evans isn’t confirmed as General Secretary and that next year elections for the NEC are conducted under FPTP rather than STV and the recent proscriptions of left groups is reversed at Conference.
    For what I heard from London Regional Conference last week, Unison still very much dominated by the right wing. Let’s us hope that things change at Conference.

    1. Is there a reason why you want an NEC whose CLP members hold views that are less representative of the membership’s views than the current set-up is

      1. Steve H, Starmer’s supporters still support FPTP rather than PR for Local Elections and General Elections. Hence, since they favour FPTP for General Election and Local Elections as the way to obtain a strong majority in both Parliament and retain boroughs under Labour’s control rather than a more representative result, I don’t see why not I should not follow their example.
        After all, MPs and Cllrs and some TU reps are most likely to favour the right. For years when CLPs were electing right wingers the right of the Party didn’t have a problem with FPTP, It is only when CLPs starting electing left leaning reps to the NEC that the right as per usual decided to change the rules.

      2. Maria – You are mistaken Keir Starmer supports switching to PR for General Elections

      3. The vast majority of :Labour’s membership also support PR – polling shows 83% of Labour members believe the party should support changing the UK’s electoral system to proportional representation, up from 76% less than two years ago,

      4. Steve H, I mentioned Starmer’s supporters. Or are you going to tell us now that the right wing of the Party supports PR? Plus, Starmer’s is well know for saying one thing and doing another.
        I agree that 83% of Labour member support PR in the same way that the majority of Labour’s members supported Corbyn’s leadership only for the right wing of the Party to sabotage our chances.Equally, I believe that the majority of the 83% given a choice they will vote for left leaning CLP’s reps to the NEC.
        No matter how much you put forward the argument that STV is more representative ( I agree it is) the fact remains that the right wing only changed to STV to prevent the left for having a majority on the NEC and that the right sabotaged Corbyn’s leadership.
        Beside, all Trade Unions elections for General Secretary are conducted using FPTP Hence, what is wrong with asking consistency across the board? Have the elections of General Secretary at Unison been conducted under STV, we will have a different GS wouldn’t we?
        So please don’t expect me or other left members to do the right wing any favours.

      5. Maria – What I have said above is that Keir Starmer and the grass-roots of the Labour party clearly support PR.
        You can spin that however you like but it won’t change that you are the one that is is in agreement with the likes of Evette Cooper who supports FPTP but out of step with the overwhelming majority of Labour members (83% for PR with only 10% of the membership opposing PR).
        Correct me if I’m wrong but the only reasons you seem to have for opposing PR is that the Unions have yet to catch up and Keir Starmer supports PR.
        I am not a supporter of Howard Beckett but I do recognise that Unite members should have a right to be able to vote for him if they want to. Beckett would undoubtedly have been on the ballot paper if Unite used an STV system instead of FPTP.
        There have been numerous studies that have shown that FPTP hasn’t served the left very well to date.

      6. SteveH, for the record I am in favour of PR or even STV.
        However, I am very clear that the only reason the right of the Party adopted STV is to deprive the left of the possibility of keeping a majority on the NEC.
        Hence, I am merely following their example when it is convenient, in order to win. It is what really matters to the right, to win isn’t it? Winning no matter the cost to the Party and democracy.
        We should follow their example more closely and prioritise winning over them at Conference without worrying as to whatever STV is more or less representative.
        At this moment in time FPTP could give the advantage to the left and this is what matters.

      7. Maria – Could you explain how FPTP is an advantage to ‘the left’. Doesn’t it have a tendency to marginalise minorities. The main reason the Tories love it so much.
        PR in General Elections would give you the opportunity to build a ‘socialist party’ that was initially represented by about 15 to 20 ‘socialist party’ MPs. You may even find yourselves holding the balance of power.
        Or alternatively you could cut off your nose to spite Starmer.
        Why are the left so short sighted.

      8. It’s not as though the membership WANT the party to move to the right. There’s no evidence of that at all-it’s not a swing to the right that a lot of people on the left of the party have been driven away in despair, and the 6th May/Hartlepool/near defeat at Batley & Old Spen results prove that there are no votes Labour can gain FROM moving to the right of the 2017/19 policies.

        There’s also the fact that any policies to the right of 2017 are basically just the Tory manifesto, but you knew that already.

      9. kenburch – I have yet to see any policies that are to the right of the 2017 manifesto, have you?

  2. I think that particular deck chair should be over there…or on second thoughts up the front?

  3. Perhaps Right Wing Labour has to please the rich & powerful?
    And perhaps Right Wing Labour lacks the political courage and acumen to counter the Tory narratives?
    For example Western Europe will have a care crisis around 2040, there will not be enough younger people to deliver this and Govts will be crying out for care worker migrants.
    A left wing democratic socialist party would offer a counter narrative to the Tories, we have the ideas and arguments. Solidarity!

  4. I’m massively impressed that Sheffield Heeley’s is the first CLP to get through a “I am Spartacus” motion like this.

    I wonder whether its MP, Louise Haigh, is proud of them too – or if, like many-a-other Owen Smith supporter in the 2016 coup, she’s cursing her members and their democratic instincts.

    Well done Sheffield Heeley CLP.

    1. Clearly an mp out of touch that should be out the door in a democratic socialist Labour party.Conferance is already nicely stitched up and other than a few protests outside will go ahead with a good time by all excluding democracy.Withdraw from funding for the fat cats.

    2. Reading the words of the Motion it seems reasonable to anticipate that the words are more than mere sentiments limited only to one specific set of circumstances but instead are based on generic principles applicable in all circumstances?

      Principles such as subjective allegations not being equated to automatic guilt; or evidence free assertions treated as self evident and incontestable. But instead supporting proper due process in every circumstance. With a right to defend oneself against allegations and smears based on the use of testable objective empirical evidence.

      Time will tell?————————-39affacf_7215_4dc0_a33f_eed11867f065

  5. Dalton trumbo one of the ten Hollywood heroes that were witchunted by the insane Mcarthyism attacks on left wing actors,writers and directors.He wrote many successful films under aliases ,because like many others the lies against him stuck.Kirk Douglas,born in Russia and lead actor convinced Dalton that he needed to come out and stood up to the lunacy of the film moguls who followed the instructions of CIA director McCarthy.ITs very fitting that we choose I sparcatus to take on the insanity of the knights witchunt against the left..The fraud of the AS scam targeted left wing activists and was given legitimacy by the capitulation of the left wing who should have realised that it would eventually destroy mps leader and activists.I Sparcatus was a film made over half a century ago and still resonates with the belief that capitulation will eventually destroy everything you believe in and gives truth to lies.

  6. What is not helping The PEOPLE is that most of the members of one CLP rises and says “I am Spartacus” however that remains 1 CLP/~650 CLPs, which is easily dismissed and brushed under Apartheid Keith Oswald Harmer’s Bulging Rug!
    The communication Solidarity and Union between all CLPs should be open and free, instead it is secretive, fearful a bit ‘allo, ‘allo, without any humour. If All/Majority CLPs orchestrated a mass vote and All/Most said “I am Spartacus”, and slam dunked the results on Evans’ desk, now that would change the game quite some!
    We need to open Diaspora and Signal or similar decentralised and “Anonymous” Accounts and “Anonymous” Members communication platform! If we are forced to play Gestapo Games, let’s play them better than the Gestapo themselves!

    1. Spot on skellynelly….The membership have it in their hands to control at local level especially CLP offices and other assets.More importantly confidence is needed to enforce rules and regulations…not the crap from Evans or kangaroo NEC.Theyve just fraudulently disappeared millions of members money.Spaffed away as Swuawkbox says.They have proved that they are not fit to rule and the Cabal from top to bottom must be isolated and ignored.Collaborators,rogue secretary’s Chairs and others need to be “dealt with” and the Labour party take back the CLPs.

      1. Like all/most Parasites that Stupidly kill their Host, if a New Host doesn’t come by soon postmortem or does not exist, as in the case of “Labour”, the stupid Parasite ends up killing itself!
        The thing is that after such a sudden implementation of a Culture of Fear driven Politics, as that of StHarmer and Evens, it only takes one plus to stand up in unison and say: ‘Uhhm NO! FUCK OFF’!
        Their Fine Tooth Combing and Loopholing relies entirely, like Bullies, on fear and obedience. Labour is a Movement that Rejected Fear and Obedience to Master’s and now is the time for a UNITED: ‘Uhhm NO! FUCK OFF, WE ARE THE PEOPLE!!!’!
        If majority CLP and Members Disobey and Stand Up to their Fearmongering, they can only do one of two things, CHANGE or FUCK OFF! Change is not Possible because a TORY is a TORY and there will be some very shifty ‘customers’, with high expectations lurking in the shadows!
        That is why CLPs need underground communications between each other to arrange meet dates around the same time and to table the same motions, HQ will do everything in their powers to prevent CLPs and Members to either meet as one or at the same times/dates/etc or even tabling the same motions, how many Sabotaged Meetings/etc have we already seen just recently! CLPs, Members,Voters need to go underground and need to get as filthy dirty as they are, we can clean up after, their filth is inherent!

  7. Meanwhile ………………….. Craig Murray has been denied the right to appeal against his “conviction”.
    One very small step forward in Sheffield – one giant stride backwards at the Supreme Court.

  8. Last night – Leeds Central CLP monthly AMM declared overwhelmingly:

  9. Brilliant article in the morning star by Ken Livingstone “Divide and rule” .Such vision and understanding.A man betrayed by is own side who told the truth and was sacrificed by comrades to appease the right wing Labour party parasites.

  10. No, I am Spartacus…

    East Retford South (Bassetlaw), council by-election result: 30th July 2021.

    CON: 40.1% (+25.2)
    IND: 39.7% (+39.7)
    LAB: 20.1% (-47.7)

    Conservative GAIN from Labour.

    1. Brilliant turn around by Steve Hall,after Starmer visited Ipswich it seems according to Steve Hall. that the question most asked was “When are you going to restore the whip to Corbyn and publish the Ford Report.Steve Hall @boxcartrend bot sentinel seems to be pushing the boundaries on a complete U TURN….The pressure seems to be pointing the way to democracy.

    2. Thanks baz2001. Attrocious.

      So, not only does Starmer’s Labour lose a strong seat by achieving 47.7% fewer votes in the ward than it did the last time, it also becomes a third-place runner. The Trilateral billionaires must be very, very happy with their member, Keir Rodney Starmer

      Blair and Brown only cost us 5,000,000 votes (which were more than recovered at GE2017). Starmer will lose us many, many more.

      1. He isn’t Spartacus…Round 2

        Pitsea North West (Basildon), council by-election result:

        CON: 56.5% (+14.8)
        LAB: 30.6% (-16.0)
        BCRP: 5.8% (-3.2)
        LDEM: 4.1% (+1.4)
        REFUK: 1.6% (+1.6)
        FBM: 1.4% (+1.4)

        Conservative GAIN from Labour.

      2. Maybe the people of Pitsea were justifiably a little pissed off about their Labour councillor’s resignation

        “Gavin Callaghan [Labour] was re-elected for a third term in Pitsea North West with a 47-42 lead over the Conservatives, but lost the council leadership. He resigned from the council a month later, indicating that he was looking to pursue other interests.

      3. Where is Spartacus ? Round 3

        Knaresborough Scriven Park (Harrogate), council by-election result:

        LDEM: 56.6% (+19.6)
        CON: 34.3% (-4.2)
        LAB: 8.1% (-16.4)
        UKIP: 1.0% (+1.0)

        Liberal Democrat GAIN from Conservative.

    3. The by election in East Retford South was brought about by Labour councillor Helen Richards resigning over planning policy. She then stood as a candidate in the by election and split the Labour vote.

      1. No, it’s the Corbyn effect. Clearly Max Headroom is not to blame. Where has the £13m gone?

      2. baz2001 – You can make stuff up all you want but the above is what actually happened.

  11. Labour CLPs need to ask themselves whether they really want to put this man in power? For if he’s this unapproachable and high-handed with the party’s membership in opposition, imagine him in power. *shudders* With Starmer as PM another New Labour c.2003, Iraq war-like scenario seems entirely possible.

    This PLP are clearly hoping for a general election dominated by apathy; one in which the Tory press are pretty neutral because they realise Starmer is a Tory. An election where the winning party takes around 10m votes from a totally demoralised electorate.

      1. Steve H Hall….Sir Keir Starmer very clearly opposed the Iraq war.Well done ✔a bit of Opposition.He must have lost the plot after that and the clocks been stuck.But remember even a stopped clock is correct at least twice a day so once in five years since becoming a MP is on the slow train to nowhere….or Oxted in the Surrey commuter belt.

      2. Joseph – I was referring to Keir opposing the Iraq war at the time not years after the event.

      3. So he claims, but was he being disingenuous back then when he wrote that article for the guardian? He’s like a chameleon and simply impossible to trust. He wouldn’t have been elected leader if people had known he’d behave as he has to Corbyn and the left. Besides, being anti-establishment at one point in your life doesn’t mean you always will be, especially if finding money is involved in the conversion.

        Just look at the people he is closely associated in the PLP ; they themselves are associated with hawkishness and supporting military interventionism. Everyone he’s promoted and defended is from that hawkish-right wing of the party, everyone.

        If Starmer became PM he’d be on the first flight to Washington, seeking to be the next lapdog, as Blair was to Dubya Bush. It’s a nailed on cert.

      4. Andy – Could you give any examples of Keir subsequently supporting thee Iraq war. Why did Jeremy run away and hide from the Chilcot vote.

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